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Jason Alexander breaks into Britney's home and wedding venue


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Oh my god. Look I don’t get a good vibe from Sam, nor do I have much faith in the professionalism of her new team (Rosenzaddy aside - whew lord) but the fundamental truth is that Britney is a 40 year old woman who is not only capable of making her own decisions in life, but more than anybody actually deserves to get to live her life in peace. 

Let’s not blame her or her team for the fact that there are crazy people in the periphery or her life on her. She never asked for any of this. My thoughts are with her and I hope her wedding goes the way she wants and deserves it to. 

Edited by Slap
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Oh he's ****** in the head :biblio: like wtf is WRONG with him


It's just horrible that Britney had to deal with all this on her wedding day </3

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23 minutes ago, Trash said:

He’s being stalking her house for a couple of days now, posting pictures from around the bushes. He’s sick 

In the video he says that he's been looking around her property for three weeks. He was obviously planning carefully his move, as he seems to have been friendly with certain people on the property which is extremely concerning. 

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1 minute ago, Slap said:

Oh my god. Look I don’t get a good vibe from Sam, nor do I have much faith in the professionalism of her new team (Rosenzaddy aside - whew lord) but the fundamental truth is that Britney is a 40 year old woman who is not only capable of making her own decisions in life, but more than anybody actually deserves to get to live her life in peace. 

Let’s not blame the fact that there are crazy people in the periphery or her life on her. She never asked for any of this. My thoughts are with her and I hope her wedding goes the way she wants and deserves it to. 

This is how I feel. Whether she’s Completely free or not is unknowable but nobody can force her to walk down the aisle and actually marry him so she obviously wants to and I trust her judgment. We heard from her own mouth that she wants to get married back when she gave her testimony, so that should be good enough. If he divorces her in a year and takes half of everything then it’s not great, but it happens to people every day and at least she got to make a choice about her own life for once. 

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1 minute ago, jadeabove said:

In the video he says that he's been looking around her property for three weeks. He was obviously planning carefully his move, as he seems to have been friendly with certain people on the property which is extremely concerning. 

It is because tmz was apparently in the house ready to take pictures of him. It doesn’t make any sense. Smells like a stunt.

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2 minutes ago, jadeabove said:

In the video he says that he's been looking around her property for three weeks. He was obviously planning carefully his move, as he seems to have been friendly with certain people on the property which is extremely concerning. 

He found it via an hiking trial so he has obviously been planning this for a while and the wedding news probably triggered him. Idk what he thought he was gonna do or find in there or what was gonna happen if she was inside. 

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Just now, Totami Legend said:

It is because tmz was apparently in the house ready to take pictures of him. It doesn’t make any sense. Smells like a stunt.

I can debunk the tmz thing. The photo wasn’t taken by a paparazzo but by someone on the property who gave them the photo to let people know it was being dealt with. There are actually paparazzi photos of the situation and they’re from outside of her gates. 

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Just now, ConceptD said:

I can debunk the tmz thing. The photo wasn’t taken by a paparazzo but by someone on the property who gave them the photo to let people know it was being dealt with. There are actually paparazzi photos of the situation and they’re from outside of her gates. 

Sounds plausible. I get worried when tmz is involved cause her father was allegedly using tmz to control the narrative during the CS

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What a MESS!! :biblio:

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30 minutes ago, Totami Legend said:

not yesterday, MONTHS ago he flew to mauii to stalk her and her assistant got Warned. thank god Britney was already in Mexico. 

Honey. We know you regularly bash Britney over at the Base section, this act is just getting creepy.

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29 minutes ago, ConceptD said:

nobody can force her to walk down the aisle and actually marry him

I wish this was true but they literally made her perform on stages for years and tour when she probably didn't want to. Anyway I don't believe that she's not free but I do think she may be missing some support she needs. 

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The assistant finding out via an instagram comment? :deadbanana: security doing nothing? :deadbanana: she deserves A LOT better wtf.

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I hope this doesn't completely ruin her day. Britney just never gets any peace.

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5 minutes ago, Bimbo said:

The assistant finding out via an instagram comment? :deadbanana: security doing nothing? :deadbanana: she deserves A LOT better wtf.

Her assistant is in Europe

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2 minutes ago, XoutrageousX said:

Her assistant is in Europe

While Britney is having her wedding. Make it make sense.

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2 hours ago, arceus said:

Go call the police indeed, Brit. :hoetenks: 


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Poor Brit. She's been through worse and is a strong woman, she will overcome this traumatic event.

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I said something like this in a thread yesterday and everyone ignored it.

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not me thinking Jason Alexander from Seinfeld :deadbanana:

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Britney is truly one of the most tragic figures in pop culture. She deserves every ounce of happiness and peace. I wish she had the option to move somewhere with more privacy. LA is a toxic environment to be in, especially for someone with a complicated past there. 

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This is strange. He has been out of the picture for years. Why now? He never intervened with Kevin or Amy of her other men...


Sam doesn't sit right with me.  Is Jason the one who knew her as a child and before the fame? Maybe he trying to save her. This giving me some sweet home Alabama movie vibes lmao!!!!

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