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Things science can't explain?


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What are things science can't explain? I'll start: 


  • How the words I'm typing right now have any meaning. (There's no meaning in lines of letters or atoms moving around in our body. But the meaning exists.)
  • How humans have feelings. (Chemical reactions.don't have feelings.)


What else? :confused:

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I don't know if it counts but, the origin of the universe, I'm a logical person but, the big bang explosion really? it might try to explain the expansion of the universe, but not the origin per se and why. 


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The origin of life. Why we're the only animals with advanced intelligence, I mean would it be cool if we went to school with cats? :dancehall3:

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1 hour ago, Revolution said:


  • How the words I'm typing right now have any meaning. (There's no meaning in lines of letters or atoms moving around in our body. But the meaning exists.)
  • How humans have feelings. (Chemical reactions.don't have feelings.)



there are certainly mysteries that "science" is still short of explaining but these two are definitely not part of that 

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8 minutes ago, Kakihara said:

I don't know if it counts but, the origin of the universe, I'm a logical person but, the big bang explosion really? it might try to explain the expansion of the universe, but not the origin per se and why. 


We will never know the origin of the universe, even if there is something that would fit the definition of "origin". Also the bigbang is not a theory about the origin of the universe.

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Your first statement isn’t giving what you think it gives since it implies that linguistics isn't a science. :duck:

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Science is about what could be measured and quantified. The things that could not be measured and expressed in numbers, are outside the realm of science.


Can you measure love in SI units?



Science describes and makes mathematical models for all the things we can observe, measure,... So it won't say a thing about what is causing physics can be described in simple and elegant formulas. Whether there is a god behind it or not cannot be answered.


Religion has the tradition of seeing the advancement of the sciences as the threat making the religious explanations for everything in life obsolete, irrelevant,... So the churches have attacked science like science is about to make the churches flop. In many European countries, churches have been converted into nightclubs, concert halls,...

Edited by katykater
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The common ancestor of all organisms.

There are various theories, such as endosymbiotic theory, RNA world. But there’s no scientific consensus yet.

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As others have said, the one that really gets me (and I try not to think about it as it leads me down a rabbit hole) is why and how does everything exist? I'm talking far beyond our planet Earth and human comprehension. I get the Big Bang theory and all that, but if we go back billions and billions of years ago long before earth and our universe, why did space come to be? What was before any of it? Honestly, it's a complete mind **** so I'm gonna stop. :dancehall3:

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12 hours ago, Saljju said:

The origin of life. Why we're the only animals with advanced intelligence, I mean would it be cool if we went to school with cats? :dancehall3:

Science can help us understand aspects of the origin of life.

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Unfortunately, science is very bad at "chicken-or-the-egg" things like the origin of the universe or the origin of life or the origin of information / meaning.

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Life after death / reincarnation 

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