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If you believe in an eternal soul does the thought of living forever scare you?


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1 minute ago, mystery said:

Because we can't really know if there is nothing or not until we actually arrive at that point. We can't make ourselves comprehend absolute nothingness. I don't think we are special or different than other organisms just because we gained consciousness, we all eventually arrive at the same point.

I don't believe in the concept of heaven/hell and all that but it is more like becoming a part of the universe again. I do think there is SOMETHING beyond all of us that we cannot truly know or understand about the universe or its creation. If that makes any sense, don't know if I worded it properly. 

I mean... anything is possible I guess, but there is nothing to suggest there's life after death. Like we have no receipts. So as far as I'm concerned being dead is the same as it was before being born. I'm not going preoccupy myself with thoughts about the afterlife because, like you said, we have no way of knowing, but to think that there is *something* just because 'we can't comprehend nothingness' is a fallacy, you will obviously not be comprehending nothingness because you will not exist. Your consciousness will literally stop existing. It's the same like before your birth, you were not conscious then and you will not be conscious after you die.


Also even if there is something beyond the universe that created it, why would you think it would give us another life or keep our consciousness alive to reveal universe's secrets? The universe is billions of years old and has billions of galaxies out there, in the cosmic sense our existence on this planet is super short and insignificant, we've had virtually no impact on how this universe operates so why would we be granted access to whatever is 'beyond'? 

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I believe in reincarnation actually, and that we chose to come to this earth.. like a soul contract kinda thing. Then you get caught up in the webs of karma, and our mission is to get rid of it and dont make new karma.. so in other words be a decent human being

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1 hour ago, ProudLBS said:

Imagine killing yourself and then waking up in a new body :rip:

The only reason why I’m still here, I can’t take that risk :rip:

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9 minutes ago, davorincek said:

I believe in reincarnation actually, and that we chose to come to this earth.. like a soul contract kinda thing. Then you get caught up in the webs of karma, and our mission is to get rid of it and dont make new karma.. so in other words be a decent human being

Are you Hindu/Buddhist?

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1 hour ago, John Slayne said:

I think it's peak human egotism to think that your "soul" will go on to live forever. We are really not that different from other living organisms and we will all eventually perish like them and there will be nothing left of you. Just because we evolved consciousness doesn't mean we're special and universe will take care of us after our bodies pass away... I'm sorry but there's nothing after death. Why would you think otherwise? 

Once you start to gain enlightenment you will notice undeniable things in yourself and then in the world that will point you toward some idea of divinity. Opening your third eye is one way this has been phrased. 

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I remember my past regressed lives. Every time I left and passed away my soul traveled and was able to be free before I was pulled back down into a new human body. It depends on how high your vibration and frequency was and if you were using your higher brain when you left it you start remembering remnants of your existence in another dimension which is the past. 

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11 minutes ago, ANTIclimatic said:

Are you Hindu/Buddhist?

Nope, I just resonate the most with that... Id say im spiritual, not religious. 

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1 hour ago, John Slayne said:

I think it's peak human egotism to think that your "soul" will go on to live forever. We are really not that different from other living organisms and we will all eventually perish like them and there will be nothing left of you. Just because we evolved consciousness doesn't mean we're special and universe will take care of us after our bodies pass away... I'm sorry but there's nothing after death. Why would you think otherwise? 

Human egotism is also thinking you can definitively, without a doubt, define what does and does not exist.


You can make educated guesses, nothing more.

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1 hour ago, Trent W said:

Well not really, following spiritual theories we are supposed to be in a dimension were time is a human man made concept.


In other dimensions or spiritual realms there is no time, just present moment. So linear time is what is weird in reality.

And if we really analyze it, present is the only real thing, past and future are really illusion.


This honestly sounds terrifying. Your actions have no end or beginning and you just are for all of eternally. Is there theories on how one find pleasure or any sensation at all without the construct finitely?

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I cannot fathom the thought of not existing. It scares the **** out of me!


Eternity is something I crave. The capability to be conscious past death.


I want to explore the realms of the multiverse cuz gurl this Earth sucks for the most part :deadvision:

I have been places in my dreams that have comforted me and hope I can find them again after I die idk.

The death of consciousness sounds terrifying because it's incomprihensible... 

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3 minutes ago, ANTIclimatic said:

This honestly sounds terrifying. Your actions have no end or beginning and you just are for all of eternally. Is there theories on how one find pleasure or any sensation at all without the construct finitely?

At first it was terrifying for me, but then you really really think about it and you are never really on the past or in the future. We are really just the present, and it’s a gift since the word present is a synonym.


Even psychology supports this, people who live in the past in their mind are depressed and people who live in the future in their head are super anxious all the time.


And about you last question, from what I believe in a spiritual realm you are in a higher dimension so you are not really experiencing or growing, you are just present and in peace.


We come to earth to experience and grow, that’s why we have a soul contract before we are born, and we are meant to find our purposes.

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15 minutes ago, scenekiller said:

Human egotism is also thinking you can definitively, without a doubt, define what does and does not exist.


You can make educated guesses, nothing more.

Obviously, but I don't see the point in imagining different scenarios about what happens after death when from the information we have available it's most probably nothing. But if y'all need that fantasy of eternal life to comfort yourselves then go ahead. 

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7 minutes ago, smartalek22 said:

I cannot fathom the thought of not existing. It scares the **** out of me!


Eternity is something I crave. The capability to be conscious past death.


I want to explore the realms of the multiverse cuz gurl this Earth sucks for the most part :deadvision:

I have been places in my dreams that have comforted me and hope I can find them again after I die idk.

The death of consciousness sounds terrifying because it's incomprihensible... 

 i have been there too, and I’ve seen things that are just on a whole other level.


That’s why because I became so spiritual the last few years, because of my dreams and my number alignment.


There is definitely something after life and it’s worth exploring for eternity. 

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1 minute ago, John Slayne said:

Obviously, but I don't see the point in imagining different scenarios about what happens after death when from the information we have available it's most probably nothing. But if y'all need that fantasy of eternal life to comfort yourselves then go ahead. 

I think Science is so primitive currently that is almost useless to bring it in topics like afterlife or spirituality.


But even then Science and Spirituality have been crossing paths in the last decades. At some point they will be in the same page in a few centuries.



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12 minutes ago, John Slayne said:

Obviously, but I don't see the point in imagining different scenarios about what happens after death when from the information we have available it's most probably nothing. But if y'all need that fantasy of eternal life to comfort yourselves then go ahead. 

Everyone copes with the harsh realities of life in some way. Some aim to achieve and become wealthy, some go to the gym, some do drugs and drink too much, and some seek to make sense of their feelings through different religions. All of these things can be good, or bad when pushed to the extremes.


That's just the result of self-awareness and consciousness I guess.

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16 minutes ago, Trent W said:

At first it was terrifying for me, but then you really really think about it and you are never really on the past or in the future. We are really just the present, and it’s a gift since the word present is a synonym.


Even psychology supports this, people who live in the past in their mind are depressed and people who live in the future in their head are super anxious all the time.


And about you last question, from what I believe in a spiritual realm you are in a higher dimension so you are not really experiencing or growing, you are just present and in peace.


We come to earth to experience and grow, that’s why we have a soul contract before we are born, and we are meant to find our purposes.

If you're not experiencing or growing would you have consciousness? Isn't life in the mental sense being aware of yourself and surroundings and without that would you just cease to exist? And wouldn't stagnation be the past not present because you reliving a pattern of what you once did before?

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this thread giving late night deep talks with the besties


I, personally, will go to heaven to hang out with my grandmother who was a saint. We will be shooting the **** and smoking Marlboros 24/7. Kinda can’t wait!

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37 minutes ago, ANTIclimatic said:

This honestly sounds terrifying. Your actions have no end or beginning and you just are for all of eternally. Is there theories on how one find pleasure or any sensation at all without the construct finitely?

There’s a show called “The Good Place” and it’s about the afterlife. Their fourth and final season explores how an eternity in paradise without consequences actually leads to agony. Without spoiling in case anyone wants to watch, the main characters basically are tasked with finding a way to bring joy back to everyone in the afterlife. 

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30 minutes ago, ANTIclimatic said:

If you're not experiencing or growing would you have consciousness? Isn't life in the mental sense being aware of yourself and surroundings and without that would you just cease to exist? And wouldn't stagnation be the past not present because you reliving a pattern of what you once did before?

From what I’ve know:


- Everyone who has consciousness experiences growth, even if you are suffering or stuck your soul is learning.

- Yes Definitely 

- I think that stagnation is being in your present moment but stuck in the past or memories that don’t let you move forward, but at some point or moment everyone moves on.


IMO for example if someone waste their current life doing nothing or learning poorly they are reseted into a new life on earth, an maybe in the next one they expand and do things differently.

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3 hours ago, Trent W said:

Well not really, following spiritual theories we are supposed to be in a dimension were time is a human man made concept.


In other dimensions or spiritual realms there is no time, just present moment. So linear time is what is weird in reality.

And if we really analyze it, present is the only real thing, past and future are really illusion.


I don¡t think that time is a man made concept, but its just a dimension that we don't know how to alter (yet). I guess that by doing more physics experiments we'll find out how to exactly manoeuvre time juts like we can move through space, and even with that our techniques to move through space are still very rudimentary. 

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Love this thread. I do think about this from time to time, and it's actually given me a lot of peace revolving one day dying and being dead (used to have a fear). My conclusion is that life is literally just the universe experiencing itself—if one day the universe ends (a lot of scientists hypothesize this), it will be born again as there always has to be something. Maybe then we will find ourselves in new bodies and situations, with no prior memory to this life :blush: just my take on the matter.

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1 hour ago, WeFoundTrouble said:

There’s a show called “The Good Place” and it’s about the afterlife. Their fourth and final season explores how an eternity in paradise without consequences actually leads to agony. Without spoiling in case anyone wants to watch, the main characters basically are tasked with finding a way to bring joy back to everyone in the afterlife. 

I need to go back to it, I stopped after the 2nd season I think.

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i used to believe heavily in reincarnation, however now i believe that our souls just cease to exist. just like every other living organism on this planet dies and nothing happens. nothingness after death makes the most sense just how there is nothingness before birth

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3 hours ago, favorite crime said:

i mean if you have no memory then who curr? if reincarnation exists you've probably been reincarnated thousands of times and you're doing just fine


OT: if it is actually real then that will be terrible. imagine being conscious for forever:biblio:

I am speaking more in a philosophical level/what's the meaning of life.

It would be very anti climatic for me if reincarnation is what happens after we die, like my current life was wasted because I can't remember any lessons I learnt, any achievements. It just feels... pointless 

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