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Australian PM falls on boy while playing soccer


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Fall? That seems more like a tackle (even if unintentional), ouch.

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6 hours ago, Almighty Gaga said:

Why is this a news story :rip:


5 hours ago, tiagol88 said:

I see nothing wrong. why is this news, lmao


5 hours ago, Brando said:

I was gonna say what kind of non-story... :rip:


4 hours ago, montacelo said:

It’s not like he did it on purpose. Idg the big deal. British are so weird :psyduck:


4 hours ago, smartalek22 said:



4 hours ago, Dark Phoenix said:



2 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

this being a news story :rip:


1 hour ago, Kuntmonster said:


The election is today :rip: The media are going nuts reporting every single thing atm. 

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This has secured my vote for him 

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1 hour ago, CroNich said:

One of his only election promises is to introduce an “anti-religious discrimination” bill that gives the power to religious institutions to basically discriminate against anyone of the LGBTQI community :rip: so he’s been the butt of a lot of jokes in the media/this election campaign.


Pray for us this weekend…. We desperately need to move away from these backward thinking, religion pushing, big business funded politicians who are ruining the country for everyone except rich white straight men.

So basically it might not be the first time he "accidentally" fell on a little boy ?


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3 hours ago, IBeMe said:

i dont know why but Australia's PM seems so unintentionally funny to me :rip: 

Because he’s an utter joke. In line to vote his ass out right now. :gaycat2:

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