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28 minutes ago, dabunique said:

Aaaaaaw memories 



Such an iconic fight. One of the reasons I stan BB today :'(

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2 hours ago, dussymob said:

Am I the only one tired of this falsification about what Taylor actually said and the defense against what Kyle did?:biblio:

Yep, it’s so exhausting, especially since Kyle was targeting all the POC BEFORE Taylor even said she didn’t want to nom a black woman (and she literally nom’d Terrance that exact week :rip: ).


It’s not the “gotcha!!” moment they think it is. 

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Omg its holiday in my country. And i decide to stop watching this week when Taylor/Britt nominated cause the outcome will be so hard to watch. But how the table turn and Kyle evicted, omg i need to do some catch up. This season is truly a gift that keep on giving. King Tunner did the right thing or what. Im so confused, he was deadset on evicted Britt/Taylor/Micheal.


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This episode was annoying to watch. It seemed to focus so much on Kyle's quest for growth and while they made it clear what he said was wrong they didn't really explain why it was so dumb to think that all the POC were working together. I'm sure a lot of people are on his side after that edit.


Meanwhile Michael and Brittany seemed to come off worse. I think the most frustrating thing with them is the dishonesty with their motivation in revealing the info now. Brittany in particular plays the victim too much when it's pretty transparent why they did it.


It's definitely icky but I think Michael and Brittany responded better than many past HGs would have in a similar situation. Usually this would have been dropped completely until post season.


The audience being so quiet except for one person vigorously clapping was funny though.

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Monte better win the veto and either Turner/Terrance get the boot, then either Monte/Alyssa get the hoh in the double and take out Michael, and then Tay hoh and take the remaining of Tur/Ter out

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11 hours ago, Hot Volcano said:

why isn't this thread blowing up? Where is everyone? Always here to complain about how bad BB seasons are and now we finally get a great season and this thread is almost on page 2 just in time for tonight's exciting episode :biblio:

I was on holiday and try to avoid this week cause when Tunner side with the outside and nominated Taylor/Britt and plan to backdoor Micheal. It would be such a devastated week. Didnt know how things turn out and Kyle got exposed and evicted.

I catch up all the updates and was so excited but when i go back and read this thread and the reaction from most of you guys are so dissapointed. As a fan of the show, this should be a fun week. But everyone still complain about Micheal/Britt as if they dont actually want to protect Taylor. Seem like you guys never be happy and always look for details to drag these people. Finally we got a good season since bb17 and all you do is keep conplainning about injustice, about hows things doesnnt go your way and i guess what you want is Kyle/Micheal/Britt/Tunner/Terrence/Alyssa to be evicted all in this week or something. I get the well deserved hate for Kyle/Daniel/Nicole. But if you hate everyone that much why bother to keep up with the season. I left early in BB19,21,22 cause i hate most of the casts rather than staying and keep spreading hatred on every posts. Reading this thread is so exhausted, we got a week when fan fave Taylor was saved and  KKKyle was evicted and people still not happy. 

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somehow Kyle's eviction was not as satisfying as id hoped :rip:

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2 hours ago, chiliam said:

I was on holiday and try to avoid this week cause when Tunner side with the outside and nominated Taylor/Britt and plan to backdoor Micheal. It would be such a devastated week. Didnt know how things turn out and Kyle got exposed and evicted.

I catch up all the updates and was so excited but when i go back and read this thread and the reaction from most of you guys are so dissapointed. As a fan of the show, this should be a fun week. But everyone still complain about Micheal/Britt as if they dont actually want to protect Taylor. Seem like you guys never be happy and always look for details to drag these people. Finally we got a good season since bb17 and all you do is keep conplainning about injustice, about hows things doesnnt go your way and i guess what you want is Kyle/Micheal/Britt/Tunner/Terrence/Alyssa to be evicted all in this week or something. I get the well deserved hate for Kyle/Daniel/Nicole. But if you hate everyone that much why bother to keep up with the season. I left early in BB19,21,22 cause i hate most of the casts rather than staying and keep spreading hatred on every posts. Reading this thread is so exhausted, we got a week when fan fave Taylor was saved and  KKKyle was evicted and people still not happy. 

Michael is safe as the new HOH :cheers:

and he will keep Taylor safe people should be happy



My thoughts:

Alyssa/ Terrance, Alyssa/Monte, Terrance/Monte will be the noms with a target to backdoor Turner

Edited by Insanity
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ugh i had a Madonna podcast to do last night so i'm finally sitting down to see da episode

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10 hours ago, Almodusa said:

Him staring into the camera at the end while Julie is talking about the extended interview :deadbanana4:




ugh this conversation with Bug Eyes & KKKyle is everything

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28 minutes ago, dabunique said:

ugh i had a Madonna podcast to do last night so i'm finally sitting down to see da episode


u host a madonna podcast?

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2 minutes ago, Insanity said:


u host a madonna podcast?

my friend does and i'm a guest 

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54 minutes ago, dabunique said:

ugh i had a Madonna podcast to do last night




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eeeeek Terrence with da read of life to KKKyle


i am not a fan of this edit


House meeting aye


so never going to a bar means u have no life experience


Terrance readin mike and bug eyes for filth and deserved


TAYLOR!!!!!! facts on facts on facts


honestly da eviction is jus da beginning for him


isolating myself will be no help to anyone, but u proceeded to isolate and treat my King like trash outside, not white devil u need to feel da impact of da wrong doing u did to everyone


not this breakup scene only for her to give him another 15 seconds smh


da veto speech missing smh,


i'm so over this crying cracker i see what production is doin here, oh Monte don't be fooled by these tears


da way they won't show any of da campaigning to keep this trash by da Coon and Stinky


love this conversation with Monte & Taylor about Bug Eyes & Mike


this trash of an eviction speech from KKKyle


bye bye trash


ugh this rudemtion arc is not it!!!!  gather him Miss Julie, she better show him receipts, where r da microaggressions?!?!? 


he had no relationship with Mike & Bug Eyes, please stawp right now, yes all to protect Alyssa


not a two hour double eviction lol da last two hour episode was an utter mess

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2 hours ago, Insanity said:

somehow Kyle's eviction was not as satisfying as id hoped :rip:

This whole episode was completely staged and you can’t tell me otherwise. From the first scene with Britt and Kyle you could tell the producers told them exactly how to have the conversation.

Same with the house meeting and all the rehearsed monologues.


The only thing that didn’t seem staged was the Kyle/Monte conversation

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16 minutes ago, Lost In Paradise said:

This whole episode was completely staged and you can’t tell me otherwise. From the first scene with Britt and Kyle you could tell the producers told them exactly how to have the conversation.

Same with the house meeting and all the rehearsed monologues.


The only thing that didn’t seem staged was the Kyle/Monte conversation

I personally think the producers decided that it was best for Kyle to leave the game because it was creating too much bad controversy but they needed footage for the remainder of the week so there was definitely some deals made out to soften the blow on Kyle which is why a lot of his nasty comments wasn't aired unfortunately. 

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1 hour ago, dabunique said:


not this breakup scene only for her to give him another 15 seconds smh



at least she voted to evict lol

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I’m so done with Twitter. :deadbanana4:

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the way people would put Indy as possible part of POC alliance :rip:  there’s a lot to learn… not because she is Brazilian takes away the fact that she is white..moreover, being latino is not a race but go off houseguests… and even by this logic, she would still be bottom of the barrel in both alliances..shame

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7 hours ago, Michael196 said:


How is he straight tho? I cannot believe it… it was so cringy him “liking” the girl in the challenge

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18 hours ago, Hot Volcano said:

why isn't this thread blowing up? Where is everyone? Always here to complain about how bad BB seasons are and now we finally get a great season and this thread is almost on page 2 just in time for tonight's exciting episode :biblio:

Great season? Where? These people have not given much.

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50 minutes ago, orange22 said:

Great season? Where? These people have not given much.

Huh? Is this a joke? Week 1 Taylor was supposed to be evicted and after that we've basically had 3 blindsides in a row with all of the disgusting and terrible people being evicted week after week. And now Kyle being exposed and being kicked out. What did you want all those nasty people to evict the other side of the house? 


Have you seen previous seasons of BB? Like, how is this not a great season :deadbanana2:

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