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X-Tina never had a big comeback. Why (not)?


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8 minutes ago, Dana Scully said:

Liberation and La Fuerza disagree 

Can you explain ? :sick:


Liberation debuted with around 60k copies despite a bundle.

  • Accelerate did not chart
  • Fall In Line did not chart

La Fuerza, La Tormenta and Christina Aguilera (all released in 2022) all failed to chart and haven't reached 5k copies sold yet.


Not the type of comeback I would qualify as big.

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She had a legitimate chance in 2012 but she didn't promote her lead, didn't shoot a video for the follow-up and looked a mess throughout the promo trail. She kinda had another chance in 2014 after Say Something but got pregnant and took another long break. By 2018, she was pushing 40 and the few people that were still checking for her were put off by Accelerate. And it keeps getting worser.


We do stan tho :chick1:

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I mean, she at least had MLJ and SS which were both massive hits. For most artists that flop, they never gets another hit album nor single so Xtina can at least say she notched a couple more hits. 

Edited by Arcadius
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4 hours ago, J-esper said:

There are loads of factors. Like the big breaks that she takes between records. The way Lotus felt like an obvious label compromise record and all signs point to the fact that she wasn't fully on board for anything of the era. Like there were succesfull moments like Say Something, Feel This Moment and Moves Like Jagger but she, her label and her team have not done much to translate that to her own career. I also truly believe that songs like We Remain and Telepathy had more potential but it didn't seem like her head was in it do to something with it. Christina never wants to play the game, she tries to play her game on the playboard of an already excisting one and in the long run it becomes almost impossible to find her way back to the right path.




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I think everyone is beating around the bush in here. She could’ve made a comeback in 2012 after the voice smashed but she put on like 50 lbs in an era where big girls were unacceptable & to top it off, she was making reductive EDM music that sounded dated by 2013. 

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Her being everywhere when the Voice 2 aired really gave her the opportunity to make a proper comeback, I think that’s why her label pushing Lotus to be promoted on The voice Season 3. But I think she was not happy with the rush so didn’t bother at all. Lotus was a mess but Your Body, Just a Fool, and Let there be love could all be cute hits for her. I can see YB and JAF could enter top 20 at least. 
then she seems ready in 2014, she had an amazing slim down, tone down her looks/makeup on the Voice ss5, she looked fantastic the auditions and her Say Something performance on AMA. She had it all to make a proper comeback. But she was pregnant with her daughter so I think that’s she decided to step down and does not really give a *** to her music anymore. 
she only did shows / tours / vegas again when her daughter is old enough to travel alongside. I think her top priority now is her family. Still hope she makes more music but I’m happy for her now :)

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7 hours ago, Scotland said:

Every artist has flopped at some point, but most managed to make a big comeback:


Mariah - Flopped and came back in 2005.

Cher - Flopped and came back in 1998.

GaGa - Flopped and came back in 2019.

Britney - Flopped and came back in 2008 - 11.


Why didn't X-Tina have a big comeback after her flop Bionic era?


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Whitney had a comeback in 1992.

Aerosmith had a comeback in 1993

Madonna had a comeback in 1998

Janet had a comeback in 2001.

Jessica Simpson had a comeback in 2003.

Pink had a comeback in 2008.

Kelly Clarkson had a comeback in 2008

JLO had a comeback in 2011.

Beyonce had a comeback in 2013.

Justin Timberlake had a comeback in 2013.

miley had a comeback in 2013

Bieber had a comeback in 2015

Ariana had a comeback in 2017

Gaga had a comeaback in 2018



It usually solidifies an iconic and/or legendary legacy.


I feel as though she mismanaged her eras. Outside of her first era the other eras are out of order. she should have had one after The Voice but meh

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Tbh she kinda did throughout 2013-2014. If she dropped an album remotely better than Lotus and promoted it everywhere then it could've been almost as big as B2B.


Also Burlesque ended up being sort of a comeback for her after Bionic flopped and the era was cut short. It sold almost 1M pure copies in the US alone and the movie ended up becoming a cult classic :gaycatina1:

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Honestly, she has keeps delivering, Liberation is a good album, which in a way is sad.


I believe is lack of promotion, if she would team up with the right people and do promote it well, I am pretty sure she could have a come back. Legends never flop.

Edited by Unchained
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