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Kim K damaged Marylin’s iconiqué 5M dress


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1 hour ago, Oceania said:

Fictitious? :huh:


Eurocentric? :ace:


I also mentioned the Pyramids. Does that make me afrocentric?


Y'all sure do love to twist words.

Everything is history.

Funny you mentioned the pyramids, when their construction could also be boiled down to superstition and god/deity worship.



Bet a lot of people here were worried when Notre Dame was burning but doesn't have the same energy when the Ancient City of Palmyra was being destroyed by ISIL

Edited by Enoch
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1 hour ago, Protocol said:

And shallow celebrity worship of figures like Marilyn, shallow as it may be, is the product of thousands of years of history and has its roots in religious worship and veneration of the reproductive goddess. That dress Marilyn wore, embodying her status as the ultimate female sex symbol of modern times, is part of a legacy of art that goes back to the birth of venus by botticelli, the venus de milo statue, all the way back to fertility idols from the paleolithic age. The female form has always been a source of fascination, fear, admiration, and worship and has been represented by human cultures in endless ways. The dress Marilyn wore is part of that tradition, in its own 20th century way. It's far more than just "shallow celebrity worship".

Preach :clap3:

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2 minutes ago, Enoch said:

Everything is history.


Funny you mentioned the pyramids, when their construction could also be boiled down to superstition and god/deity worship.

You are clearly missing the point. 

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1 minute ago, Oceania said:

You are clearly missing the point. 

What point?


All History is of equal importance.

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1 minute ago, Enoch said:

What point?


All History is of equal importance.

Ok, I give up...the Marilyn dress is the new Mona Lisa/Pyramids. 

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Just now, Oceania said:

the Marilyn dress is the new Mona Lisa/Pyramids. 


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Everyone just likes to pick on Kim... This isn't even Marlyn's most memorable dress... Before Keeks worn this no one even cared lmao.

the person to blame is the one who allowed her to worn this in the first place... lol

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On 6/14/2022 at 8:51 AM, Ricardo1993 said:

I can’t stand the kardashians and Kim wearing that dress was foul but at the same time it’s just a piece of fabric. I can’t believe people are losing sleep and having meltdowns over this. It’s really not that serious.

They just want to hate on women and this is the perfect excuse. But some of them don't even know that yet. They're literally programmed. 


It's a piece of fabric. There's no need to use so many insults and to be that angry. 

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"i dont care!!!!11" you sound like a bunch of boomers in buzzfeed's comment section whenever they post anything about a tiktoker but this is the reverse experience, young idiotic gays who can't name a song released before the year of 2010. no one cares that you dont care about this, the situation is just as **** and the dress is still ripped

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15 hours ago, Domination said:

Okay, not trying to play Devil’s advocate but let’s be level headed about this:


1) Kim only wore the dress while she was on the stairs. She had a private changing room at the bottom of the stairs where she put the dress on, walked up the steps in it, and then was made to change into a replica for the remainder of the night.

2) There were multiple conservationists involved in this project who were with Kim during the fittings and with her the night of.

3) They’re just a few missing beads. Who is to even say that they were the originals or that beads haven’t been replaced in the past? 


At the end of the day, the art of conservation of artifacts like these will always involve repairing and restoring from states of damage. It’s inevitable. I would guarantee this is not the first and will not be the last time this garment experiences minor damages because that’s the cost of keeping its legacy alive for generations to come. 

1) Delicate fabrics can still have damage even if worn for a short time, specially if you are too many sizes too big to wear the piece.

2) Seems like representatives were actually from Ripley’s Believe It Or Not (who own the dress) and not actually from the MM Collection).
3) It is not just a few beads, you can clearly see the fabric is stretched and ripped around the zipper.


Kim Kardashian is a piece of garbage, and she needs to be of accountable. Is sickening how we let this rich hoe get away with everything, the epitome of rich privilege.

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I feel full blame goes to Ripley because they ultimately had the power to either accept or deny lending that dress. I mean, Kim didn't 007 her way to the dress location and steal it, she went through proper avenues to get it. Either way, Ripley should have known what would happen to that dress considering Kim and Marylin's body types are very different

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On 6/13/2022 at 10:21 PM, Jagger said:

Why do you weirdos defend the Kardashians? She's your enemy lmao I support any opportunity to drag this family 

How is she our enemy? Is she responsible for gas prices spiking? Rent spiking? Massive food shortage? Wars and disasters around the world? I want you to give me a valid reason on why this woman is all of humanity’s “enemy”. I don’t even like Kim K but some of y’all are so full of it lol

On 6/14/2022 at 12:06 AM, gugunikko said:

I never seen an outrage like this from some members before. George floyd death didn’t even move some of yll like this. 

This is so true :rofl: they’re acting like Kim murderer someone and have more sympathy towards a piece of fabric.

On 6/14/2022 at 8:23 AM, BrokenMachine said:

The random meltdown. I say there are worse things to worry and rage about instead of a piece of clothing worn by the most overhyped influencer from this era


On 6/14/2022 at 9:32 AM, Oceania said:

Imagine comparing actual pieces of history like the Mona Lisa or the Pyramids to a fraking dress Marilyn once wore, whatever the circumstances.


Celebrity worship desease truly turns people into morons. :rip:



All of this

On 6/14/2022 at 7:33 PM, Gypsy Guy said:

I can’t believe people are calling this dress “one of the most important artifacts in American history”. I’m willing to bet if you walked around any place in America with a photo of this dress and asked random people if they knew about it they would all mostly likely have no clue. :rofl:


These people must live in a completely different reality. 

On 6/15/2022 at 8:40 AM, Mitsouko said:

Seeing Liddos in here cosigning the "it's a piece of fabric" mess is hilarious to me because let Kim wear and permanently damage one of Gaga's supposedly iconic Halloween costumes and they'd be the first to try to cancel her :cm:

Gaga is alive but if she were dead and Kim wore one of her dresses I still wouldn’t care. Yeah I’d think it’s a bit distasteful and strange but I won’t be losing sleep over it and having psychotic meltdowns on social media like a lot of people are having over this dress.

On 6/15/2022 at 9:55 AM, Bussea said:

white ppl drama

Exactly. It’s mostly white gays making a fuss about this. White women aren’t even stressing about it either. On social media they’re just talking about how they care about how they’re going to pay their debt or buy a new home. People have lives and while they do have free time, not everyone is going to have anxiety attacks over a piece of fabric just because Kim k wore a dress worn by Marilyn Monroe. People are so tone deaf.

On 6/16/2022 at 5:52 AM, #Beautiful said:

"i dont care!!!!11" you sound like a bunch of boomers in buzzfeed's comment section whenever they post anything about a tiktoker but this is the reverse experience, young idiotic gays who can't name a song released before the year of 2010. no one cares that you dont care about this, the situation is just as **** and the dress is still ripped

Your post makes no type of sense. You’re calling us boomers then in the same argument you’re assuming we are all Gen Z who can’t name a song before 2010. I hate to break it to you but go outside your house today and ask people (GP people) if they care about this dress drama. Most will tell you they didn’t even know about the dress until you brought it up. Most generation x and Millennials don’t care about this silly drama.

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The way they were pulling and tugging at that dress to get it on Kim K in the fitting :biblio: I can definitely imagine a few beads fell off from that

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She deserves to be in jail for destroying such a historic piece!!!! :mad:

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11 hours ago, Ricardo1993 said:

How is she our enemy? Is she responsible for gas prices spiking? Rent spiking? Massive food shortage? Wars and disasters around the world? I want you to give me a valid reason on why this woman is all of humanity’s “enemy”. I don’t even like Kim K but some of y’all are so full of it lol

This is so true :rofl: they’re acting like Kim murderer someone and have more sympathy towards a piece of fabric.


All of this

These people must live in a completely different reality. 

Gaga is alive but if she were dead and Kim wore one of her dresses I still wouldn’t care. Yeah I’d think it’s a bit distasteful and strange but I won’t be losing sleep over it and having psychotic meltdowns on social media like a lot of people are having over this dress.

Exactly. It’s mostly white gays making a fuss about this. White women aren’t even stressing about it either. On social media they’re just talking about how they care about how they’re going to pay their debt or buy a new home. People have lives and while they do have free time, not everyone is going to have anxiety attacks over a piece of fabric just because Kim k wore a dress worn by Marilyn Monroe. People are so tone deaf.

Your post makes no type of sense. You’re calling us boomers then in the same argument you’re assuming we are all Gen Z who can’t name a song before 2010. I hate to break it to you but go outside your house today and ask people (GP people) if they care about this dress drama. Most will tell you they didn’t even know about the dress until you brought it up. Most generation x and Millennials don’t care about this silly drama.

Whew the essays over Kim K :deadbanana2:

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1 hour ago, Jagger said:

Whew the essays over Kim K :deadbanana2:

Your post makes no sense since these were individual quotes :toofunny3: there are longer “essays” in this thread over a piece of fabric.

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They shouldn't let the trashcan wear this at first place. 

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22 hours ago, CosTaSsSs said:

They shouldn't let the trashcan wear this at first place. 


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On 6/16/2022 at 10:43 AM, Vertigo Stick said:

Will she be arrested for this? 

Death penalty!!

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