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Uvalde, TX School Massacre: Former Police Chief Indicted for Slow Response


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17 hours ago, Subzero said:

Ive been following updates on some of the students still "missing" and one young girl still not found yet, Elijah Cruz Torres, who most believe she is deceased but not identified as of yet.


She kept saying she didn't want to go to school today and her parents told her that she had to go and now these poor parents are going to be filled with guilt and blame themselves if she did not make it. This is all so devistatingly heartbreaking.


Update: she's been found and was a victim :weeps:

ugh god this is just so horrible. The pain and guilt that those poor parents will have for their reist of their lives

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Interrupting the officially elected leader of your state at an official press conference is the definition of hollow grandstanding. Especially if you’re his political opponent who is guaranteed to lose in a blowout. What Beto is doing isn’t fighting. It’s attention-seeking and self-serving.

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39 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Interrupting the officially elected leader of your state at an official press conference is the definition of hollow grandstanding. Especially if you’re his political opponent who is guaranteed to lose in a blowout. What Beto is doing isn’t fighting. It’s attention-seeking and self-serving.

Would you like him to post an angry tweet instead? I mean obviously he has personal goals and is trying to gain with the attention I’m not gonna argue that fully but what would you have preferred :deadbanana2:

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3 minutes ago, Gavin. said:

Would you like him to post an angry tweet instead? I mean obviously he has personal goals and is trying to gain with the attention I’m not gonna argue that fully but what would you have preferred :deadbanana2:

He could sit down, read the room, and eat his food when he realizes that he blew this election over two years and a half years ago when he got on a debate stage and started talking about taking away people's guns. Talking openly about that is exactly why even the meagerest of reforms aren't trusted, and he did a lot of damage not just to his own political future, but to his entire party's position on the issue by gift-wrapping that soundbite to his opponents. He is not the messenger for the moment now, nor was he then.


People need to not pay surefire losers like Beto O'Rourke or Stacey Abrams an ounce of neither attention nor campaign contributions. It's a waste when they're already having to play defense just to maintain shreds of what meager control they currently have before they get wiped out for their complete failure to govern.

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Watching this has literally made me even more angry with this disgrace we call a country. Jesus, we’ve failed 

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This is sickening, these poor victims. I can't even imagine how devastated relatives and friends are feeling right now.


The shooter was obviously not a good person, but the bully episodes definitely didn't help to build a good character. One of the lessons for us here is to remember to be nice to each other, do help to spread positivity and maybe in the future we will have less hate crimes.


Also end the gun lobby already FFS.

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I recommend reading 'The Gift of Fear'. In the book the author outlines how most of these types of shootings have SO many warning signs, weird and threatening behaviour, they all fit similar profiles, but people are always in total denial and they never take action. Like that kid last December that literally drew a drawing in class where he was going to shoot people up and they didn't do anything.


You need gun control but you also need people to actually take action when the class weirdo starts exhibiting disturbing behaviour.

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12 minutes ago, Protocol said:

I recommend reading 'The Gift of Fear'. In the book the author outlines how most of these types of shootings have SO many warning signs, weird and threatening behaviour, they all fit similar profiles, but people are always in total denial and they never take action. Like that kid last December that literally drew a drawing in class where he was going to shoot people up and they didn't do anything.


You need gun control but you also need people to actually take action when the class weirdo starts exhibiting disturbing behaviour.

Also “stop bullying the class weirdo” 

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1 hour ago, Bears01 said:

Watching this has literally made me even more angry with this disgrace we call a country. Jesus, we’ve failed 

Heartbreaking. The pain in his voice. God help us. I can’t even fathom how he is feeling right now. 

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11 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Also “stop bullying the class weirdo” 

Well yes that too of course, but that's harder to control. When some kids start exhibiting violent and disturbing behaviour, like this one was, someone needs to act. Remove him from the class, check his bags upon entry every time, something. People freeze and they don't act. They think it can't possibly happen in their school. There is a very constant psychological profile for these types of shooters. It's always boys, certain disposition, history of certain types of behaviour. That needs to be taught to teachers and be on the lookout for ones that match.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Beto is from El Paso and they had a major shooting several years ago, so the topic of guns/shootings is something I think Beto takes a little more personally than other issues.  That’s why I don’t have any issues with what he did to Greg Abbott today, in fact more people need to make scenes in front of the hellish Republicans in charge of this state.  

Also, I was at the presidential debate when he said he was going to take away everyone’s AR15s.  While Beto was already getting a little more applause than everyone else because the debate was in Texas, that comment received the loudest applause of anything said that night.  

It’s refreshing to have a politician so up front about an issue they’re passionate about, and it contrasts greatly with the useless comments Biden and other centrists make over catastrophes like this.  

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12 minutes ago, khalyan said:

Also, I was at the presidential debate when he said he was going to take away everyone’s AR15s.  While Beto was already getting a little more applause than everyone else because the debate was in Texas, that comment received the loudest applause of anything said that night.  

It’s refreshing to have a politician so up front about an issue they’re passionate about, and it contrasts greatly with the useless comments Biden and other centrists make over catastrophes like this.

Okay. So, I hear this. But this rhetoric plays uniquely well to Democrats, who are pretty much the ones filling that room. So... I'm not surprised he got that kind of applause, really.

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There is literally NO EXCUSE to allow these shootings.


It's not about the 2nd Amendment, It's not about 'Safety', those are a bunch of bullshit excuses. It's always been about MONEY. The Gun Lobby wants as many guns sold as possible, they are a for-profit industry and are disgusting, greedy, soulless bastards. It is as simple as that.



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A short, but incredibly powerful article. The utter trauma these people are going to face for the rest of their lives….what a sick country 



The more these blue dogs leave our government, the better. They’re just as much to blame as the corporate owned Republicans for the thousands of children who’ve been gunned down the last several years :cm: BYE

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I mean how does seeing this not radicalize anyone else. Defund those useless ******* pigs! ACAB

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I am so ******* tired of this **** still happening without a change, I am tired of this state and this country in general. Nothing getting done, or even attempted to protect children that are just going to school, trying to live life as those of us that have been lucky so far as to not having been unfairly in a place and time that should've neither been the wrong place or wrong time. I'll continue to hope eventually America wakes up and steps up to improve our children's future, I just can't accept the idea of nothing being done for so many innocent people.

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A police force with a $4m budget could not somehow outsmart or out-brute force an 18-year-old with weapons that were easily accessible to him - meaning that such funding is both ineffective and these weapons too powerful.


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3 hours ago, khalyan said:

Beto is from El Paso and they had a major shooting several years ago, so the topic of guns/shootings is something I think Beto takes a little more personally than other issues.  That’s why I don’t have any issues with what he did to Greg Abbott today, in fact more people need to make scenes in front of the hellish Republicans in charge of this state.  

Also, I was at the presidential debate when he said he was going to take away everyone’s AR15s.  While Beto was already getting a little more applause than everyone else because the debate was in Texas, that comment received the loudest applause of anything said that night.  

It’s refreshing to have a politician so up front about an issue they’re passionate about, and it contrasts greatly with the useless comments Biden and other centrists make over catastrophes like this.  


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Beto is a moron but confronting these real life ghouls is important.


However, idk where this odd ass taking of guns thing is going to lead to for y'all. Do you even know what a republican is? Good luck taking their guns, hell even legislating that.


The culture of America is what leads to this, americans are SICK and no amount of removal of arms will stop it. Young men have been allowed to fester and now they're gonna kill us all for letting boys be boys for generations. Mental health should be a national interest but not even dems run in it.

Edited by RunUpDoneUp
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There is so much wrong in the USA, my god. In no other western country or even in the whole world it's common to shoot your own people like it is in the USA.


The system over there IS SO ****** UP, people are born into circumstances that will make them sick and twisted shooters. There is so much work to do over there, than there's the police system disaster, the heath care system disaster and the list goes on, I am really happy I was not born over there. 


Feeling heavy for the people who lost their little angels. 

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3 hours ago, A Bomb said:

I mean how does seeing this not radicalize anyone else. Defund those useless ******* pigs! ACAB

the way there was a thread earlier this week with kkktlers defending these pigs :rip:

useless fks

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I really hope I can leave this shitty country someday. Horrible, just horrible. I don't believe anything will be done because these idiot hicks love guns more than people.

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