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Bill Maher gives anti-trans rant; receives praise from MTG and far-right


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1 minute ago, Weld_E said:

Unless there’s enough evidence showing that many people regretting their transition at a young age,  this is all hypothetical. I do agree that there should be a minimum age of transitioning (if there isn’t one already).

Furthermore, this idea that anyone can easily transition is very naive. You go through a lengthy process with several doctors before it’s approved, and the your body goes through intense and often uncomfortable changes as you transition. I highly doubt that someone will be vigilant enough to go through this process for ulterior motives like preying on woman in their bathrooms or because it’s currently trendy (which it’s not).


I don’t know either if there’s a minimum age, but puberty blockers do sound like someone should go through a very intense psychological examination to start that process because that’s something that can affect you for the rest of your life. There should be several filters and a certain age of maturity making sure the person is doing something they would never regret.

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HOWLING at the stupidity displayed in that clip 


he's always been a terrible person

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So some ppl are starting to leave the left?
So odd..wonder if someone is paying them or whatever


a Reeallyy scary shift



"not everything is about u" funny coming from a literal Breeder :deadbanana4:

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He’s right about some things and wrong about others. :michael: Regarding the regional thing, he should know better.

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1 hour ago, Bloo said:

No child is trans because their parent convinced them they were trans. Many children who later go on to identify as trans want to express their gender in untraditional ways. An example would be a trans girl (i.e., a child born with a *****) wanting to wear a dress and express as a girl. This exploration is very much part of being a child. Pro-trans people are actually saying, "let children be children" and let them have the freedom to express how they feel comfortable.

Exactly. The only people forcing any sort of gender performance are some cis parents. If my son wants to play with monster trucks, tools, and dirt then cool call me Bob the builder and if he wants to play with baby dolls and what not also cool let’s throw a tea party. Or both! Who cares. 

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no he made points, and the fact that this very middle of the road liberal take is being called "anti-trans" just goes to show how doomed we are :rip: 

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People in here not realizing that book is based on gay conversion therapy with the word changed from gay to trans  :deadbanana4: .



Literally old man yells at cloud. No It’s not about us—but it’s not longer about you mister wealthy, cis straight white man! You can see how threatened they are to have their authority questioned :hippo:.

literally all trans people in the real world want is to not be murdered not be discriminated and **** in public restrooms in peace. Transitioning is hard enough already!


Edited by IvyTower
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1 hour ago, STAYC said:

Oh and the way he pushes the idea that gay men are somehow being displaced by trans people within the broader queer/LGBTQ+ community…so ******* stupid :deadbanana2:

Surprised he didn’t go into a mini “same sex attraction” rant/dogwhistle like all of the LG Terfs/GCs do.

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4 minutes ago, bleuwaffle said:

no he made points, and the fact that this very middle of the road liberal take is being called "anti-trans" just goes to show how doomed we are :rip: 

Complaining about trans-acceptance leading to more people embracing their true selves and blasting it as “trend-hopping” is extremely anti-trans?


Who would willingly put a target on their backs in becoming part of the most marginalized community in the world? Marginalized to the point that they are more likely to be murdered in cold blood than they would if they were cis due to the fearmongering of bigots like Maher.


The fact that a toxic opinion like this could be accepted as a “middle of the road LIBERAL” take should tell you everything about how far gone and evil our society is.

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"Either Ohio is shaming them or California is creating them"


Him not realizing the answer is right there... but then this tweet broke me...



Remembering the details of Leelah's suicide all those years ago.... :cries:



As Alcorn explained in her suicide note, she felt “like a girl trapped in a boy’s body” ever since age four. After a decade of doing her best to fit in and “do traditionally ‘boyish’ things,” Alcorn wrote, “I learned what transgender meant and cried of happiness. After 10 years of confusion I finally understood who I was. I immediately told my mom, and she reacted extremely negatively, telling me that it was a phase, that I would never truly be a girl, that God doesn’t make mistakes, that I am wrong.”

Alcorn (pictured above in photos posted on lazerprincess.tumblr.com) detailed her troubling relationship with her conservative Christian parents, who sent her to Christian therapists unable to properly help her sort through her depression, and refused to give her consent to begin transitioning when she turned 16. In her note, Alcorn urged parents not to say the kind of things Alcorn claims her own did: “Even if you are Christian or are against transgender people, don’t ever say that to someone, especially your kid. That won’t do anything but make them hate them self. That’s exactly what it did to me.”

“Either I live the rest of my life as a lonely man who wishes he were a woman or I live my life as a lonelier woman who hates herself,” wrote Alcorn. “There’s no winning. There’s no way out. I’m sad enough already, I don’t need my life to get any worse. People say ‘it gets better’ but that isn’t true in my case. It gets worse. Each day I get worse.”

“The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren’t treated the way I was. They’re treated like humans, with valid feelings and human rights. Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say, ‘That’s ****** up’ and fix it. Fix society. Please.” She signed the note, “Leelah Alcorn.”



I'm so sorry we keep failing you, Leelah. :cries:


Anyone trying to be edgy and say Maher is right might as well say outright that they want trans people to kil lthemselves cause that is what they're supporting at the ******* root of all of this.

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I didn't watch the whole thing because it was extremely ignorant and uneducated. He doesn't know what he's talking about and probably has 0 LGBT+ people on his writing team. Even the 'jokes' fall flat because they don't make any sense. 'Gay is practically cis and cis is practically a Mormon'. Like... most gay men literally are cisgender, so the joke just doesn't work. But he would knew that if he bothered to do the most basic research into LGBT+ identities. 


It's funny how people (in this thread as well) are questioning whether or not a child can consent to puberty blockers. Okay, let's flip it on its head, if they can't consent to puberty blockers, how come they can consent to puberty? You would rather have them go through an uncomfortable and dysphoria-inducing biological process that can lead to severe mental distress and somehow that's better than puberty blockers? Which are not even HRT, they literally just delay your puberty until you are grown enough to decide whether you want to medically transition or not. 


But again, you guys would know this if you did your research and spoke to actual trans people and not some 'edgy' internet personalities.


Edit: Also the 'not everything is about you' irked me. US is a country where LGBT+ people are still discriminated against on a daily basis. Bullied, ridiculed, shamed, beaten, sometimes even killed. Now Republicans are trying to pass anti-trans legislation in several states and the SC is threatening to reverse multiple landmark victories for LGBT+ rights in the US. I'm sorry the queers inconvenienced you, Bill Maher, with their annoying loud complaints about being abused, must be so hard for you.

Edited by John Slayne
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Since Ohio probably has more trans people than let say Saudi Arabia, does that mean that Ohio is also growing them? 

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An rich old white man lacking empathy for the disadvantaged!? :chick2:

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I'm not going to bother looking this up, but has Bill Maher actually ever had someone trans on his program?

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I always knew there was something weird about him. Disgusting

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51 minutes ago, Espresso said:

I'm not going to bother looking this up, but has Bill Maher actually ever had someone trans on his program?

I googled whether he's had a transgender guest on his program, and all I've seen come up is headlines with "Bill Maher" and "transphobe" with such guests in his history as Milo Yiannopoulos. So do with that what you will.

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At this point, anyone being this blatantly wrong like Maher and, "he made some points" people are actively bad faith and should be treated as such.

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On 5/23/2022 at 12:31 AM, Trent W said:

There should be several filters and a certain age of maturity making sure the person is doing something they would never regret.

The problem with this thinking is that going past a certain age, there will be irreversible changes to the body of a person. And 'passing' as the desired gender is important because it literally prevents you from being abused if people don't even know that you are trans unless you tell them. And trans people will go through many medical evaluations anyway. I still trust medical professionals much more than some talking heads on TV. There's very few people who have regretted their transitions, they just get purposefully highlighted in the conservative media. It's much more regrettable if you feel like a woman in your heart and soul, but look in the mirror and see a hairy man instead.

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