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Thoughts on Argentine cuisine?

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Recently, Argentine cuisine was named the 33rd best in the world, above Jamaica, Venezuela, Pakistan, Egypt, among others. Food in Argentina was influenced by Italy, Spain and the Arab world, as well as indigenous cuisine and neighbouring countries.


These are some staple foods from the End of the World:


Empanadas (usually filled with minced cow meat, chicken or vegetables)

Group of empanadas, an Argentinian national dish


Choripán (try it with typical Argentine sauces: chimichurri, criolla, etc.)

Choripan, an Argentinian national dish


Asado (perhaps the most popular Argentine food)

Asado or Argentine barbecue, an Argentinian national dish


Puchero (perfect for winter)

Bowl of puchero, a popular South American vegetable and meat dish


Sorrentinos (Argentine-made pasta)

El origen de los sorrentinos: la "nona" que inventó la receta, el primer  restaurante que ofreció el plato y la relación de las dos familias que  comparten el crédito - Infobae



Platter of canelones topped with cheese and sauce, the Argentinian version of cannelloni


Provoleta (grilled cheese)

Provoleta Argentinian Cheese



Matambre Relleno Arrollado – CUKit!


The people's favorite: Milanesa (usually with puré or fries)

RECETA DE MILANESA CON PURE (Rabadilla) - Frigomas


The National dish: Locro

Locro – CUKit!


Pastel de papa

Pastel de papas casero: la receta nivel 100


Fugazzeta (pizza filled with cheese and more cheese and onions on top)

▷ Fugazzeta【te encantara esta receta】 » Receta Venezolana



Medialunas de Manteca – CUKit!


The National drink: Mate

Qué es el extracto de mate y qué se prepara con él?


Classic alfajores

Alfajores Argentinos | Chocorecetas


Alfajores de maicena

Receta Alfajores de maicena en Recetips.com



Flan Casero – CUKit!


Panqueques (filled with delicious dulce de leche)




Pastelitos de Batata, a puff pastry snack popular in Buenos Aires



La chocotorta cumple 40 años: cuál es su origen - El Litoral


And there's so much more!


Looks amazing!!! Very starchy though :/


I get a heart attack from just looking at that grilled cheese :deadbanana:


It doesn’t stand out.. some of that stuff can be found in other Latin American countries


alfajores slay but never tried any of the entrée dishes


I have an Argentine friend who lives in Richmond, VA (I'm in Maryland, but right next to DC), and I will WALK to her house, if need be, if she ever invites me to an asado at her place :drool: 


Last time I was there for one, I was chowing down things I never eat, like gizzard and blood sausage.  That's how good he is with the grill :clap3: 


They have good steaks but their food is mostly a derivative of Italian food due to the high number of Italians that moved there.


the BEST South American food is Peruvian. Such a rich and flavorful mixture of indigenous, Asian and European flavors.


Why is this on base? Has argentina a thread? 

Anyway looks like everything already done (except for the locro) but Argentinians really finesse everything they touch variety not so much


as an argentinian myself i can confidently say that i hate most of it :clap3:

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