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How is your work life currently going?


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I graduated more than 2 years ago, got a job on the same day I graduated (my boss was a member of my thesis defense committee and offered me a job right there) and I've worked at his company ever since. There were maybe two instances when I felt like quitting because I got overwhelmed with deadlines but I don't get as stressed anymore, I guess I got used to it. I get paid quite well (given the average wage in my country), my boss gives me a rise every 3-4 months without me asking and he's also extremely chill. I get paid for overtime hours as well. Honestly seeing my uni friends struggle at their jobs I feel extremely lucky. Deadlines are still coming up regularly and I work overtime or a few hours on the weekends here and there, but as long as I get paid for it I don't really mind. Also helps I really like what I do and I'm motivated to learn new stuff because it's just really interesting to me in general (I work as a structural engineer).

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3 hours ago, Euterpe said:

I worked support staff in a psych rehabilitation, which was low pay and a bad office environment for years. But my final day was last Friday. I started my mobile crisis specialist job this week and the weight off my shoulders from my other job is palpable. :jonny2: My field placement might offer me a job as a full time therapist after I graduate in August, which would be salaried, so fingers crossed!


My first field placement was in foster care, and I give a LOT of credit to anyone who does that work. Those visits take up so much time. I’m finishing my masters in social work, so if you want to talk or vent or anything, feel free to pm me!

I've been trying to respond to you for the longest my god this site is crap :monkey:


Thank you so much!! Feel free to also pm me if you need to vent :). Congrats on the new job and graduating in August, that's amazing :heart2:

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I'm ready to leave. I have used up all my vacation hours 117HRS, PTO 21HRS, 124HRS up. 

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