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China ‘Will not hesitate to start war’ if Taiwan declares independence,Beijing says


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End us all :duca:

Humanity should go extinct so other species can thrive. 

We've been harming the environment ever since we rule the earth. 


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Xi and Putin are seriously going to destroy everything together aren't they


everyone "wondering" why Xi has been so quiet since the Ukraine invasion. hmmm wonder why??

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What about playing some Mahjong? Better use of everyone’s time tbh

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40 minutes ago, Donquizote said:

End us all :duca:Humanity should go extinct so other species can thrive. 

There isn't going to be war and humans aren't going to die out cause the majority of Taiwanese oppose formal independence. :skull: Why does the idea of mass extinction make some of y'all laugh? :deadbanana4:

Edited by Communion
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2 minutes ago, Communion said:

There isn't going to be war and humans aren't going to die out cause the majority of Taiwanese oppose formal independence. :skull: Why does the idea of mass extinction make some of y'all laugh? :deadbanana4:

I'm being serious. Humans have been harming earth ever since they exist.

Perhaps it's better for them to go extinct.


OT: China will never and they are scared now ever since Ukraine without much resources shames Russia.



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17 minutes ago, Donquizote said:

I'm being serious. Humans have been harming earth ever since they exist.

Perhaps it's better for them to go extinct.

why don't you kys then



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51 minutes ago, John Slayne said:

why don't you kys then





that still wouldn’t solve the problem 

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59 minutes ago, John Slayne said:

why don't you kys then




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1 hour ago, John Slayne said:

why don't you kys then




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1 hour ago, John Slayne said:

why don't you kys then




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Xi is such a damn ***** - tired of him. Taiwan is soooo legendary, ugly CCP better not even LOOK in its direction. It's also so cringe how obsessed China is with it - just leave them alone. Queen Tsai Ing-wen >>

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2 hours ago, ProudLBS said:

What about playing some Mahjong? Better use of everyone’s time tbh

This tbh. Extreme nationalism just kills everyone. We all just need to pong, kang, Chi, Hu and all is good.

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The corrupt Chinese Communist Party hasn't collapsed yet? The Party has always waged war, suppressed religion, persecuted honest people who practice Falun Gong, persecuted students, and persecuted the Uighurs.

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Taiwan won’t declare independence because they know it’s too risky and they basically are independent in all but name anyway. Xi Jinping needs to go, genuinely one of the worst people to ever exist.

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Xi Jinping is a bloodthirsty, warmongering fascist dictator so I'm not surprised 

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17 hours ago, Communion said:

There isn't going to be war and humans aren't going to die out cause the majority of Taiwanese oppose formal independence. :skull: Why does the idea of mass extinction make some of y'all laugh? :deadbanana4:

And why do you think that is? Please do tell :skull:




Can China just give up, no one wants your freaking dictatorial regime?

Edited by Cloudy
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That one user does nothing but post fear-mongering articles/tweets about the west yet insists the CCP does nothing wrong and there isn't a genocide currently happening there 


serving Joo Dee from Avatar TLA



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On 6/10/2022 at 6:48 PM, Communion said:

f Taiwanese oppose formal independence. 

and why do you think they do? its disgusting how you support these dictatorships and claim to be progressive. The Far-Left is so good at scaring away people by bowing to authoritarianism. 

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On 6/11/2022 at 7:10 AM, John Slayne said:

why don't you kys then




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2 hours ago, Gui Blackout said:

Where the "anti-imperialists" at



Here, but failing to respond to legitimate questions asked by users :cm:

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