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Biden's Backlash: Most Americans upset about Ukraine spending, baby formula & economy


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President Joe Biden’s approval rating dipped to the lowest point of his presidency in May, a new poll shows, with deepening pessimism emerging among members of his own Democratic Party.


Only 39% of U.S. adults approve of Biden’s performance as president, according to the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research, dipping from already negative ratings a month earlier.


Overall, only about 2 in 10 adults say the U.S. is heading in the right direction or the economy is good, both down from about 3 in 10 a month earlier.




Of particular concern for Biden ahead of the midterm elections, his approval among Democrats stands at 73%, a substantial drop since earlier in his presidency. In AP-NORC polls conducted in 2021, Biden’s approval rating among Democrats never dropped below 82%.


The findings reflect a widespread sense of exasperation in a country facing a cascade of challenges ranging from inflation, gun violence, and a sudden shortage of baby formula to a persistent pandemic.







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His approval rating is still too high, tbh. Can't see how anyone thinks this man should still be in power.


For that matter, Kamala's even worse, so she needs to go too.

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Republicans are going to have a 4 year long jerkfest next election when Biden loses by a LANDSLIDE. I promise they aren’t going to let you liberals forget the shitshow you made us all endure voting him in

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Biden is more left of Obama but yet useless and has faltered by being the mouthpiece puppet to the  corrupt Nancy Pelosi's wall street inside illegality . He's robbing  middle class of wealth and prosperity.  He's so worthless. 


Trump really is gonna win next time huh.  Great job Nancy dems



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He’s also doing nothing about what happened at Tops & that Walmart last year.

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With the crazy stunts Republicans have pulled lately, it would be dangerous to trust them. Even if Biden sucks. 

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Time for America to wake up and vote for the right leader :clap2:

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We need a 3rd party. Dems and republicans  are going to lead us off a cliff.

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2 hours ago, Zoe_ said:

With the crazy stunts Republicans have pulled lately, it would be dangerous to trust them. Even if Biden sucks. 

With progressives pushing “anything but democrats” I’m sure conservatives will slate their way to victory and and hell will really break loose.

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2 hours ago, fauxtography said:

With progressives pushing “anything but democrats” I’m sure conservatives will slate their way to victory and and hell will really break loose.

omg it's 2022 and some people are still blaming progressives for democrats absolutely dismal job?. Like you really don't understand **** about politics (or life, really) if you're still doing this

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2 hours ago, Chemist said:

omg it's 2022 and some people are still blaming progressives for democrats absolutely dismal job?. Like you really don't understand **** about politics (or life, really) if you're still doing this

They also blame Bernie supporters.

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The USA sociopolitical crisis is so entertaining to watch :eatpopcorn: My condolences to people living there, though.

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Absolutely tragic:rip:

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  • ATRL Moderator

Can’t wait for the excuses for the Democrats’ loss to be all about AOC, Bernie, Bernie or Busters, Susan Sarandon, etc. rather than Biden failing to do anything that he promised while insisting he can collaborate and get something done with Mitch McConnell. 

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10 hours ago, fauxtography said:

With progressives pushing “anything but democrats” I’m sure conservatives will slate their way to victory and and hell will really break loose.


18 minutes ago, Bloo said:

Can’t wait for the excuses for the Democrats’ loss to be all about AOC, Bernie, Bernie or Busters, Susan Sarandon, etc. rather than Biden failing to do anything that he promised while insisting he can collaborate and get something done with Mitch McConnell. 

they are already starting, they don't need to wait for the inevitable losses :dies: 

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12 hours ago, fauxtography said:

With progressives pushing “anything but democrats” I’m sure conservatives will slate their way to victory and and hell will really break loose.

Women are going to be forced to carry their rape babies to term because of RBG’s selfish rotting corpse and Hillary Clinton being a LOSER. Not because of progressives in New York and California voting for Jill Stein :heart: 

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Odd, I thought biden and his administration had the pulse of America on speed dial? Doesn't bode well for Mr. 2024.

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Trump was terrible


Biden is terrible


DeSantis would be terrible


Everything feels so grim politically

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I hate to say it, but I really feel the US is a lost cause :rip:


I'm just hoping they don't drag the rest of the free world down with them :rip: 

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Hope ya'll are ready for 8 years of Republican supermajority and all rights being taken away 

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On 5/21/2022 at 2:16 AM, fauxtography said:

With progressives pushing “anything but democrats”

I'm always so confused by liberals like you blatant lying like this because, while you may think you're hurting progressives, you're literally the only one doing any actual material harm to Democrats. You're quite literally trying to convince Democrats  as though their base - because the demographics of progressives better reflect Dems than liberal suburbanites - are somehow un-convincable or un-activatable and so they should just roll over and accept defeat.


But no, progressive voters have already made it clear there's a wide list of issues that can get them excited.

The vast majority of Biden can easily do without ever needing Congress to do a single thing.


If we're facing an existential threat if Republicans wins, why isn't Biden taking such a threat seriously and quickly achieving easy wins Dems want like forgiving at least $50k in student debt and decriminalizing weed nationally - all things he has the power to do?


If I saw someone constantly try to convince Democrats to not do the things their real, actual base is constantly asking for, I'd imagine it would be that person, not the progressives, who enjoy seeing Republicans as the ones in power.

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"Centrists" (aka embarrassed republicans) told me that this is what would happen to the country if Bernie Sanders got elected. Certainly this can't be true? I could have sworn democrats controlled both the House of the Senate. Why is nothing getting done? Why isn't reaching across the aisle working like I was told it would when Biden got elected? Where are the 10 republicans Biden said he could get vote for him once Trump was gone? Why hasn't doing nothing worked?


So many questions.

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9 hours ago, Dephira said:

Hope ya'll are ready for 8 years of Republican supermajority and all rights being taken away 

Some here are basically rooting for that so I guess they are ready ?

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10 hours ago, Dephira said:

Hope ya'll are ready for 8 years of Republican supermajority and all rights being taken away 

Honestly some liberals deserve it at this point. They’ve made their bed with the absolutely atrocious presidency of Joe Biden, so they’ve earned the absolute blowout they’re going to get. And at the same time, Democrats have failed to show the American people why they should ever be trusted to hold power again, considering all the money they’re pouring into a proxy war in Ukraine while ignoring problems at home and allowing American infants to starve in a formula shortage.

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They blame Biden for baby formula and yet


Nearly 200 Republicans vote against bill to ease baby formula shortage


House GOP leaders were among the 192 Republicans who voted against providing $28 million in aid to the Food and Drug Administration to address the shortage of baby formula — within days of criticizing President Biden for not doing enough on the issue.

Nothing new.


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