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Christian group attacks gay bar for letting parents bring kids to daytime drag show


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There's plenty of drag shows everywhere, a lot of them pg or harmless fun. Even in the south. :skull:


And even if its not pg why tf do they care. All the straights' explicit sexual innuendo on daytime when I was 8 didn't turn me straight.

Disgusting violence is on primetime tv but they're not doing anything about that.


The obsession of religious lunatics on sex and genitals is ick.





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57 minutes ago, Thuggin said:




This is who the pick-me gays are siding with. :skull: They really think they can even be “one of the good ones” at this point.


It’s time to start bashing Nazi skulls in the street. Arm yourselves. Gun control is not coming, so don’t let the enemy be unilaterally armed. Make them afraid to voice their opinions. The Democratic Party is doing nothing to stop the wave of Christo-fascism, so this is the only way and I don’t care who that offends. :cm:

Agreed. America is a hellhole, and the pick-me gays in here are something else :skull: I think the gays should start arming themselves too to fight back against these lunatics. Maybe then America will get some gun control - politicians hate to see minorities legally use their right to bear arms, like the Black Panthers.

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"The fist of Christ"

I too remember all the vast stories about Jesus using his fists to physically assault others. He was all about violence and definitely never mentioned gays or just said 'love everyone'.

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On 6/5/2022 at 12:52 PM, Communion said:

Do straight people have the right to follow gay men down the street and call them pedophiles? :skull:

To follow two lesbian parents with their child and tell them they're going to hell?



This is why conservatism and being a sexual minority are diametrically opposed.

The people who you're defending think your sexuality makes you pre-dispositioned to 1) go to hell and 2) **** kids. 

Have some self-respect. :deadbanana4:

My god. These fascists mongrels couldn't even get a properly incendiary video. Just a drag queen prancing around picking up tips. :toofunny3: So pathetic. 


But I'm sure they probably played those profanity-filled "boohoo, i'm being silenced" Netflix specials on blast for their kids to watch.

Edited by Eric.
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On 6/5/2022 at 7:21 PM, John Slayne said:

the conservative propaganda really did a number on some of y'all. as a drag performer myself, it is so weird to me to see (mostly) cis people assume that there is automatically something sexual about doing drag. like babes, most drag performers are fully covered up adults who are perfectly capable of interacting with children appropriately. 


the way you were indoctrinated into believing that drag performers are some sexual perverts :rip: when for most of us there is nothing sexual about drag at all



Most of the local queens at my club literally just park and bark or flip their wigs around to Latin diva songs.


These pick-me gays are ******* nuts and they will be walking all of us in front of the firing squad.

Also some of y'all harping on that neon sign are silly. :toofunny3: Are you gonna be the one to tell the kids the sign might be about oral sex or are you gonna be a normal person and use any other explanation for it such as "it's about not letting the ice cream melt in the sun"?



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On 6/5/2022 at 11:19 AM, ProudLBS said:

because they're children

Have you ever been to a drag show? it's not like they are nude on stage or something. Drag queens spend hours and hours perfecting their performances and they are usually always classy and unproblematic. It's just like seeing a concert at a regular venue. This shouldn't be seen as wrong.... because there is nothing wrong with it. Now, I do think no alcohol should be sold at this time, and it should be as family friendly as possible. 

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It honestly amazes me the amount of CHILDLESS people who go waste their time protesting stuff like this. Real parents know to keep their kids away from all of that, if they feel their child should not be seeing that. It's that simple to be a good parent. The goobs in the video need lives... maybe we should start a gofundme so they can go entertain themselves someplace else. 

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On 6/5/2022 at 12:13 PM, Communion said:


It's a light-fixture literally affixed to the wall. :skull:

Have you ever been inside a Hooters or any American bar (I know one of you doesn't live in the US :skull:)?


That such is what drew your attention and not the threats of violence and commentary that features such claims like being gay makes one 11x more likely to be a pedophile says it all really. Just because you hate being gay doesn't mean anyone else should indulge in your self-hatred. :deadbanana4:

and i oop oop oop :clap3:

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Good. Children should not be subjected to it. What kind of parent would allow them to visit a club and watch performers do overtly sexual routines?





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The sign is the only thing off about this, but do you guys realize that this happened in an ice cream shop and that it has always been there regardless of events? 

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16 minutes ago, Rowan said:

Good. Children should not be subjected to it. What kind of parent would allow them to visit a club and watch performers do overtly sexual routines?






Google "child holding guns" and get some perspective. 



God forbid a child entering a gay bar to see a drag show.... when literal kids are being exposed to gun violence and mass shootings on the daily. 

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5 hours ago, Rowan said:

Good. Children should not be subjected to it. What kind of parent would allow them to visit a club and watch performers do overtly sexual routines?





Can you explain what is 'provocative' in that first clip because I just see a kid dancing


People complaining about a drag show in WeHo is f'n weird



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Umpteenth reminder in this thread: they don't view you as 'the good gay', they hate all things LGBTQ




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9 hours ago, Rowan said:

Good. Children should not be subjected to it. What kind of parent would allow them to visit a club and watch performers do overtly sexual routines? homophonic nonsense blah blah blah

The way she's gonna easily be Top 3 on RPDR Season 16. :jonny:

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9 hours ago, Raw Honey said:

The sign is the only thing off about this, but do you guys realize that this happened in an ice cream shop and that it has always been there regardless of events? 

exactly--I personally wouldn't take my kids to one in a club but there's a really awesome socially conscious brunch place I like to go to that does kid friendly drag brunches and it's fun and cute.  

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37 minutes ago, IvyTower said:

exactly--I personally wouldn't take my kids to one in a club but there's a really awesome socially conscious brunch place I like to go to that does kid friendly drag brunches and it's fun and cute.  

I hope the same people upset by this feel the same about kids going to pop girl concerts :coffee2:

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10 hours ago, Rowan said:

Good. Children should not be subjected to it. What kind of parent would allow them to visit a club and watch performers do overtly sexual routines?





Are we looking at the same video? It was a fully covered drag queen in a long dress dancing to music and then a kid just dancing around having fun. You would see more explicit things if you took a child to a Taylor Swift concert :rip:

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On 6/5/2022 at 11:31 PM, Roman Holiday said:

Kids should not be at a drug show unless the humor is age appropriate. That’s weird, get a babysitter like a normal adult.


Also, nobody even wants your ugly ass children there

Maybe something new is welcomed and the society / community can alter the event for that new change, I mean it could be a way to introduce the new generation to be open minded, to accept the truth that there are people who lead a different life and don't follow the conventional / traditional life. 


But it depends on the parents tho, if it leads to harmful results for the kids then it's not supposed to happen. I haven't been to drag show in real life but all I can see on YT was just them bitchesss dancing / lipsync to the song, they're not even vulgar. It's just an entertainment. IMHO :giraffe:




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Not there being people in this thread actually supporting the people attacking them. :biblio:

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