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Did your mom or your dad propose?

Severus Snape

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Very interesting question, my parents were on an argument a couple nights ago saying that my mom wanted a bigger proposal. But then I asked her; why couldn't you be the one who proposed to him? After all, aren't we all looking for equality? This feels like equalitarian in a way that the male doesn't have to be the one that poses the question. I remember in high school this classmate of mine it was his mom that proposed and it doesn't seem like that big of a deal with me. 


Did your dad make the proposal or did your mom do it? And do you think this expectation should change? 



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I don't know. I think after my dad knocked her up with me. She Said you gotta marry me now because I dont want your ex misses getting everything and leave marnie and I with nothing.


So I guess in a way she did. 16 years later he passed and that ex of his did try and take everything from us. Luckily she couldn't because they never married and my mum was smart to make the move.


It wasn't really for love.. guess it shows. :deadbanana4: think I ruined there plan of life.  

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My parents never actually married but my dad did propose and my mom said no since they were teenagers and my mom was only 15 years old when she had me and they separated before I turned 3 anyways, so it's safe to say they dodged a failed marriage :toofunny2:


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21 minutes ago, Sempiternal said:

think I ruined there plan of life.  

They did that themselves x


OT: My dad just casually asked my mother during dinner when they’re gonna marry now that they have a child, it wasn’t a very romantic relationship. 

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21 minutes ago, Subzero said:

My parents never actually married but my dad did propose and my mom said no since they were teenagers and my mom was only 15 years old when she had me and they separated before I turned 3 anyways, so it's safe to say they dodged a failed marriage :toofunny2:


Oh wow she was 15 when she had you? How old are you both now? 

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I don't really know. They've never told me the story how they became engaged although I do know it was pretty quick (they got married less than two years after meeting).

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My father proposed. Apparently he said "I'm only going to ask you this once, and if you say 'no' I'm never gonna ask again. You wanna get married?" And one time my mother told me she only said "yes" because she knew no one else would ever propose to her. 

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My parents never got married


I don't want to marry anyone but if I did I would have no interest in proposing to a man, idc what other couples decide to do


If men feel that strongly about women proposing then they should find a woman who doesn't mind doing so, it's not that deep and tbh a lot of men would feel emasculated if this happened to them lmao

Edited by Exquisite
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