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Are gendered languages problematic?


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As you know, in many languages, everything gets a gender.




The gender they pick is sometimes biased / sexist. For example, in Arabic, the word for war (harb) is feminine while the word for peace (salaam) is masculine. 


Also, if there are 10 girls in a group and just 1 boy, you have to refer to the whole group as masculine because masculine dominates feminine ALWAYS.


It also shows how desperate humans are to enforce gender everywhere when even random ass objects must have a gender. :biblio:


So is it problematic ?

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Probably to some bored, jobless queers on the internet. The rest of us cope just fine.

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8 minutes ago, Ice Cream Skies said:

Probably to some bored, jobless queers on the internet. The rest of us cope just fine.

This. Leave language alone

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Grammar structural rules are not offensive and problematic, they just exist and and are hardwired into the left side of our brains ever since we learn them from ages 1-2. Using them isn't even rational, it's a literal instinct (Steven Pinker).


Our brains separate people we see between men and women and some languages reflect that :mandown:

Edited by Chimichanga
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It’s not that serious :devil:

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19 minutes ago, Ice Cream Skies said:

Probably to some bored, jobless queers on the internet. The rest of us cope just fine.



Like who sits around and thinks of stupid **** like this? :deadbanana4:

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Anything can be considered problematic so I guess so! :deadbanana:

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if i speak :toofunny2:


i’ll just say that it can be depending on the rules of the language since masculine and feminine cam be seen as two extremes (for lack of a better word…”poles”?) when it comes to the gender expression spectrum 


i don’t think its like thee worst thing in the world but it would be interesting to examine


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slavic languages have a neutral gender so our languages are not problematic :clap3: we love LGBT, come to Russia :clap3:

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13 minutes ago, Chimichanga said:

Grammar structural rules are not offensive and problematic, they just exist and and are hardwired into the left side of our brains ever since we learn them from ages 1-2. Using them isn't even rational, it's a literal instinct (Steven Pinker).


Our brains separate people we see between men and women and some languages reflect that :mandown:

. This, it's not behavior you think about or have to correct, the most accommodating things we can do is add new pronouns for people outside of the gender binary set by those languages.


Hell, even calling them "gender" is kinda weird and stupid, all they are is noun classes, just a group of nouns that belong to the same class in terms of how they're used in the language. They're just called "masculine/feminine" because for some reason in most Indo-European this conception came to involve gender, there is nothing intrinsically gendered about the vast majority of nouns. There are a lot of European languages, particularly Slavic, which actually have 3 genders - Masculine, Feminine and Neuter, there are languages with as many as 10 different noun classes. It's legit completely arbitrary and being bothered by it is braindead.

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29 minutes ago, Ice Cream Skies said:

Probably to some bored, jobless queers on the internet. The rest of us cope just fine.


it’s no big deal Lmao :hoetenks:

no wonder the inclusive language for non binaries flopped 

ain’t nobody got time to change their vocabulary overnight just because a few people demand it 

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Like AOC complaining about Latinos not using Latinx :ahh:
Those people complaining about gendered language have a lot of time on their hands 

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9 minutes ago, shookspeare said:

slavic languages have a neutral gender so our languages are not problematic :clap3: we love LGBT, come to Russia :clap3:


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People that care about things like this are the privileged class. Normal people are busy working and using whatever time they do have to make it from day to day. 

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56 minutes ago, Ice Cream Skies said:

Probably to some bored, jobless queers on the internet. The rest of us cope just fine.



Even if everything is gendered, at least in my language, you can always work around it and find ways to address people without enforcing gender 

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Even in English we have gendered words like he/she. And yes we should abolish them.

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No. Our language has been this way forever, there is no reason to change it. There's a massive difference when referring to people vs inanimate objects, nobody hears "la mesa" and genuinely thinks it's a female table :rip:


It's one thing to add options, even if most of us latinos dislike or use "latinx", for inclusion as it's always nice to have an option to be inclusive, I don't think that's the issue.


But what has definitely gotten and will continue to receive backlash, is trying to force us to speak a certain way or strip ourselves of our language & way of speaking because some bored group of people on the internet think we sit around all day thinking about gendered tables and houses :toofunny2:


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1 hour ago, Ice Cream Skies said:

Probably to some bored, jobless queers on the internet. The rest of us cope just fine.

:cm:Deja el Español en paz

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Electric chechnya

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Kim there’s people dying

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55 minutes ago, Subzero said:



No. Our language has been this way forever, there is no reason to change it. There's a massive difference when referring to people vs inanimate objects, nobody hears "la mesa" and genuinely thinks it's a female table :rip:


It's one thing to add options, even if most of us latinos dislike or use "latinx", for inclusion as it's always nice to have an option to be inclusive, I don't think that's the issue.


But what has definitely gotten and will continue to receive backlash, is trying to force us to speak a certain way or strip ourselves of our language & way of speaking because some bored group of people on the internet think we sit around all day thinking about gendered tables and houses :toofunny2:


le mesa :ahh:

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