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Uvalde, TX School Massacre: Former Police Chief Indicted for Slow Response


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This is how race can be abused by republicans.


People like her don't deserve to live, I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry.



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Republicans making this about border control instead of gun control :rip: 


Republicans care more about protecting their guns than human rights :rip: 


We are DOOMED :rip: 

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This is going to get worse because all the media attention that this mass shooting is going to get is going to inspire other psychopaths around the world to also do the same thing unfortunately.


Did they find anything with regards to any of his social media?

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2 minutes ago, Cheers said:

Republicans making this about border control instead of gun control :rip: 


Republicans care more about protecting their guns than human rights :rip: 


We are DOOMED :rip: 

Gun control?




SO fuckin proud, too :pukey:

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I was at my mom’s house earlier and she had it on Fox News. Of course they were pushing more security for schools with armed security at every door, fences around the school with one entry and exit, and arming teachers with guns for all schools in the US all under the same breath ending with “but let’s not make it political.” Like wtf??? Ken Paxton, Texas AG was the main one spewing off that nonsense literally after this tragic shooting. Nothing about gun reform, nothing realistic. My sister is a teacher and she is really upset over it all. I don’t blame her. 

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why doesn't america have any gun reform? it seems like the only option at this point unless people's right to have guns means more to them than peoples lives

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4 minutes ago, Patient Zero said:

Gun control?




SO fuckin proud, too :pukey:

where did this photo come from?

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These kids only had 2 days left in the school year. heartbreaking.

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7 minutes ago, Chris said:

around the world

Not really, school shootings are very very VERY rare around the globe. Especially in comparison. It's an American thing through and through.


4 minutes ago, Patient Zero said:




SO fuckin proud, too :pukey:

The guns pointing towards the kid, I-


Imagine growing up like this. It's INSANE to my European brain. Twilight zone.

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I'm so ******* over this. Lawmakers caring more about unborn fetuses than they do about living kids that are getting slaughtered daily by guns. 

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Its like these people enjoy more than ever being evil monsters. Children get slaughtered: “mental health crisis”!!!! Every other nation on earth: “um, no”

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The scariest thing is that mass shooting has became new normal in Amurica, it’s like karma for what the country did in Middle East :deadbanana4:

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11 minutes ago, thetea said:

why doesn't america have any gun reform? it seems like the only option at this point unless people's right to have guns means more to them than peoples lives

Because legislation is shaped by lobbyists (like the NRA) functioning on the behalf of powerful investor/corporate clients like Blackrock (that either own shares of stocks/bonds of weapons manufacturers or are the corporation in question).

Edited by DAP
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1 minute ago, Cloröx said:

The scariest thing is that mass shooting has became new normal in Amurica, it’s like karma for what the country did in Middle East :deadbanana4:

Yes, children barely old enough to read, getting slaughtered is “karma 4 da Middle East”. Jesus Christ 

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Not even halfway through the year yet :chick3:

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10 minutes ago, Patient Zero said:

Gun control?




SO fuckin proud, too :pukey:

This picture makes me sick :rip: 


I understand not wanting to remove the 2nd amendment completely because it would give liberty to remove the others... but it definitely needs adjustment. Pistol? Ok, fine, but limit how many one can own and make the process of obtaining one difficult. Assault rifles, submachine guns, etc. should 100% not be allowed. If one glock is sufficient for a police officer, why isn't it enough for a regular ass Joe? It makes no sense :deadbanana:

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Welcome to Abbott’s Texas

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26 minutes ago, Chris said:

Does it really matter what race the shooter is?


Innocent children have been killed and you guys care what the Conservatives think.

Of course it ******* matters when a group of innocent people (who have been villainized for decades) are used as a scapegoat for this crime. It will only elevate the violence, racism and discrimination they already experience daily. 

That doesn’t take away from the lives that were lost. It makes it all the more infuriating because lawmakers and their followers are already focusing on border policies instead of gun control, even though the gunman was an American citizen. So not only will things not get better, they’ll also get worse.

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Just now, Bears01 said:

This country every day shows why it’s failing :cm:

It’s maddening. This country is a dump. I wish I could emigrate. 

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19 minutes ago, thetea said:

why doesn't america have any gun reform? it seems like the only option at this point unless people's right to have guns means more to them than peoples lives

The republicans who love the gun lobby and do their dirty work say hi ? 

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3 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

This country every day shows why it’s failing :cm:

This is why we need more dem senators elected (a lot this cycle are great tbh). That way Manchins opinion won’t matter anymore. 

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