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Do you get on with your dad?


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Meh. It's not the worst relationship and it's not the best. We'll never see eye to eye on ANYTHING at all but I'm lucky to have him in my life. 

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I have become very close to my dad. I unexpectedly bought a home just a mile away from him and I make it a point to visit him a few times a week. My husband and I cook extra food to take to him and he's appreciative of that. My stepmother just passed away last month so we try to keep him happy. 

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1 hour ago, Bloodflowers. said:

I'm in the closet so we are good

this :laugh:

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Yes. I am very lucky in that I have very accepting, caring, loving parents. We had a rough patch but they and I have grown a lot. 

Hearing my dad say “I can’t wait for you to have a boyfriend one day”, knowing what other queer people go through with their caregivers, never fails to make me emotional. 

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My dad died when I was a baby, he was an alcoholic and I hate my stepdad so no. 

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I'm a straight woman and my relationship with my father is still almost non-existent, we're forced to coexist in the same household but yeah, I can see that he likes 2 of my brothers more than my first brother and I, and he's done countless bad things, we couldn't be more different in every single aspect, he's literally a person I would strongly dislike if I didn't have to. The only reason we talk is my mom and my brothers, basically family ties.

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My father was a broken man completely ruled by his inner demons who terrorized everyone around him. As far as I know he's still out there, but we've been dead to each other for well over a decade now

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A few years ago, I regrettably threw a matcha latte at him & said I never want to see him again. Things needed to hit rock bottom for us to rebuild our relationship from square 1, imo. He was way over involved in my life. He’s finally able to maintain boundaries now & things are mostly good

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Unfortunately,  yes, he's such a lame though but he means well. The fact that I'm one of the luckier gays is sad. :chick3:

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It’s so interesting reading everyone’s stories. I literally can’t fathom having a family that are accepting of me being gay. Literally not a single member of my family apart from one of my aunts who is just all round an accepting person and has faced **** herself because she dated a black person once has ever met anyone I’ve dated. It’s wild to me how different some peoples lives are. Probably the most accepting person in my immediate family is my brother, but even then I have to speak in code and he’d never meet my boyfriend. 

I met a guy once who came out to his dad via a PowerPoint presentation and acted like it was this huge emotional moment and I just laughed at him because to me that seemed dramatic and ridiculous, but he was the only gay person I’ve ever met irl who had a good relationship with their father. 

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5 hours ago, sugarysunflower said:

It is what it is. 

Pretty much that.

It's all fine and dandy until we get to my personal life. We've learned to not even mention it at all these days. 

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No, he passed away 3 1/2 years ago because he basically worked himself to death. We didn't always have the best relationship but I'm still thankful that he gave me a better childhood than he had himself.

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5 hours ago, Mariya Takeuchi said:

We get on better now he's dead :fish1:


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We don’t really exist within each other’s orbits. To be fair, I don’t exist within many people’s orbit. 

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5 hours ago, Insanity said:

My father has passed away but we did get along very well yes


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1 hour ago, ConceptD said:

It’s so interesting reading everyone’s stories. I literally can’t fathom having a family that are accepting of me being gay. Literally not a single member of my family apart from one of my aunts who is just all round an accepting person and has faced **** herself because she dated a black person once has ever met anyone I’ve dated. It’s wild to me how different some peoples lives are. Probably the most accepting person in my immediate family is my brother, but even then I have to speak in code and he’d never meet my boyfriend. 

I met a guy once who came out to his dad via a PowerPoint presentation and acted like it was this huge emotional moment and I just laughed at him because to me that seemed dramatic and ridiculous, but he was the only gay person I’ve ever met irl who had a good relationship with their father. 

My mom wasn't thrilled about it at first but she's come a long way and my sister was always supportive none of my cousins said anything negative about it. 


And my family is super religious too.

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i don't speak to him anymore since he threw me out of the house a couple years ago


he can go rot 

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Kind of, but me and my father are very different as individuals so there's always this distance between us as we can't really talk about a lot of things. And also we've had a few heated fights in the past, which makes me a bit uncomfortable with him in general (I'm kind of awkward anyways, so there's that), Idk about him tho. But at the moment we're perfectly fine and I'm trying my best to keep it that way.

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Mine is dead but we had a great relationship when he was alive.

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My dad is one of my closest friends who supports me 100%. Couldn't be more grateful for him

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