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What are somethings you do that people dislike about you?


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I like calling guys, specially straight guys Mama. Most are confused or dont like it. 



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My smart ass mouth.

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I care more about facts/logic than feelings. That makes me a little insensitive sometimes. 

I talk way too much when discussing topics that are interesting to me. 

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54 minutes ago, Distantconstellation said:

I like calling guys, specially straight guys Mama. Most are confused or dont like it. 





That I’m a bit cold I guess towards ppl depending on my relationship with them

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I'm too insecure and introverted for some

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Im constantly worried about money


I easily cut off people if they hurt me

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I cancel plans all the times with friends that are made a week + prior. I’m more of a “in the moment” person and if I’m not feeling it when the time comes I bail. 

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I don't know how to be moderate (and I hate it)

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I sometimes come across as cold and emotionless.


I have a very dry sense of humour that people don't get, they think I'm serious because of my RBF and monotone voice but I'm really joking 90% of the time.


I am realistic and don't sugarcoat sh*t. I try to be sensitive and supportive of course, but if there is a decent chance things will NOT be okay then I will not be promising you that they will be. I'm always prepared for the worst which is not popular with some people.

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-talking quietly/softly 

-convey a lack of empathy 


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im introverted and have RBF so some people think i automatically hate them

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A lot of people hate that I talk quietly and have a quiet voice but I kind of can’t help it :sad:

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I'm practically unreachable unless I see you everyday or unless I really like you. I live in my own world and I barely respond to texts, it's really hard for me to keep in touch with friends who live far away


Also if I feel close to you then I'm gonna bully/pick on you a biT :mandown: it's all love but I've def hurt a few people's feelings by mistake sdjddkj

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idk whether or not it's a good problem to have but I live a very fast paced life and i struggle to keep in touch with people or respond to them in a decent amount of time, it's not intentional but it bothers people 

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8 hours ago, WitnessOblivia said:

I care more about facts/logic than feelings. That makes me a little insensitive sometimes. 

I talk way too much when discussing topics that are interesting to me. 


1 hour ago, perpetual novice said:

idk whether or not it's a good problem to have but I live a very fast paced life and i struggle to keep in touch with people or respond to them in a decent amount of time, it's not intentional but it bothers people 

All of this

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I hate going to bars/clubs 

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21 hours ago, brenda-walsh said:

im introverted and have RBF so some people think i automatically hate them


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I’ve been told I’m too cold and very blunt. People don’t like that.  

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been told I have a "princess" attitude in some situations, but no one can ever define what that means really :bird:

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I push away the people who are good to me and cling to the people that treat me like ****, pretty typical behavior really. But as far as what they don’t like about me more specifically? Idk, I’m too much of a perfectionist/too hard on myself and I think it comes off as annoying/ fishing for compliments or whatever :rip:

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