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Kim K damaged Marylin’s iconiqué 5M dress


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On 6/13/2022 at 10:26 AM, lostcause said:







Wow there’s a lot of ignorance in this thread. 
Let me repost what bares repeating: 


Rosetta Stone, Who cares? It’s a rock

Magna Carta, who cares? It’s paper

Michelangelo’s David, who cares? It’s also just a rock

Mona Lisa?  Dead Sea scrolls? King tuts sarcophagus? 

No. Don’t be flippant on a forum that is dedicated to honoring an art form. 

Art is valuable. It’s our only communication with the past and future. It helps tell the story of human life on earth. Fashion is art, and this dress is meaningful in modern American history. It is not comparable to a defaced Hermes, because Marilyn’s dress holds a layered significance. 

Kim is no Ai Weiwei. She wore the piece for the very fact of its myth, so to her it is far more than “just a dress”.

Ai Weiwei broke ancient Han pottery as a commentary on the inherent value of “consumer culture”, and as a critique of the fact that the mao regime purposefully destroyed millennia of artifacts in an attempt to rewrite Chinese culture in his totalitarian image. Historical art is powerful enough to terrify histories most powerful people. That’s because art holds within it a unique and irreplaceable heritage. 

Kim wore the dress to fulfill her own monstrous narcissism. She doesn’t care to understand the historical or personal meaning that the garment symbolizes. She doesn’t care that Marilyn is said to have asked nobody else wear the dress because it was the only thing in her life that was hers and hers alone. The souffle used to form the dress was fitted to her exact measurements. To Marilyn, this dress symbolized reclamation. The world felt  ownership of her body, her image, her life. So she had a dress made to hug that body, a dress she alone could wear, proof her body was hers. 

Souffle is a fabric that degrades quickly. The garment Kim struggled to fit in is 60 year old textile. No more than a touch will forever alter its integrity, someone ill fitted to it sweating, walking, wearing layers of makeup and tanner, and stepping on the hem decades after it has been preserved is going to damage it. Kim is aloof, self obsessed, careless and stupid enough to think this piece of art was no different from a custom catsuit or a graffitied Hermes. Kim is ignorant and entitled, but worst of all she is callously unable to empathize with the woman she claims to idolize. She excitedly accepted a lock of Marilyn’s hair that was robbed from the film stars fresh corpse. Beyond the inherent creepiness, possessing the hair of a dead Jewish woman is extremely offensive to the faith Marilyn converted to. 

I’m tired of people insinuating commodity heritage items, art, and artifacts are shallow or lack value. Art is history, art is culture, art is universal. This dress is more valuable than the ego of a sad hollow rich woman who stands for nothing. Art is more valuable than Kim’s existence.

Marilyns Happy birthday dress symbolizes a layered and fraught moment in history, it symbolizes an aspect of society we struggle with to this day. It is a symbol of the civilization James Baldwin once dreamed would lead to something better after collapse. 
Kim Kardashian is a billboard. She is a false idol selling insecurity, faux authenticity, and capitalism. She has created nothing, she has never shared an original thought, she is as faceless and toxic as the dollar she worships.

Yeah its kinda weird people are dismissive of this object on a POP CULTURE FORUM



Let one of their girlies get called a mindless manufactured pop tart though and they’ll clutching pearls and holding pitchforks.


Not to mention how a lot of these Pop girls pay homage to Marilyn Monroe

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1 hour ago, Mike91 said:

Her singing Happy Birthday to JFK, while wearing this dress, is one of the most iconic moments in pop culture history. :rip: Are you people really this uninformed? 


Thinking rich people should be allowed to go around and ruin pieces of historical clothing to feed their narcissism is just... :rip:

My comment was aimed at people saying this moment was one of the most iconic moments in “American history” not pop culture history… Not sure who the second paragraph is aimed at but I didn’t say that.

Edited by Gypsy Guy
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it's both their fault, Kim's for not understanding and feeling entitled to wear such an important piece of art/modern pop history, and the people in charge for letting her wear it, like... what were THEY thinking :deadbanana:

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2 hours ago, Mitsouko said:

Seeing Liddos in here cosigning the "it's a piece of fabric" mess is hilarious to me because let Kim wear and permanently damage one of Gaga's supposedly iconic Halloween costumes and they'd be the first to try to cancel her :cm:

She just wore its not like she spilled a glass on wine on it. People just like giving these girls sht

Edited by MadonnasBoyfriend
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Just now, MadonnasBoyfriend said:

She just wore its not like she spilled a glass or wine on it. People just like giving these girls **** 

I think the problem is that the dress should've been left alone to begin with. it IS an important piece of modern art/history and the people who own the dress and KIm had literally no business letting her use it, they knew it could potentially get damaged, so I'm one, unsure of why Kim is the only one to blame, and two, the people who were meant to take care of the dress were clearly going through something when they let her rent it. they were both absolutely wrong.

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1 hour ago, Mandalay said:

Marilyn was voted sixth on AFI greatest actresses of all time list.

She's  spontaneous with her acting. Her dialogue delivery in non-blonde bombshell films was really ahead of it's time - not shouting, not melodramatic.


She could sing beautifully, and perform beautifully. Has iconic numbers that everyone and your favorite emulate.


The camera loves ha. Has many, many iconic pop culture moments without being a try-hard.


Don't say stuff like Marilyn was the Kim Kardashian of her time. 





this. like we get it you don't like Marilyn but at least be a bit accurate smh

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3 minutes ago, Joyride said:

it's both their fault, Kim's for not understanding and feeling entitled to wear such an important piece of art/modern pop history, and the people in charge for letting her wear it, like... what were THEY thinking :deadbanana:

I agree. No conservator or curator of a museum would EVER agree to do this in their right mind and no insurance in their right mind would ever cover these costs.


You can see from a mile a way that Kim K doesn't fit the gown, the damage was basically inevitable. Trying to get this covered is like going into an insurance company saying "I wanna have an insurance for the car that I'm planning to drive into a shopfront next week" :deadbanana4:

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1 minute ago, Joyride said:

I think the problem is that the dress should've been left alone to begin with. it IS an important piece of modern art/history and the people who own the dress and KIm had literally no business letting her use it, they knew it could potentially get damaged, so I'm one, unsure of why Kim is the only one to blame, and two, the people who were meant to take care of the dress were clearly going through something when they let her rent it. they were both absolutely wrong.

Wrong or right doesn't matter. The dress was inappropriate in the first place. She was doing a sexy nude look for a married man she was having an affair with for the world to see while doing a happy birthday all sexyish ?. Not people acting like it deserves the massive amount of respect just to have a fresh opportunity to bash Kim :rip:

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3 minutes ago, Arthoe said:

I agree. No conservator or curator of a museum would EVER agree to do this in their right mind and no insurance in their right mind would ever cover these costs.


You can see from a mile a way that Kim K doesn't fit the gown, the damage was basically inevitable. Trying to get this covered is like going into an insurance company saying "I wanna have an insurance for the car that I'm planning to drive into a shopfront next week" :deadbanana4:

this is LITERALLY it :deadbanana4: like I understand, it's Kim Kardashian, she is important to, she wanted to make a statement, she wanted the "look", but the conservators of the dress failed here, big time.


like I mentioned before, they had no business letting her wear it. no matter how much money she paid for it, it could've been avoided and the dress is now ruined. that one is definitely for the history books.

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7 minutes ago, MadonnasBoyfriend said:

Wrong or right doesn't matter. The dress was inappropriate in the first place. She was doing a sexy nude look for a married man she was having an affair with for the world to see while doing a happy birthday all sexyish ?. Not people acting like it deserves the massive amount of respect just to have a fresh opportunity to bash Kim :rip:

no, no, no, darling, you can't use this against me because I haven't said one bad thing Kim. I'm just simply pointing out the fact that that letting her wear the dress was a huge mustake, from both the conservators and Kim herself.


even if you like the dress or not, it is an iconic look. it is important to modern Pop culture/history. the conservators failed, and so did Kim. I'm not here "bashing her" nor do I plan to do so.

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2 minutes ago, Joyride said:

no, no, no, darling, you can't use this against me because I haven't said one bad thing Kim. I'm just simply pointing out the fact that that letting her wear the dress was a huge mustake, from both the conservators and Kim herself.


even if you like the dress or not, it is an iconic look. it is important to modern Pop culture/history. the conservators failed, and so did Kim. I'm not here "bashing her" nor do I plan to do so.

Maybe not you but read the other comments even just in here. People just like to use these girls as a whipping board and would react differently if it was their fave or Kelly Clarkson wearing it 

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1 minute ago, MadonnasBoyfriend said:

Maybe not you but read the other comments even just in here. People just like to use these girls as a whipping board and would react differently if it was their fave or Kelly Clarkson wearing it 

I'm only responsible for the things I write here, I do not wish or have the time to read other people's comments. sorry!

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Just now, Joyride said:

I'm only responsible for the things I write here, I do not wish or have the time to read other people's comments. sorry!

This isn't about Joyride, baby. Joyride isn't the subject here. 

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2 minutes ago, MadonnasBoyfriend said:

This isn't about Joyride, baby. Joyride isn't the subject here. 


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And to think Marilyn didn't have close relatives that inherited her properties (some distant acquaintance - the second/third wife of her acting coach finally got hold of them I think), and that she was almost all alone, and helpless throughout her life saddens me as a fan when stuff like this happens.


Her properties should be kept in a museum altogether, like Mariah once suggested.

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The fact that in 500 years the only evidence of Kim’s existence will be a footnote on a museum display of this dress saying that it was damaged by a socialite whose ass was too big for it

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12 hours ago, lostcause said:

Mona Lisa is only so famous because she was stolen in 1911.
It was not considered the masterpiece it is today before. Luckily the thief, Vincenzo Peruggia, had respect for the art he coveted and did not horribly damage the painting the way Kim did to a legendary and incredibly influential Jean Louis dress. 

The Mona Lisa is a vanity portrait commissioned by a rich nobleman, it’s basically the renaissance version of a wedding portrait or pregnancy announcement on Instagram. does that make the craft less valuable?


Do you really think that this dress is less valuable or worthy of preserving because it is younger and it’s designer isn’t as famous as da Vinci yet? 
Imagine if 60 years after da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, before his legend was what it is today and before  anyone cared about the now iconic portrait, the people of Florence were as flippant and anachronistic as you today. Art isn’t more valuable simply because it is older.

All of this is irrelevant. I stressed the fact that the dress is famous due to Marilyn wearing it once just to emphasize the absurdity of putting it on the same level as a widely known and distinctive painting from one of the greatest genius ever.


Modern american pop culture < actual history.


The notoriety of that dress is nothing more than a product of shallow celebrity worship, the other one's the result of talent and centuries of cultural heritage.


It's the illogical comparison that triggered my original post.

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Okay, not trying to play Devil’s advocate but let’s be level headed about this:


1) Kim only wore the dress while she was on the stairs. She had a private changing room at the bottom of the stairs where she put the dress on, walked up the steps in it, and then was made to change into a replica for the remainder of the night.

2) There were multiple conservationists involved in this project who were with Kim during the fittings and with her the night of.

3) They’re just a few missing beads. Who is to even say that they were the originals or that beads haven’t been replaced in the past? 


At the end of the day, the art of conservation of artifacts like these will always involve repairing and restoring from states of damage. It’s inevitable. I would guarantee this is not the first and will not be the last time this garment experiences minor damages because that’s the cost of keeping its legacy alive for generations to come. 

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Her *** made another victim. RIP.

Edited by MoonGoodandHappy
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4 hours ago, Oceania said:

actual history.

you implying MM singing happy birthday to JFK was fictitious?


Smells eurocentric in this post

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I've seen this everywhere, why did they let Kim wear it in the first place?

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9 hours ago, Oceania said:

All of this is irrelevant. I stressed the fact that the dress is famous due to Marilyn wearing it once just to emphasize the absurdity of putting it on the same level as a widely known and distinctive painting from one of the greatest genius ever.


Modern american pop culture < actual history.


The notoriety of that dress is nothing more than a product of shallow celebrity worship, the other one's the result of talent and centuries of cultural heritage.


It's the illogical comparison that triggered my original post.

And shallow celebrity worship of figures like Marilyn, shallow as it may be, is the product of thousands of years of history and has its roots in religious worship and veneration of the reproductive goddess. That dress Marilyn wore, embodying her status as the ultimate female sex symbol of modern times, is part of a legacy of art that goes back to the birth of venus by botticelli, the venus de milo statue, all the way back to fertility idols from the paleolithic age. The female form has always been a source of fascination, fear, admiration, and worship and has been represented by human cultures in endless ways. The dress Marilyn wore is part of that tradition, in its own 20th century way. It's far more than just "shallow celebrity worship".

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4 hours ago, Enoch said:

you implying MM singing happy birthday to JFK was fictitious?


Smells eurocentric in this post

Fictitious? :huh:


Eurocentric? :ace:


I also mentioned the Pyramids. Does that make me afrocentric?


Y'all sure do love to twist words.

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