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If a guy is only attracted to trans women and crossdressers is he straight?


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So if a guy only goes after trans women and crossdressers is he straight? These guys show NO interest in cis gender women. 

Is it a fetish? 

I agree trans women are women but then why do some men only go after trans women and not cis women? This has always confused me. 

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Yes.  If a guy is only attracted to women then I am pretty sure that is the common definition of straight. 

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Crossdressers by definition are men that dress as women so no, that’s not straight

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Equating crossdressing to transgenderism is transphobic. Did you even think before you typed that out?

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1 minute ago, SimpleKindofLife said:

Equating crossdressing to transgenderism is transphobic. Did you even think before you typed that out?

You would have to assume that the OP’s use of the word “and” is making the two things synonymous as opposed to be inclusive of two categories. 

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They are however they identify as :heart:

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22 minutes ago, SimpleKindofLife said:

Equating crossdressing to transgenderism is transphobic. Did you even think before you typed that out?

They know what they’re doing

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Ricky Wilson

If he’s only into trans women yes, he’s straight.


But if he’s also into crossdresser, he’s factually not straight as they are men.

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Sounds like he needs to speak to a therapist to work out that obvious fetish 

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They can be straight chasers.


they can be bisexual 


they can be gay 


they can be anything 

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Depends on whether he specifically is attracted to the cross dressing/trans element

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  • ATRL Moderator
30 minutes ago, SimpleKindofLife said:

Equating crossdressing to transgenderism is transphobic. Did you even think before you typed that out?

I believe the user is referring to the very common phenomenon of men on apps like Grindr who have "trans and CD only!" in their profiles. You very often see that exact language, which is not to say they're synonymous but that for those men, they are paired according to their sexual interests.


OP: Nah, it's serving queer.

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32 minutes ago, SimpleKindofLife said:

Equating crossdressing to transgenderism is transphobic. Did you even think before you typed that out?

Have you not been on grinder and seen guys only looking for fem/trans? I imagine he's referring to this as opposed to saying they're interchangable.

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Sounds more like bi- or pansexual.

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Mister Gaga

if he's attracted based on their sex, he's gay. if it's on their genders, i assume straight? maybe is better to ask him

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You’re sexual orientation has to do with attraction based off of the sex of that person. Although trans women are women, they are still males and a “sex” change surgery doesn’t make her a female, it makes her a male with a ****** as there are more biologically aspects that a female a female.


with all that being said, at the END OF THE DAY, it doesn’t matter what soles sexual orientation is. It shouldn’t bother you or anyone what a man that sleeps with trans woman calls himself. Let him sleep with who he wants to sleep with, and mind your business 

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Yes they are very straight. Trans women are women. So if they are attracted to women and they are the opposite gender clearly they’re straight. 

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I do want to add though that my friends that are trans have expressed concern of gay (well DL gays) using trans women to sleep with “males” (because they still have their *****) while walking around with someone that has the gender expression of  woman. They refer to it as a fetish, so to add to OP’s question, yes it can be a fetish. With that being said, the sexual orientation should only matter to that trans woman that he’s sleeping with to protect her heart from a man that’s just using her.

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2 minutes ago, Tropez said:

Yes they are very straight. Trans women are women. So if they are attracted to women and they are the opposite gender clearly they’re straight. 

What im asking is why do they only go exclusively for trans women and not cis women also?


Also people who mentioned about dudes on grindr only going after "trans/cd only" are right. Im not saying they are the same but more often then not guys on grindr and tindr always group them both together, of course i know they are different. 

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Atrl stop being obsessed with straight people challenge [impossible] 

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