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Jason Alexander breaks into Britney's home and wedding venue


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What an absolute idiot, what a way to ruin her day!!


Also, where the hell is security?!?!?!

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Fans need to stop enabling that psycho just because they dislike Sam. Also Britney better file a restraining order ASAP

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Her first "husband" breaking into her home on her wedding day


Her second husband's lawyer talking to the press about a wedding date she never confirmed


What bunch of a.holes

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Sheesh this wedding is a mess. Nice security team. Britney?.

Edited by MadonnasBoyfriend
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What a f*cking pyscho! Please get him the f*ck out of her property :biblio:

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I'm in a state of shock... wtf happened... how did he get in?!

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Also a restraining order too :mazen:

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Also did Jason say he got a gun with him or am I confusing him with the security guard? :biblio:

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3 minutes ago, XoutrageousX said:

Her first "husband" breaking into her home on her wedding day


Her second husband's lawyer talking to the press about a wedding date she never confirmed


What bunch of a.holes

Now we just need JT to tweet something outrageous 

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Few fans messaged him to free Britney from Sam.

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This is so messy :rip: TMZ will be eating this week.

Edited by Champagne
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The fact that he was able to not only get into her property, but her HOUSE..... :biblio:


homegirl better get new security asap, because this is a mess!


Also the fact that Lynne was liking his posts about Britney still being trapped... her family is enabling this criminal :biblio:

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What the..


Wtf is that security doing? (or if he is at all)


fans have BEEN notifying everybody close to her about him...Vicky Been saying she knows and has taken care of it

he had a VIDEO of him being infront of her fences (Not the front ones) Yesterday!
she really needs a more competent team......

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Just to make note that yesterday we had people agreeing with what he is saying in this thread, right after news of his first attempt to break in. This man is dangerous and a restraining order needs to be filed.

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The 150 live viewers is kinda sending me :deadbanana:


I feel so sorry for Brit. This is... too much :!ohno:

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3 minutes ago, ExHuman said:

Few fans messaged him to free Britney from Sam.

No fans like Jason.

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