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Marine Le Pen thrown eggs on the streets of France


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LE PANNED indeed


Atrl latoya discusion GIF - Encontrar en GIFER

Edited by Cloudy
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Vive La France!

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Edited by lovedaddy
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This is so heartwarming. 

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Yas, take her eye out with iT!

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Hope they were rotten for Le Panned :ahh:

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First she stole Macron's votes, not she steals eggs that were intended for him :jonny3: Only the future first ever female blonde president :jonny3:

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Not the first time she’s had yolk on her face

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Why she still has a career? How many times the french GP has to say NO? Take a hint, woman.

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It's what she deserves.

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This reminds me of that kiwi who got thrown a dildo but without the shaft

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