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Just now, Puttanesca said:

This F5 is so boring tbh. Michael was the last houseguest with flavour.

Michael was so boring lol

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4 minutes ago, Chris said:

Can you shut the f*ck up and mind your f*cking business?


You are seriously one of THE most annoying people ever.


Go away.

Mind business? ***** this is a public forum. I can say wtf I want just like you can. You was all in my messages whining about @Kings. allegedly attacking you constantly but now I understand why. You’re the problem. 

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1 minute ago, dussymob said:

Mind business? ***** this is a public forum. I can say wtf I want just like you can. You was all in my messages whining about @Kings. allegedly attacking you constantly but now I understand why. You’re the problem. 

You are correct but I am not throwing out subliminals your way, am I?




Because if I did the same thing that you are doing, you'd be crying right?




And for the record, I was not whining about anyone attacking me. I was just explaining to you about some conflict that happened and why I said things about being bipolar since you got so offended I used those terms.


Get your facts straight next time before you flap your gingivitis gums, Willard.




And no I am not a problem or THE problem. Never have been and never will be.


Now disperse and stop sending subliminals my way. You're f/cking irritating. 

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seeing how batshit crazy and truly psychotic Michael looked before being evicted omg :bibliahh: sorry but good riddance 

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31 minutes ago, Puttanesca said:

This F5 is so boring tbh. Michael was the last houseguest with flavour.

I have to agree people call him boring but he really wasn't 

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34 minutes ago, dussymob said:

Mind business? ***** this is a public forum. I can say wtf I want just like you can. You was all in my messages whining about @Kings. allegedly attacking you constantly but now I understand why. You’re the problem. 

The exposé :rip:

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  • ATRL Moderator

Michael was boring up until his eviction. The most exciting player this season is probably Turner considering how his HoHs have all gone. 

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2 hours ago, dussymob said:

Mind business? ***** this is a public forum. I can say wtf I want just like you can. You was all in my messages whining about @Kings. allegedly attacking you constantly but now I understand why. You’re the problem. 

NOW- It’s late and I don’t have the energy to address this like I want to, but I NEVER attacked ANYONE. I was annoyed seeing users jump down Taylor’s back and got a bit heated, but ATTACKED??? Never that. :coffee2:


1 hour ago, khalyan said:

Michael was boring up until his eviction. The most exciting player this season is probably Turner considering how his HoHs have all gone. 

You spilled a bit. He was VERY boring and Turner is playing the damn game!


20 minutes ago, dussymob said:

This gif :bibliahh:

Let me save it :lmao: 

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6 minutes ago, Kings. said:

NOW- It’s late and I don’t have the energy to address this like I want to, but I NEVER attacked ANYONE. I was annoyed seeing users jump down Taylor’s back and got a bit heated, but ATTACKED??? Never that. :coffee2:


You spilled a bit. He was VERY boring and Turner is playing the damn game!


Let me save it :lmao: 

I don’t think you was attacking him, I’m saying he was trying to plead his case that you kept coming for him, it was nonsense. 

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38 minutes ago, dussymob said:

I don’t think you was attacking him, I’m saying he was trying to plead his case that you kept coming for him, it was nonsense. 

And even then, I wasn’t even coming for him :rip: I simply was responding to what he was saying that day, but he was coming at me crazy in the same way he did you. I clocked that he was looking the way he claimed I was, yet it was clear as day it was nothing more than him projecting :'(

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32 minutes ago, Kings. said:

And even then, I wasn’t even coming for him :rip: I simply was responding to what he was saying that day, but he was coming at me crazy in the same way he did you. I clocked that he was looking the way he claimed I was, yet it was clear as day it was nothing more than him projecting :'(

I see nothing but facts here. 

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Michael’s lanky arms pulling the girls :toofunny3:


Anyway, it’s hard to think it’s almost over in 2 weeks! 

Monte showing just how misogynistic he is tonight to Taylor :biblio: 

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Alyssa actually made me laugh this episode saying "can't girl" in the HOH comp to the screaming girl. Glad she's going finally.


It's quite interesting having a final four with no massive front runner and where they all have their flop moments. I just hope Monte loses now, preferably due to Brittany.



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Monte is acting very alpha male, if he was white he would get drag so hard(by the fans) like Cody/Jackson.

If Michael/Britt doesn`t sneak on Kyle, Monte/Taylor would be nominated by the end of that week and one of them will go home under Tuner HOHs, then we will get the dyrefest dominating for the rest of the season, a nightmare, literally a nightmare. And then the week after Michael also stupid for keeping his words and not target Tuner/Monte. I get it Monte betray Michael last week is a good game move.

But now he`s acting like Britt/Michael own him and keeping mad at them doesn`t feel right while actually they did more than enough for him (not betray him when the house split, sneak on Kyle to save him/Taylor, then keep him safe again when Michael HOH and target Terrence, that`s 3 weeks in a row). And at the same time he went back to be bro with Kyle in a blink lol. 

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If Taylor goes this week then Alyssa is the winner we all deserve :sorry:

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53 minutes ago, TaggedGalaxy said:

If Taylor goes this week then Alyssa is the winner we all deserve :sorry:

Kinda spilled. Brittany is a cracked liar who hid behind Michael for his entire duration of the game, Monte is a flip flopping weirdo, Turner stinks and Taylor isn’t win anything as of recently to secure herself safety, so :cm: 

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I see the usual have came in here and of course want to stir up some stuff so let me go ahead and address this.




8 hours ago, dussymob said:

I don’t think you was attacking him, I’m saying he was trying to plead his case that you kept coming for him, it was nonsense. 

Let me break it down for you since you seem very slow and you seem like you need things to be spelled out for you. I made some comments about mental health and then you said something along the lines of me being wrong. So I just explained my side of things to you so you can understand and then we just left it at that. Nothing more, nothing less. This was more than a month ago so I don't know why you are mentioning it now.


7 hours ago, dussymob said:

I see nothing but facts here. 



You have some nerve.


Don't come in here and accuse me of nonsense when you're the homo who is constantly making stupid subs when I am not even typing to you.


Stop replying to comments about me, stop worrying about what i type in here, and go get some f/cking d*ck or something. You'd probably feel a lot better. Like the saying goes, hit dogs will definitely holler, right? :cm:


It's not my fault you were spreading your a*shole on Xtube for free before it got shut down. That's your problem, not mine.

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In other news, Taylor is staying. I have actually grown to like Alyssa, and the top 5 are in my favorite 6 Houseguests of the season.

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