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Kim K damaged Marylin’s iconiqué 5M dress


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2 hours ago, lostcause said:







Wow there’s a lot of ignorance in this thread. 
Let me repost what bares repeating: 


Rosetta Stone, Who cares? It’s a rock

Magna Carta, who cares? It’s paper

Michelangelo’s David, who cares? It’s also just a rock

Mona Lisa?  Dead Sea scrolls? King tuts sarcophagus? 

No. Don’t be flippant on a forum that is dedicated to honoring an art form. 

Art is valuable. It’s our only communication with the past and future. It helps tell the story of human life on earth. Fashion is art, and this dress is meaningful in modern American history. It is not comparable to a defaced Hermes, because Marilyn’s dress holds a layered significance. 

Kim is no Ai Weiwei. She wore the piece for the very fact of its myth, so to her it is far more than “just a dress”.

Ai Weiwei broke ancient Han pottery as a commentary on the inherent value of “consumer culture”, and as a critique of the fact that the mao regime purposefully destroyed millennia of artifacts in an attempt to rewrite Chinese culture in his totalitarian image. Historical art is powerful enough to terrify histories most powerful people. That’s because art holds within it a unique and irreplaceable heritage. 

Kim wore the dress to fulfill her own monstrous narcissism. She doesn’t care to understand the historical or personal meaning that the garment symbolizes. She doesn’t care that Marilyn is said to have asked nobody else wear the dress because it was the only thing in her life that was hers and hers alone. The souffle used to form the dress was fitted to her exact measurements. To Marilyn, this dress symbolized reclamation. The world felt  ownership of her body, her image, her life. So she had a dress made to hug that body, a dress she alone could wear, proof her body was hers. 

Souffle is a fabric that degrades quickly. The garment Kim struggled to fit in is 60 year old textile. No more than a touch will forever alter its integrity, someone ill fitted to it sweating, walking, wearing layers of makeup and tanner, and stepping on the hem decades after it has been preserved is going to damage it. Kim is aloof, self obsessed, careless and stupid enough to think this piece of art was no different from a custom catsuit or a graffitied Hermes. Kim is ignorant and entitled, but worst of all she is callously unable to empathize with the woman she claims to idolize. She excitedly accepted a lock of Marilyn’s hair that was robbed from the film stars fresh corpse. Beyond the inherent creepiness, possessing the hair of a dead Jewish woman is extremely offensive to the faith Marilyn converted to. 

I’m tired of people insinuating commodity heritage items, art, and artifacts are shallow or lack value. Art is history, art is culture, art is universal. This dress is more valuable than the ego of a sad hollow rich woman who stands for nothing. Art is more valuable than Kim’s existence.

Marilyns Happy birthday dress symbolizes a layered and fraught moment in history, it symbolizes an aspect of society we struggle with to this day. It is a symbol of the civilization James Baldwin once dreamed would lead to something better after collapse. 
Kim Kardashian is a billboard. She is a false idol selling insecurity, faux authenticity, and capitalism. She has created nothing, she has never shared an original thought, she is as faceless and toxic as the dollar she worships.


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First World problems :toofunny3:

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Kim did Marilyn a favor by damaging the already hideous dress.  :clap3:

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3 hours ago, Queen. said:

Sis you know she don't really want to wear something that is fake. 

She wears her ass, face and body everyday. :duck:

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The same way we frown at the historic rulers who defaced the pyramids because they wanted the gold from the tips for themselves, people in the future will frown at Kim K for defacing a piece of pop culture for a news story that lasted 2 hours and an Instagram post. :katie:

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4 hours ago, Cloudy said:

And people were saying the outrage was dumb


That family is so rotten

THIS. They really need to stop getting their way with everything. I hope their empire starts to crumble, they are so toxic for society.

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The essays here like damn did the dress fought in the civil wars or smth? Or did it save your grandma from the burning building? 

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4 hours ago, Thinking Of You said:


-Tiffany “New York” Pollard 

:ahh: an underrated reality TV moment from Ms. Pollard. 

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58 minutes ago, _Fey said:

The same way we frown at the historic rulers who defaced the pyramids because they wanted the gold from the tips for themselves, people in the future will frown at Kim K for defacing a piece of pop culture for a news story that lasted 2 hours and an Instagram post. :katie:

lol what? we really comparing the pyramids in Giza being defaced to a recently damaged dress a now dead actress wore to sing HBD to a now dead US president in? I'm sorry, they are both historical moments but they clearly don't hold the same weight/value to history :toofunny2: I don't think Kim should've worn the dress but let's put some things into perspective here. 


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2 hours ago, Cain said:

I can guarantee you most people had no clue where this dress was and didn't care to know

i doubt that. most ppl are aware of the dress and the dear mr. president moment


at least here in america 

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Why did she even get permission to wear the dress.. such a iconic piece of pop culture ruined.

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2 hours ago, InventedGays said:

The way this dress was just rotting away in a random Ripley's Believe it or Not crate with no one caring about it until Kim wore it, now all of a sudden you're all outraged historians declaring that a dress worn by an actress as important as the constitution just so you can insult Kim :skull:

clear them



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I hate Kim 

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6 hours ago, Keter said:

Conservation and preservation of historical knowledge, items, events, technology etc. is important for our understanding of who we are and where we come from. What’s “just a dress” to some of us is a future piece of history to those whose only connection to the time period is what has been preserved. This type of stuff is very important and people who don’t understand that are ignorant and short-sighted. Shame on Kim for this.


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Shame on the owners for letting her wear it for a quick photo opp in the first place. 

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I dislike Kim, but the hate for just a piece of clothing :biblio:... it's just a dress, come on, people are dying :toofunny3:

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Ofc some people defending kim with ''its just a dress''


nope, its one of the most important and most iconic dresses ever, in the history esp golden age of hollywood


kim's silicone ass ruined a piece of history. permanently.

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People are so weird, it's a dress! A dress worn by a woman who was in some points even worse than Kim. 

Kim is vapid and loves surgery, so did Marilyn, she had had more surgeries than Kim probably had so far, at least Kim's face is recognizable to everyone and herself.

Marilyn sure as hell couldn't recognize herself in a mirror, which was her goal anyway. 


It's also a dress that proved Marilyn unashamed lack of morals. She wore that dress to serenate a married man she was sleeping with, for whom she was mistress #29700, in front of his wife, shaming her because the whole nation knew about the affair. Because she had delusion of grandeur and in her mind thought she meant something to him when she just didn't. 


How can such a dress be defamed by Kim? It was worn by someone exactly fit to wear it. 

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6 hours ago, Delusional said:

People mad over a dress 



it's literally HISTORY, maybe you should wipe your booty with the declaration of independence atrl user DELUSIONAL



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5 hours ago, Thinking Of You said:


-Tiffany “New York” Pollard 

Crying ???



OT: shoulda never even been allowed to look at it let alone wear it. But we as a society pushed that filthy family to the forefront of beauty and fame so this is what we have to endure. Sucks but hopefully it’s a mistake that won’t be repeated. 

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6 minutes ago, BnPac said:

People are so weird, it's a dress! A dress worn by a woman who was in some points even worse than Kim. 

Kim is vapid and loves surgery, so did Marilyn, she had had more surgeries than Kim probably had so far, at least Kim's face is recognizable to everyone and herself.

Marilyn sure as hell couldn't recognize herself in a mirror, which was her goal anyway. 


It's also a dress that proved Marilyn unashamed lack of morals. She wore that dress to serenate a married man she was sleeping with, for whom she was mistress #29700, in front of his wife, shaming her because the whole nation knew about the affair. Because she had delusion of grandeur and in her mind thought she meant something to him when she just didn't. 


How can such a dress be defamed by Kim? It was worn by someone exactly fit to wear it. 

I didn’t know there was Marilyn Munroe haters on this site :deadbanana4:

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if it was someone else, id say get over it but since is kim ill say: death penalty

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12 minutes ago, BnPac said:

People are so weird, it's a dress! A dress worn by a woman who was in some points even worse than Kim. 

Kim is vapid and loves surgery, so did Marilyn, she had had more surgeries than Kim probably had so far, at least Kim's face is recognizable to everyone and herself.

Marilyn sure as hell couldn't recognize herself in a mirror, which was her goal anyway. 


It's also a dress that proved Marilyn unashamed lack of morals. She wore that dress to serenate a married man she was sleeping with, for whom she was mistress #29700, in front of his wife, shaming her because the whole nation knew about the affair. Because she had delusion of grandeur and in her mind thought she meant something to him when she just didn't. 


How can such a dress be defamed by Kim? It was worn by someone exactly fit to wear it. 

I disagree with some points, but yes, mostly this :cm:


It's just part of Hollywood history: entertainment, materialism, idolization, superficiality, and that's it. Of course art is important and everything, but some are doing the most over a dress worn by a person who has been d-worded for decades. We need to stop putting privileged people up in a pedestal just because they were hot or whatever.

Edited by BrokenMachine
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