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What's your irrational fear or phobia?


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I have pediophobia (fear of dolls and other humanoid figures). Had it as a kid and it was caused by that one child's play scene where chucky came out of the fire place burnt and was walking towards the camera menacingly. I remember walking in on that scene playing in the living room as a kid and being so petrified that I ran to my parents room and hid behind the wall lol. I'm a fan of the child play franchise and don't really find chucky all that scary but the anxiety still remains.

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Trypophobia. I ******* hate these things, my whole body shivers and I feel disguised looking at it.

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Blood :mazen:

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I cannot sit with an open door or entrance behind my back.  I will get fidgety and keep looking behind, with a constant feeling that something or someone is creeping over me and will attack at any moment.  I cannot explain why I feel like this and it has impacted my life significantly. My parents claim nothing happened in my childhood to trigger this.

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I have a profound fear of having my head stuck in places. Going under a bed or sticking my head between the couch and wall ... I can't do it. I've had multiple nightmares of having my head stuck under concrete or in a sewer. I'm not sure where it comes from.

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1) Lepidopterophobia - fear of butterflies/moths


I'd say it's very mild, I won't have a panic attack or anything but I think they're disgusting lmao. Pretty to look from a far but other than that no thanks.


2) There isn't a scientific term, at least I haven't found one (maybe a weird form of necrophobia), but the thought of someone seeing//touching my body when I die freaks me the *** out. Like it's completely irrational since I will cease to exist and it won't matter at all but knowing that someone will look at my corpse, I hate it. My siblings say I'm cat in a persons body as cats hide/like to be secluded when they die. I always say if I knew my moment of expiration, I'd go into a deep cave where nobody would find me and let my body decompose and by the time anyone finds it, it's completely decomposed/dissolved or at best just a skeleton :rip:

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8 minutes ago, McNulty said:

Trypophobia. I ******* hate these things, my whole body shivers and I feel disguised looking at it.

Me too! And I knew I had this phobia because of those "American Horror Story" posters.

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5 minutes ago, Subzero said:

1) Lepidopterophobia - fear of butterflies/moths


I'd say it's very mild, I won't have a panic attack or anything but I think they're disgusting lmao. Pretty to look from a far but other than that no thanks.


2) There isn't a scientific term, at least I haven't found one (maybe a weird form of necrophobia), but the thought of someone seeing//touching my body when I die freaks me the *** out. Like it's completely irrational since I will cease to exist and it won't matter at all but knowing that someone will look at my corpse, I hate it. My siblings say I'm cat in a persons body as cats hide/like to be secluded when they die. I always say if I knew my moment of expiration, I'd go into a deep cave where nobody would find me and let my body decompose and by the time anyone finds it, it's completely decomposed/dissolved or at best just a skeleton :rip:


So you have a problem with people touching your dead meat but no problem with them touching your ages old bones?


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i am panically afraid of people wearing huge costumes like mascots and others

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Dark waters - like swimming in the ocean or in a lake at night freaks me out







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13 minutes ago, Kavish said:

I cannot sit with an open door or entrance behind my back.  I will get fidgety and keep looking behind, with a constant feeling that something or someone is creeping over me and will attack at any moment.  I cannot explain why I feel like this and it has impacted my life significantly. My parents claim nothing happened in my childhood to trigger this.

That's a very understandable fear. You think it might have developed after hearing about mass shootings?

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15 minutes ago, The7thStranger said:

I have a profound fear of having my head stuck in places. Going under a bed or sticking my head between the couch and wall ... I can't do it. I've had multiple nightmares of having my head stuck under concrete or in a sewer. I'm not sure where it comes from.

That genuinely sounds scary, I have a fear of things like fans and other ceiling attachments falling on my head and causing me brain damage.

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33 minutes ago, Bloodflowers. said:


So you have a problem with people touching your dead meat but no problem with them touching your ages old bones?


It makes no sense, I know :toofunny2:


I mean everyone has a skeletal system that isn't special, so I think the way my brain thinks of my flesh as "me" it's dumb but Idk, it weirds me out and I'd like to die completely alone, it's ridiculously irrational.


Tbh I'd rather my entire body decomposes and nobody sees/finds it but the chances of that are extremely slim  :celestial5:

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Idk if these count as phobia but roaches and human feces:mazen: plus the usual ones like blood, height and deep waters

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22 minutes ago, Subzero said:

1) Lepidopterophobia - fear of butterflies/moths


I'd say it's very mild, I won't have a panic attack or anything but I think they're disgusting lmao. Pretty to look from a far but other than that no thanks.


2) There isn't a scientific term, at least I haven't found one (maybe a weird form of necrophobia), but the thought of someone seeing//touching my body when I die freaks me the *** out. Like it's completely irrational since I will cease to exist and it won't matter at all but knowing that someone will look at my corpse, I hate it. My siblings say I'm cat in a persons body as cats hide/like to be secluded when they die. I always say if I knew my moment of expiration, I'd go into a deep cave where nobody would find me and let my body decompose and by the time anyone finds it, it's completely decomposed/dissolved or at best just a skeleton :rip:

Maybe your necrophobia has something to do with the fear of being exposed? Very interesting though never even though about someone having that specific fear.

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Spiders! I'm capable of killing them myself so it's not too debilitating but I just can't stand them. I'm fine with insects.


Not really a fear, but when I'm in public spaces I prefer sitting/standing in corners or with at least one wall behind me so that I can see the whole room. It's not a must for me and I can still enjoy myself even if I'm facing the wall, but I have a strong preference to being able to see my surroundings at all times (when I'm out of my house). I don't know where it comes from, it's a bit weird.

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Spiders and stores where everything is displayed a certain way. For example:




Anytime I go shopping with friends and we come across clothing displays like this, a chill runs through me, and I think someone is going to jump out :mazen:


It all started after seeing this particular scene as a kid:



The first 20 seconds.

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17 minutes ago, bjorn said:

in the ocean or Dark waters - like swimming n a lake at night freaks me out







That opening scene from Jaws still freaks me out :dancehall:

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17 minutes ago, bjorn said:

in the ocean or Dark waters - like swimming n a lake at night freaks me out







That opening scene from Jaws still freaks me out :dancehall:

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32 minutes ago, ANTIclimatic said:

Maybe your necrophobia has something to do with the fear of being exposed? Very interesting though never even though about someone having that specific fear.

Maybe? I'm not someone who particularly likes being exposed but I have no issue when it comes to physicals/doctors, so it should be no different in death as coroners/morticians/medical professionals are the ones deal with your body postmortem, but I do, not sure why. It's puzzling,  I don't think I've ever met/seen anyone with the same "fear" :michael:

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12 minutes ago, JonginBey said:

Spiders and stores where everything is displayed a certain way. For example:




Anytime I go shopping with friends and we come across clothing displays like this, a chill runs through me, and I think someone is going to jump out :mazen:


It all started after seeing this particular scene as a kid:



The first 20 seconds.

Helen should have been the final girl.

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