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Teacher serves Twitter Barb and drags student


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What are your thoughts, ATRL? On one hand, no adult, ESPECIALLY in education, should be arguing with a child like this. On the other hand, students get away with so much at school nowadays, and there is no support for teachers on an administrative or federal level in many countries - especially in the USA, where this video takes place.


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What kinda teacher cause he lowkey serving the PE teacher they get to substitute real classes in emergencies. :skull:

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14 minutes ago, Communion said:

What kinda teacher cause he lowkey serving the PE teacher they get to substitute real classes in emergencies. :skull:

I read in one of the quote tweets that he’s not actually a teacher, just some kind of attendant that works at the school. But you’re right :skull: 

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No adult should talk to kids that way? give me a ******* break & stop coddling these kids  :bibliahh:

There are kids that are physically attacking their teachers or destroying school property for TikTok trends but a teacher can’t talk to a student like that? Bye.

W/O having the full backstory to what lead up to the argument but being able to see the instructor’s reaction, I don’t think did anything wrong. He didn’t get physical nor did he say anything bad. 

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8 minutes ago, Raver said:

No adult should talk to kids that way? give me a ******* break & stop coddling these kids  :bibliahh:

There are kids that are physically attacking their teachers or destroying school property for TikTok trends but a teacher can’t talk to a student like that? Bye.

W/O having the full backstory to what lead up to the argument but being able to see the instructor’s reaction, I don’t think did anything wrong. He didn’t get physical nor did he say anything bad. 

Agreed. From videos I’ve seen, kids are out of POCKET in school these days. While I don’t think adults should talk to and interact with students like this, sometimes a person can only take so much before they get reckless. 

My jaw did drop when he said what he said tho :jonnycat:

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I screamed :ahh: 


On one hand I don't think any adult should be going back and forth with a child like that, but on the other hand, kids are mad disrespectful and they need to be put in their place once in a while

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All my understanding and solidarity with all teachers around the world. Underpaid, mistreated and undervalued.

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That student deserves an old school whoopin’ :jonny6:

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The sociopaths in this thread supporting what he said :rip: 

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16 minutes ago, Fancyhoodlum said:

I can't hear what the say 


52 minutes ago, WildOne said:

Wait I couldn’t even understand what they were saying could 

The guy told the kid to have her daddy talk to him. She said her daddy is dead, and he told her to dig him up and have him talk to the guy ☠️

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That's it? From the histrionics in here I thought it was gonna to be worse :rip:

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It wasn't even that bad until the "dig him up" part. I wouldn't even say that to an adult cause whatever you disagree on it's almost always not that serious. 

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i mean its gross but so are these students 

the cycle remains

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Students can be awful and vicious and every person has a breaking point, but what he said about the dad was not iT :skull:

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Teachers/school staff are really pushed to the edge, but there comes a time to walk away from working in a school setting when if you are being pushed this far to respond to a kid like this. 

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  • ATRL Moderator

An inappropriate comment but when you realize how much teachers/faculty are overworked, underpaid, and unsupported while on the job it becomes understood why he got into the argument in the first place.


If you do not understand this, you don't have an understanding of most US school systems, especially how they're run post-COVID.  

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