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The 6 Most Hated Zodiac Signs RANKED


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6) Libra

Libra hides a dark side

You’ve no doubt heard the saying looks can be deceiving, and it couldn’t be more appropriate than for Libra natives. Although Libra folks have a reputation for being sweet and innocent, the reality couldn’t possibly be any further from the truth. Underneath their smiley exterior, these natives are in fact huge backstabbers, who are capable of anything to get exactly what they want. Plus, to make them even more dangerous, they are amongst the smoothest talkers of the zodiac sign too, meaning they often go undetected.


5) Scorpio

Insensitive bulldozers

Scorpio’s razor-sharp tongue means they are a force to be reckoned with and also one to be avoided at all costs. Scorpio folks have a reputation for being straight talkers, but they do at times go overboard and frequently end up hurting other people’s feelings, yet never show any remorse for their actions. The thing is, natives of this water sign are very passionate and want what’s best for those that they care about, even if it means exposing them to some seriously tough love.


4) Aries

Explosive rage

Aries’ fiery personality traits are virtually always to blame for them scaring people away. Their intensity and overwhelming confidence drive us crazy, and that’s without mentioning their scary fits of rage. As one of the angriest zodiac signs, Aries is certainly unpredictable and could explode like a volcano at any given moment, and no one wants to see that...


3) Leo

Leo overdoes everything...

Leo is a typical fire sign in the sense that these natives love the limelight and will do absolutely anything to stay in it. Leo’s crushing attitude means that they are often seen as unbearable and overly competitive in all aspects of life. Plus, their confident persona is frequently regarded as fake, which is why many of us automatically come to the conclusion that they shouldn’t be trusted. In short, they aren’t exactly regarded in high esteem.


2) Virgo
Virgo is too judgmental
Virgo’s icy personality and condescending behavior no doubt go a long way in explaining why they are placed as the second most hated sign in our ranking. Yes, you’ve guessed it, they come across as totally disapproving of just about everything. Their snobbishness is definitely something that many of us disapprove of, yet in reality, Virgo natives use this as a defense mechanism. Their naturally shy characters mean they are very distrustful of others, and therefore refuse to let anyone in. Trying to become friends with a Virgo is nigh on impossible.


1) Gemini

Gemini is the most hated sign

Gemini is a fascinating sign, and as it is represented by the twins, it combines two extremes, which consequently make for a turbulent personality. The truth is, you never know what to expect with Gemini people. This air sign personality is simply so unpredictable that folks regularly find themselves walking on eggshells around Gemini natives. Their unstable character and constant mood swings mean that Geminis are regularly hard to be around and make for truly unreliable friends. If you ever need a favor, be sure to call someone else, such as Cancer!



Which sign do you hate the most, ATRL? :gayliecat1:

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Leo being more hated than Scorpio is a total lie.


From experience (family, friends, love interests, etc.) Gemini, Scorpio and Aries are unbearable.

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Gemini..?? This list is bullshite. Scorpihoes should be #1 a bunch of fakes!

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Idk but this tweet sounds convincing



"If you ever need a favor, be sure to call someone else, such as Cancer!" We're so sweet, tea :gaycat1:



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11 minutes ago, P.O.P said:

4) Aries

Explosive rage

Aries’ fiery personality traits are virtually always to blame for them scaring people away. Their intensity and overwhelming confidence drive us crazy, and that’s without mentioning their scary fits of rage. As one of the angriest zodiac signs, Aries is certainly unpredictable and could explode like a volcano at any given moment, and no one wants to see that...



Scorpios should be #1 

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The way people genuinely believe in this stuff and preemptively judge others character on baseless "traits" :rip:


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Insensitive bulldozers

Yes we are :jonny5:


Pisces should be #1 tho

This is all BS but funny

Edited by Archetype
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6 minutes ago, rihannabiggestfan said:

Idk but this tweet sounds convincing



"If you ever need a favor, be sure to call someone else, such as Cancer!" We're so sweet, tea :gaycat1:



Kylie is a gemini too tho.

You win some you lose some, I guess.

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I knew Gemini or Scorpio would top the list

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  • ATRL Moderator

I was so sure mine would be somewhere on this list but happy to see it's in the clear :jamming:

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I’m a proud Cancer. :heart:

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The fact that people still for the whole zodiac thing and takes it seriously, I'm a Leo and I'm nothing like the sign :rip: 

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Aries sign with Scorpio rising. I'm an angel. :celestial2:

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Zodiac signs are a big fraud.

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5 minutes ago, Almighty Gaga said:

Zodiac signs are a big fraud.

I can't at people still following that nonsense in the 21st century :toofunny3:

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32 minutes ago, bliaz said:



We are still more liked than the other 5 after us

I agree that Virgo and Gemini are unbearable and very messy, but definitely Leos are much nicer than Pisces, Taurus or Scorpio

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I notice that Cancer gets more hate than Libra or Leo tbh, especially the men. The rest of the list seems pretty accurate. I think Taurus, Sag and Aquarius get the least heat. 

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Tbh thought the Trinity would be Gemini,Scorpio and Leo


surprised to see Virgo being 2nd

Scorpio being 5th too?? !?




and where tf is Capricorn :eli:

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Capricorns not being hated nor loved, yasss a win for us

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I understand that believing zodiac is probably dumb and I don't really follow it but from what I know, I'm a cancer through and through :rip:

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