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3 hours ago, Harmonizer said:

Next week is going to be an absolute messssss. Joseph & Monte for dual HOH

Im here for a Jasmine HOH as long as she is not on the same side with Taylor. 

The leftover can get the other HOH.

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I really want Indy to snap after the veto ceremony.  I'll stan her if she screams at Kyle and Alyssa.  

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1 hour ago, TaggedGalaxy said:

No KKKyle and Alyssa need to be separated for the mess

No they need to be in the same group, so if one of them gets evicted the other would walk out and follow them :fan:

54 minutes ago, Kings. said:

I’m finally watching Sunday’s episode and some of y’all definitely did the most. I assumed Taylor made that promise to the girls AFTER her HOH, but it was prior to :rip: Idk why y’all gave her hell for that when ALL the girls made that same promise to one another :deadbanana:


Anyway, I hope Indy leaves because her energy in general is just nasty and I see her for who she is.

I didn’t comment about that but it doesn’t matter when they did that exactly, we all know that they were lying and Tay was the only one who meant it :ace:

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Why you guys want Micheal/Britt to be the leftover 1st boot?

They are actually unproblematic, strategic, really play for themselves to win and also provide some drama and entertainment. They deserve to goes further than at least Kyle/Monte.

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3 minutes ago, khalyan said:

I really want Indy to snap after the veto ceremony.  I'll stan her if she screams at Kyle and Alyssa.  

Whatever happens she’ll blame Taylor, like always

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  • ATRL Moderator
3 minutes ago, chiliam said:

Why you guys want Micheal/Britt to be the leftover 1st boot?

They are actually unproblematic, strategic, really play for themselves to win and also provide some drama and entertainment. They deserve to goes further than at least Kyle/Monte.

Michael and Brittany are too comfortable with KKKyle's all-white alliance and have started saying their own racial microaggressions against the POC in the house.  


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9 minutes ago, chiliam said:

Why you guys want Micheal/Britt to be the leftover 1st boot?

They are actually unproblematic, strategic, really play for themselves to win and also provide some drama and entertainment. They deserve to goes further than at least Kyle/Monte.

They’re willing to go along with KKKyle’s Klan alliance. Hopefully they wake up and ditch him

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It doesn't make sense for Michael to distance himself from KKKyle because they've been attached at the hip since the beginning and he knows Kyle has more social agency than he does + the showmance gives him a shield for when the implosion eventually happens. I really thought we'd be past this point in the narrative after production likely strongarmed via questioning people to drop their reservations about Taylor, but alas :deadbanana4:

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25 minutes ago, chiliam said:

Why you guys want Micheal/Britt to be the leftover 1st boot?

They are actually unproblematic, strategic, really play for themselves to win and also provide some drama and entertainment. They deserve to goes further than at least Kyle/Monte.

ma'am u haven't been watching da feeds lately as it seems



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39 minutes ago, Michael196 said:

No they need to be in the same group, so if one of them gets evicted the other would walk out and follow them :fan:

I didn’t comment about that but it doesn’t matter when they did that exactly, we all know that they were lying and Tay was the only one who meant it :ace:

And again, we’re all on the outside looking in on everything, so we know this but she doesn’t because they haven’t told her so directly nor has anyone else (prior to noms) :clown:

32 minutes ago, khalyan said:

Michael and Brittany are too comfortable with KKKyle's all-white alliance and have started saying their own racial microaggressions against the POC in the house.  


Michael MUST go during this double :coffee2: I want him over Brittany first just to see how/if she’ll be able to function without her biggest ally in the house :cm: 

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Because she would be onboard with you using it and her potentially going up :skull: I’m so TIRED of this man-child.

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12 minutes ago, Kings. said:

Because she would be onboard with you using it and her potentially going up :skull: I’m so TIRED of this man-child.




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MESS INCOMING :duca: I hope Indy snaps Chima style and makes a big exit before going HOME home :jonny5: 

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50 minutes ago, chiliam said:

Why you guys want Micheal/Britt to be the leftover 1st boot?

They are actually unproblematic, strategic, really play for themselves to win and also provide some drama and entertainment. They deserve to goes further than at least Kyle/Monte.

Twitter calling them racists now :rip: 


I would be shook and paranoid as well when Taylor refused to nominate Jasmean considering how mean was Jasmean towards Taylor and will have no problem to do that to her. It was so shady and even Monte and Joseph thought that was weird


Michael and Brittany are paranoid and chaotic but to call them racists are disgusting. At least they are making future plan and playing and refused to be 6th and 7th in their alliance

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YES ....




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Jasmine doing something right for once :jonnycat: I just know a fight is gonna happen at some point today :clap3:

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2 hours ago, Desire said:

Finally caught up again and this new twist is nerve wracking. Double evictions never go how we want it to :dancehall2: but as long as Taylor and Joseph are safe then I'm fine with any outcome 



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47 minutes ago, TaggedGalaxy said:

They’re willing to go along with KKKyle’s Klan alliance. Hopefully they wake up and ditch him


50 minutes ago, khalyan said:

Michael and Brittany are too comfortable with KKKyle's all-white alliance and have started saying their own racial microaggressions against the POC in the house.  


Britt/Michael are not racist. Kyle has a Maga mindset but Brit/Michael is just float and tell the person they talked with exactly what they wanna hear, they dont actually believe that and actually push for Allyssa nom earlier.

The paranoid is too much but that kinda understandable right after last year The cookout and on top of that the Nicole lie is working.

If you guys scream racist at every houseguests like that, the future of this show would be doomed, non poc will afraid to target poc or poc also doesnt want to target poc. They are having conversation and learning on the way, dont be too hard on them.



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14 minutes ago, fais_2311 said:

Twitter calling them racists now :rip: 


I would be shook and paranoid as well when Taylor refused to nominate Jasmean considering how mean was Jasmean towards Taylor and will have no problem to do that to her. It was so shady and even Monte and Joseph thought that was weird


Michael and Brittany are paranoid and chaotic but to call them racists are disgusting. At least they are making future plan and playing and refused to be 6th and 7th in their alliance

This. Calling Michael/Britt racist is too far.

With Nicole lies about Taylor/Jasmine link up and Taylor refuse to nom Jas, it will surely cause some doubt. They have legit reason to have concern and disscuss about that. But they dont actually follow Kyle ideal of all white alliance consider they were pushing hard for Allyssa to go this week.


Edited by chiliam
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At least Kyle has a solid reason to keep Alyssa cause Alyssa will always on his side


But Taylor protecting one of her biggest haters, the one who nominated her before, the one who started lies about her. I just can’t. This is not Tiffany, Chaddha & Azah or Day & Bayleigh protected each other. Jasmean did not deserve that. If Taylor somehow leave on Jasmean’s HoH, I will have a meltdown. I can feel that Taylor really want to nominate Jasmean tho. She just worry of the backlash from twitter. Black girls supposed to have each other’s back but Jasmean did not deserved any protection from Taylor.


I hope Indy will go. She’s so vile towards Taylor. But I think Joseph will try to save Indy

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8 minutes ago, dabunique said:


I’m here for the drama. I know Taylor has a SPEECH planned and I’m excited to see Indy’s face once her fate is sealed :fan:

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