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Joe Biden is the worst president since?


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19 hours ago, Jack. said:

People love to hate trump and ignore all the good things he’s done, for absolutely no reason. 

let’s not forget that whilst in power, unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in 70 years, 7 million people were lifted from food stamps, and he passed $3.2 trillion in tax relief and reformed the tax code. You know, things that actually improved peoples day-to-day living. 

What’s Biden done other than send the country into crippling debt? 

You got to stop drinking the kool aid. 

unemployment was in a downward trend before Trump took office he was not responsible for it. 





The “tax relief” mostly benefited the top 20% 



The food stamp claim was also a lie and he even tried to keep benefits away from 700,000 people




I have no love for establishment politicians, we cant trust any of them until we get money out of politics, but Trump is special kind of evil. Don’t believe a word he says. 

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7 minutes ago, Danny789 said:

You got to stop drinking the kool aid. 

unemployment was in a downward trend before Trump took office he was not responsible for it. 





The “tax relief” mostly benefited the top 20% 



The food stamp claim was also a lie and he even tried to keep benefits away from 700,000 people




I have no love for establishment politicians, we cant trust any of them until we get money out of politics, but Trump is special kind of evil. Don’t believe a word he says. 

You can read twisted things all you want and link them as a source -  but I’m not going to pretend I don’t see the good that his administration did. I’ve experienced it.  Yes I can also see the bad and I’d prefer him out of office - but im not going to be ignorant for the sake of being ignorant or deny the facts because I don’t like them, like you and others actively do on here. 

Anyway I respectfully disagree with your sources, let’s not argue :heart:

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2 hours ago, A Bomb said:

This is an unserious person talking about politics, kids. Literally has not read one thing about what the president can do without a congress unwilling, keyword here, to do away with a formality. 

Fact: Joe can actually with a stroke of a pen direct the board of education to no longer collect student loans. 

fact: Joe can reschedule weed as a less dangerous narcotic, and do a blanket pardon for mostly Black, and Latino men who are incarcerated for just possession of it. The former would make it practice federally legal 
fact:  If gas is such a utility to the avg American. Nationalize the oil industry. Instead of being at the whim of profiteering ceos. 

Its like a child like understanding of how the US government works. Then the tone of condescension. “It’s like asking for everyone to get a pony”. He cant even commit to passing the weak policies he ran on. :toofunny3:

Go OFF, King :clap3:


Olayemi Olurin: Biden has "faltered on even his most popular campaign promises, like protecting voting rights and forgiving student loan debt. He didn’t even quite honor his promise to send out $2,000 stimulus checks once he was elected."

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13 hours ago, rihannabiggestfan said:

Go OFF, King :clap3:


Olayemi Olurin: Biden has "faltered on even his most popular campaign promises, like protecting voting rights and forgiving student loan debt. He didn’t even quite honor his promise to send out $2,000 stimulus checks once he was elected."


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17 hours ago, Somnambulist said:

I think part of the issue is that Republicans have insanely low standards of what they want from government while liberals want this utopia that takes a ton of money and bipartisanship to achieve.


Republicans are happy if you attack abortion and gay people and will literally vote for a candidate because they post mean things about liberals. Literally no policy or experience required (like BOEBERT is in office....are you kidding?)


Meanwhile Biden gets handed an economy recovering from a GLOBAL PANDEMIC and the entire world is dealing with inflation and more- and the left is unhappy because "WHY CANT HE JUST REMOVE ALL STUDENT LOANS AND GIVE US HEALTHCARE AND LOWER HOUSING COSTS AND MAKE THE ENVIRONMENT BETTER"

It's apples and oranges- imagine wanting the government to just magically make loans go away while we're literally dealing with a potential recession. I get that biden ran with that in his campaign but COME ON. It's not gonna happen and so people want Republicans to run the show instead.....a party that collectively still say the 2020 election was stolen. 

It's just madness.

You are a huge part of the problem as to why Democrats can’t connect with young voters.

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Since Trump but he is absolutely awful and useless.

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On 6/15/2022 at 10:16 PM, A Bomb said:

This is an unserious person talking about politics, kids. Literally has not read one thing about what the president can do without a congress unwilling, keyword here, to do away with a formality. 

Fact: Joe can actually with a stroke of a pen direct the board of education to no longer collect student loans. 

fact: Joe can reschedule weed as a less dangerous narcotic, and do a blanket pardon for mostly Black, and Latino men who are incarcerated for just possession of it. The former would make it practice federally legal 
fact:  If gas is such a utility to the avg American. Nationalize the oil industry. Instead of being at the whim of profiteering ceos. 

Its like a child like understanding of how the US government works. Then the tone of condescension. “It’s like asking for everyone to get a pony”. He cant even commit to passing the weak policies he ran on. :toofunny3:

I'm screaming at them being like "imagine being someone who wants economic relief during a RECESSION" :deadbanana4:




Yeah *****, run people their debt relief like 84% of Democrats, including 90% of black voters, want Biden to do? What's confusing?? 

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On 6/15/2022 at 6:27 AM, EriKills said:

Imagine thinking he’s worse than Trump. Yikes. 


Like sure he’s useless but Trump was literally openly empowering white supremacy :rip: 


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Obviously this isn't for me to answer, it is not my experience since i don't live in the US.

But the fact that a lot of you are saying he is the worst when you just had Trump a few years ago is worrying. :rip:

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On 6/14/2022 at 10:16 PM, Bears01 said:

…..please for the love of god don’t tell me you credit U.S. presidents with the performance of the economy :rip:

Most people do. That is literally the #1 factor people use to determine approval/disapproval regardless of whether that judgement is rational or not

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On 6/15/2022 at 10:26 AM, ClashAndBurn said:

Stop implying that we're celebrating that Biden is cementing his reputation as a shitty, incompetent president. Because we really aren't. We're lamenting the fact that we're on the verge of losing our rights because Biden is so terrible and unpopular that he's bringing down the political viability of the only party we have that even remotely views us as people. At worst, there's a sense of self-satisfaction because we were right about Biden all along. We were right that he would be a feckless, spineless piece of **** that would drag down the Democratic Party and make them unelectable for years, possibly decades to come due to his chronic inability to meet the moment and his historic predilection towards the wrong stance on every issue throughout his entire career.

You ate. This just about sums up why many people are jaded and apathetic towards the remaining shreds of 'democracy' left in the US. The people on the other side have been setting up for decades, and recent historic events have accelerated things to an even faster regressive trend but people keep asking for inaction and holding hands with evil :rip: 

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22 hours ago, Trash said:

Obviously this isn't for me to answer, it is not my experience since i don't live in the US.

But the fact that a lot of you are saying he is the worst when you just had Trump a few years ago is worrying. :rip:

I live in the US and it’s beyond troubling. I have zero faith in this country. So many people are so easily manipulated and conned in this country.

I’d take Biden over Trump any day. I don’t agree with everything Biden has/hasn’t done but it does feel good to know we don’t have a treasonous racist (amongst other things) in office.

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On 6/15/2022 at 11:33 PM, Jack. said:

You can read twisted things all you want and link them as a source 

Anyway I respectfully disagree with your sources, let’s not argue :heart:

You can’t “disagree” with fact based sources :deadbanana4:

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On 6/15/2022 at 5:52 AM, byzantium said:

Interesting enough he is pretty middle ground for the century…but that is because two of the worst American presidents in history have been this century.  The Standard is too low. 


1) Obama

2) Clinton

3) Biden

4) Bush

5) Trump


Okay at first this was me thinking you thought Obama was the worst president out of all this...not the biggest fan of Obama and definitely FAR from deserving a Nobel prize but I was like wut.

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Not the Tr*mp apologism …




I’m not from the US but I could see Biden’s inaction / ineffectuality coming so I understand the frustration 

Edited by Rascal
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Since Trump. It's laughable that people blame, checks notes, baby formula shortage and increased gas prices on him as if that's something that's controllable after the pandemic that preceded his presidency and during the war with Russia which was ALWAYS gonna involve America because Russia's imaginary victory is supposed to send a message to the world that the US has no more influence.


Considering the state of the world, which Americans always ignore, Biden is making mostly decent selfless decisions. He chose a long term plan rather than pleasing voters with short term solutions. Even if he cancels student debt before his presidency is over the haters would still somehow say that he is worse than Trump :skull: 


There's plenty to criticize him for in regards to his personality and his crippled senile state but even in that regard Trump is worse. Focus on electing someone *actually* better

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1 hour ago, Illuminati said:

Even if he cancels student debt before his presidency is over the haters would still somehow say that he is worse than Trump :skull: 

He's dragging his feet on that item in particular because he knows that Senate Republicans are drafting a bill that would block presidents from providing relief without Congressional input and he's hoping that he can lean on that as an excuse not to deliver.



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5 hours ago, Headlock said:

You can’t “disagree” with fact based sources :deadbanana4:

My sources were straight from a fact based source as well :deadbanana:

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3 hours ago, Jack. said:

My sources were straight from a fact based source as well :deadbanana:

You comment had no sources and they were clocked as fake by that user, why are Trumpsters always like this :rip:

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Things are worse under Biden than they were under trump but I’ve come to believe we’d pretty much be at the same place we are now if we had a second trump term.  Things are always gonna get worse in America and the power of the federal government is slowly withering away.  

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8 hours ago, Headlock said:

You comment had no sources and they were clocked as fake by that user, why are Trumpsters always like this :rip:

Omg :rip: he posted twisted “facts” from democrat funded media outlets. 

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12 hours ago, Jack. said:

Omg :rip: he posted twisted “facts” from democrat funded media outlets. 

Fact checking being “twisted facts” :rip:

I knew you weren’t the sharpest crayon in the box from the COVID thread but jfc :deadbanana4:

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Not a trump suppeoter

but he wasn’t made for president but he did a good job with economy prices were never like tho sleepy Joe hasn’t done **** 

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