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Do you use soap when showering?

Demi Lovato

Do you use soap when showering   

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use soap when showering

    • I use soap on my entire body
    • I use soap only on pits/private parts

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The whole not drying out your skin makes no sense 


like just a lotion lazy ppl after a shower  :rip: 

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1 hour ago, Alyssa Edwards said:

so glad to finally hear ALL people of color around the world have access to baths/showers PLUS soap :celestial2:

i already knew one of yall would say something about this :coffee:

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Reddit is a horrible metric for things like hygiene because the majority of the population there suffers from a chronic lack of b*tches.


If you're afraid the soap will damage your skin, switch to quality products without harsh chemicals. If you're afraid it will dry you out, stop being lazy and apply lotion/body butter while your pores are still open. Also good quality soaps don't leave skin parched.


If you only wash the sweaty parts of your body because you think the rest doesn't degrade over time I challenge you to use an exfoliating product on your lower back or ankles and watch how much grime and dead skin comes off.


I swear, the LENGTHS some of y'all are willing to go stay nasty and for what? It's not that hard to take care of yourself, baby I promise. Be brave

Edited by Pop Life
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I shower with soap nightly and use lotion afterward. It is not that time consuming, and my skin is prone to drying out. Do better. 

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People who actively refuse to use soap should be sent to the Dark Ages where they belong. This is like asking if you use tooth paste :rip:

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The confused OP and answers in here lmfao


Title and questions don't go together :dies:

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Um, yes??? Anyone who doesn’t use soap is just nasty :rip:


I use Dove soap and lather every inch of my body (I’m a germaphobe/clean freak so…)


Plus I wash my hair and condition it every night too with my Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 :gayalipacat5:


Also the dumbies in here saying not using soap is only a white person thing, can y’all stfu?

Edited by ChrisTheLoner
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I use body wash, but the REAL test of hygiene is scrubbing well. Gotta scrub all the dead skin and odors off.... otherwise there's no point in wasting water and products if you ain't scrubbing the right way. 


The argument about it being drying for the skin is just not right.... we shed our old skin daily so our skin cells are constantly regenerating. Using moisturizers helps too, I don't use them cus I hate the sticky feeling they give... but I shower and SCRUB every single day. 

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Yes I'll soap up my whole body.. :fan:

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