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Would limited gun control laws even have any impacts?


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212 mass shootings in the US this year. Some of them with illegally bought arms, some others bought them legally but 44% of the US lives in a house that posseses firearms. Would limiting gun control even change anything? US gun culture is so ingrained in the minds of Americans that only a full on ban of firearms and raids to take semiautomatic guns from every single American household who have one. Also prohibitions on hunting are necessary, including laws against family members teaching their kids how to shoow and label that as child abuse.


Sadly, this would lead to massive protests, way bigger than those for pro-gun people. A big problem in the US is that every significant political figure / party is in favour of still letting people buy guns for themselves, and only a few non-establishment leftist parties are pro the only thing that would make a change, actually forbiding the use of guns in self-defense. 


Anyway, mass shootings in the US only prove the United States of America is a failed state and that no major change can happen without fundamentally changing the constitution and therefore, the law system


Do you agree?



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wbk these half-assed laws everyone is advocating for won't make a difference. as long as there's guns on the streets shootings will happen


what will happen is they will pass some minor gun control law which will obviously flop and then republicans will use that as an argument for why there shouldn't be any gun control

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Ban the lot. It would take years before you’d see a change but it would happen. 

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Unfortunately I do not see a path forward to implementing legislation that would have a fundamental impact, but if it did, yes. There are so many countries who have put things in place to prevent this, and they are not seeing this on the scale the US is, not even close. It's an embarrassment 

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Ban assault weapons.


I’m okay with hunting rifles.

Edited by Tusk
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It will happen slowly, there’s nothing that could be implemented that would be an instant fix. Anything we do now will be for the future generation cause guns would have to be slowly phased out. All we can do is limit who gets a gun from now on. 

Edited by Danny789
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Gun control isn't going to be a Thano's snap and be an immediate removal, but it will eventually bring change. If every other country makes it work, there's no reason the United States cannot :deadbanana:

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Making assault weapons harder to get would be good start.

But yeah I almost want to buy a gun because you never know when you might have to pop a crazy :deadbanana4:

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A ban would be necessary with the opportunity to hand your guns over without punishment. But I doubt there are enough resources to do that.

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Federally, the hypothetical on whether laws would have any impact is wasted energy to discuss further when the current Supreme Court is planning on striking down conceal carry laws in blue states in just weeks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_State_Rifle_%26_Pistol_Association,_Inc._v._Bruen


State enforcement is relatively toothless without the federal backing from the courts on things like red flag laws. The conservative majority of the court is now young too, so nothing is changing in my lifetime. The argument that laws won't stop criminals has always been ludicrous. The goal has always been harm reduction, not elimination. The general public needs to stop falling for that gaslighting, on that and numerous talking points in this debate since Columbine. I blame the AK-47 for a lot of these mass shootings, but again, it's not going anywhere. 


The only feasible action regarding a consistent theme in these mass shootings were prior mental health concerns being flagged, which comes down to families/friends, some of whom ignored warning signs and some that simply didn't have the resources or time to try and reach out for further help because we have horrible mental health infrastructure in this county, with Texas ranked last, by the way. 


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You're obviously never going to stop every shooting through a law but specifically banning the sale of AR15s would undoubtedly have an impact because it would be harder for socially isolated incels, like the last few shooters, to get them. If you deny that you are just delusional.

Edited by Beyonnaise
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I mean this man just bought one and clearly wouldn’t have passed a psych evaluation 



but there are so many guns that you would not see am immediate effect 


the biggest problem is you can just go buy a gun in a different state and bring it to another 

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21 minutes ago, Beyonnaise said:

You're obviously never going to stop every shooting through a law but specifically banning the sale of AR15s would undoubtedly have an impact because it would be harder for socially isolated incels, like the last few shooters, to get them. If you deny that you are just delusional.

It couldn't be more obvious imo



Also, like people said, banning guns or restricting sales now doesn't suddenly remove them all, but it's a start in phasing them out. It's an illusion you can all erase them from existence at once, but that only means it's even more important to start now: the longer you wait, the later they'll totally be gone too.


Don't wanna rub it in anyone's face, but I feel very lucky that I have never seen a gun in real life that wasn't on law enforcement. Not once. It's possible, you just gotta start somewhere now.

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Guns need to be banned in the U.S


No other country has this ******* problem, there’s been barely any mass shootings in Australia and the UK since guns were banned. 

At the very least ban AR-15s and require people to have mental evaluations before they can buy smh

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Increase the age at which you can purchase a gun

Ban assault rifles and any type of heavy ammunition, if you're purchasing something other than a handgun there needs to be a good reason and it needs to be noted and tracked

Strict mental health tests that include unbiased interviews with people that know you and your behavior

If any kind of law or rule is broken the permit must be revoked for x amount of years and would have to undergo stricter testing to get it back


This all sounds extreme but we have reached radical times 

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1 hour ago, Tusk said:

Ban assault weapons.


I’m okay with hunting rifles.

Psh take a survival class and learn to use bow and arrow.


Ban them all.

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6 minutes ago, Afterglow said:

Psh take a survival class and learn to use bow and arrow.


Ban them all.

Lol. This is stupid.  You can die just as quick from an arrow.

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  • ATRL Moderator
4 minutes ago, Afterglow said:

Psh take a survival class and learn to use bow and arrow.


Ban them all.

You’re not going to be able to remove hunting rifles.  The 2A has too much strength; that any potential reform has to be done carefully in accordance to the constitution.


Ban AR15s, increase the age to purchase weapons (Texas just lowered it to 18 last year which is how this shooter was able to get his gun), and universal background checks could help slow down the amount of mass shootings.  

Beyond that, I’m not sure what could be done that could be viewed as constitutionally friendly and not shut down by a bipartisan court (not talking about our current Republican Supreme Court). 

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  • ATRL Moderator

Also, since Republicans are framing this specific incident as a mental health issue and not a gun issue, Democrats need to match them and fight for universal mental health care.  Obviously guns are the bigger issue but we can match the Republicans bluff and get something else beneficial done until we have a government that actually gives a shit. 

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In some cases yes, limitations would work, in others not so much. one instance is having it in your home, and only using your gun if for example, a break in or someone is in your backyard. for others limitations would not work because even with limitations, law breakers well of course break the law. so banning guns would work out much better. even though you can still get your hands on a gun, it would be much harder because you can't just take a trip to a gun store. you'd actually have to possibly find a black market dealer. all though I don't think they will ban guns until a government official gets assassinated with one, which God forbid doesn't happen. but I have agree with @kawk, ban assault weapons and keep concealed carry guns/hand guns. 

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3 hours ago, Tusk said:

Lol. This is stupid.  You can die just as quick from an arrow.

What does that have to do with anything?

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This thread (and the whole gun control debate) is the best evidence that the American education system is failing and has been failing for a long time.


The Republicans know that gun control works.


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They need to ban assault weapons..  this is the obvious starting point.


NO civilian needs an assault weapon, its crazy that its even legal to begin with.

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