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How much $ in savings should you have by the time you hit 30?


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5 hours ago, ryoncé said:

This is such a dumb thread to post right now


with everything going on in the world, we should focus on supporting and rebuilding our communities not hoarding wealth in a rigid system 


check your priorities 

Sis we are not Paris Hilton and Kim kardashian this is atrl. Chill :biblio:


No one here makes that kind of money for you to comment like that

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I live in a third world country

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3 hours ago, HeavyMetalAura said:

Also the amount of projecting in this thread :skull: the OP didn’t call anyone a failure, doesnt need to provide a trigger warning, and there’s nothing wrong with discussing finances. There are so many threads on this forum about music, entertainment, celebrities, culture, politics etc so idk why so many people ran in here to criticize the thread. Go somewhere else. 

Also to be clear — I’m currently #TeamPoor and struggling to pay rent and even find a job that pays me a liveable wage, so I understand the struggle. But I’m not gonna attack somebody for asking a question about finances, which, frankly, it seems many of you would benefit from talking about. Sorry about the weirdly negative response to this thread @IBeMe

thank you girl...I have no clue why this thread ended up turning the way it did. I'm not saying that saving 50k is what ppl should do or anything. I have NO clue about finances myself hence why I am asking :skull: I'm broke AF so I dont know why ppl are upset over it. I get money is a touchy topic for a lot of ppl but this is literally a thread seeking advice and being hypothetical and just setting some goals and asking questions on what would be considered "ideal" according to what financial advice gurus or w/e say. I am stressed AF about my own finances as someone who just recently got into the full time work force not too too long ago myself.

thank you for being supportive and understanding though...truly appreciate it :heart: 

ultimately I think even the ones who are upset are not upset with me per say I think but more so the thread might have triggered their own anxieties about finance which I 100% can empathize with since I am on that same boat with them I guess. Money talk and stuff can be super triggering

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3 hours ago, Insanity said:

When I hit 30 my savings was empty again cause everytime Iost a job I used savings until I got another one. We dont live in a perfect word where u graduate at 22 and the first job u get is gonna pay u $50k +. From my experience in my late 30s im still only making 40k and having about 5k in savings but I also have debt. I guess per the OP I'm a failure. Thank you OP.

STOP putting words in my mouth plz. Of course no one is a failure. Girl if that were the case than I am the BIGGESt failure cuz I hardly have any savings myself! I'm just speaking in terms of what do the financial experts advise is the best hting to have. Do yall think I am living with a ******* golden spoon in my fckin mouth?! I am STRUGGLING financially myself and live in circumstances that are really not the best. I'm upset ppl are misinterpreting what I said and the thread. This is just me asking ppl based on ideal situations / circumstances according to what finance gurus say is a good amount of savings. I know its not realistic most of the time. Did I have to write in the OP that I am BROKE AF so that ppl can stop projecting on my ass? the responses in this thread are over the top and some of yall are being really unfair and simply being MEAN.  

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7 hours ago, Dephira said:

You should have any (even if a low) amount of savings for me to consider you romantically. I don't care if you have student loans or stuff but at least show that you have the capacity to save


Stay out of peoples bank accounts and worry about yourself.

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I would say this highly depends on where you live and where you think you might end up. Where I live in Germany, my living costs are pretty low, and I've managed to save about 10K EUR. That was higher before I switched my job, and I was living off of it for a while. But in those months where I wasn't working, it proved to be a very nice cushion. If I lived in the States, US$10K would be chump change giving how astronomically high rents are.

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nothing when you make six figures but live in New York City and have a life to live



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5 hours ago, Queen. said:

Chile this is a pop forum and you know girls won't understand this. 



and that’s how people stay struggling. 

I’m providing assistance as my civic duty (to British ?”s who would rather fight about if a woman who doesn’t know they exist has more “”influence”” or “”sales”” than another woman who doesn’t know they exist, and thus making no credible contribution to making their life more comfortable).


I know at least one person on the thread will have appreciated it and if so then I’ve done my job. 



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The rule of thumb I've heard is have enough savings to last you for 6 months. Invest everything else - if you don't know what to invest in, buy ETFs or Government Bonds. Any money saved in a bank will just lose value, especially given the sky-high inflation rates.


I think the most important thing is to strike a balance. Sure, traveling to exotic, far-flung countries is expensive, but no one really knows how long they'll be healthy enough to do the things they want to do. So, don't focus so much on savings that you sacrifice quality of life.

For example, I live in Asia, and I know Beyoncé probably won't take her tour here. It's going to be expensive to fly to the US/Europe just for her concert, but I'm not going to wait another 6 years before I get my next opportunity to see the greatest entertainer alive.


Lastly, unless they're paying your bills, pay everybody else no mind. People's career and wealth trajectories will differ, anyway. Just keep at it, and you'll surely get somewhere.

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3 hours ago, ACaseOfBlues said:

The rule of thumb I've heard is have enough savings to last you for 6 months. Invest everything else - if you don't know what to invest in, buy ETFs or Government Bonds. Any money saved in a bank will just lose value, especially given the sky-high inflation rates.


I think the most important thing is to strike a balance. Sure, traveling to exotic, far-flung countries is expensive, but no one really knows how long they'll be healthy enough to do the things they want to do. So, don't focus so much on savings that you sacrifice quality of life.

For example, I live in Asia, and I know Beyoncé probably won't take her tour here. It's going to be expensive to fly to the US/Europe just for her concert, but I'm not going to wait another 6 years before I get my next opportunity to see the greatest entertainer alive.


Lastly, unless they're paying your bills, pay everybody else no mind. People's career and wealth trajectories will differ, anyway. Just keep at it, and you'll surely get somewhere.


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I make above minimum wage but I still struggle. Even in the Bay Area of California 100K is considered low income to them. I'm so Fked. I dont even think I can save anymore with the way gas is rising and renting. Its like the government is tryna keep us poor. Its really disheartning. Also the fact I grew up in extreme poverty. I thought I can make it out more but the more I slowly increase my income the more I get fcked over by the ****** government.

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19 hours ago, X~MoviePoP said:

This thread is triggering.

then don't enter it :laugh: 

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As long as you have something saved then that’s more than good.
You can start saving at age 30. A little late but really we’ll be working for at least 30-35 more years after so it’s not bad

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Well all the ATRL sugar daddies can DM me



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whatever you have by the time you’re 30

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13 hours ago, ACaseOfBlues said:

I think the most important thing is to strike a balance. Sure, traveling to exotic, far-flung countries is expensive, but no one really knows how long they'll be healthy enough to do the things they want to do. So, don't focus so much on savings that you sacrifice quality of life.

this is the tea. life is for living, girlies! 


this should be more apparent than ever in our post-pandemic eras. the rug can be pulled from underneath us at any given moment. 

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It depends on where you live, how high the living costs are, what you studied, how long you stayed in school/college, career opportunities and pay grade in your area,...


A rule of thumb is saving 6 to 12 months of expenses for emergencies. It depends on how much you spend per month.  Once you exceed that, you can invest it or save for a mortgage down payment.


You can keep track of spending in a spreadsheet and cut some small things can have a large impact. I'm old school, take my own sandwiches to work, drink office coffee,... could save 5 euro a day and 200 working days in year is 1000 euro that I could use for concert tickets, travel in Europe,...


Career trajectories are different for everyone and things happen in life that could cost a lot of money. You will find out what you have at age 30.

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Honestly whatever you can. There’s no amount you need to strive for and setting goals like I need to achieve X thing by X age is one of the worst things you can do for your mental health. 

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On 6/19/2022 at 9:20 AM, JustHoran said:

Stay out of peoples bank accounts and worry about yourself.

This thread is literally asking about people's opinions on savings, which I gave. What a bizarre thing to say

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With the way the economy has been shifting.... gas being a complete slap in the face, food costing an arm and leg... rent/mortgages skyrocketing... millennials are screwed. In today's world, we need jobs that pay at minimum $70k a year to stay above the poverty line. 


But to answer the question... who cares tbh. By the time we hit 30 most of us are just trying to enjoy life and that means spending money. Nothing in life is free, and money comes and goes. 

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This is a hard question to answer. I, for example, just started my career in the last year after nearly 8 years of schooling. My financial goals for when I'm 30 (only a few years away) will be much different than someone who's been working since their early 20s.

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Savings are a more of a luxury for each passing generation.

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I have around $40-50k in savings and investments at 25. I consider this a big amount already, since I live in a flop country in the global south. I may have to restart because I will be using my savings to move to a more stable country in the next few years. 

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