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Is there any saving the DCEU?


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Do you think the DCEU can be saved from the literal **** show that it currently is? From the bad acting and storytelling, to lack of direction. Not to mention certain actors getting arrested every other week.  Do you think the DCEU can be saved from the literal **** show that it currently is?

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No, no one is interested in a guy that can dress up like a bat or a guy that just puts a cape on and virtually unstoppable at everything. It doesn’t help that the characters arc’s are so damn weak in like so many aspects. Thats one thing that Marvel really hit the nail on the head with was making everything about their characters super complex and most of all distinct and unique. They’ll continue to release movies to make money but they will neverrrrrr stand a chance against Marvel on a grand scale :worship:

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2 minutes ago, Great808 said:

No, no one is interested in a guy that can dress up like a bat or a guy that just puts a cape on and virtually unstoppable at everything. It doesn’t help that the characters arc’s are so damn weak in like so many aspects. Thats one thing that Marvel really hit the nail on the head with was making everything about their characters super complex and most of all distinct and unique. They’ll continue to release movies to make money but they will neverrrrrr stand a chance against Marvel on a grand scale :worship:

Marvel was always better than DC at making compelling characterization, DC was always more on worldbuilding. That's why Marvel had them beat bc a good character with strong motivations and weaknesses will always trump a fleshed out world.

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They should’ve rebooted when they still had a chance after Justice League + kept the Wonder Woman movies there own thing (a la Dark Knight). Now they have a sh*t tonne of projects in one universe and the other in another. A bunch of cheap TV shows and just a mess of a universe. They’ve f*cked themselves.

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They tried for a cinematic universe too early. As much as I'm mixed on Marvel most of their major plot beats and crossovers are earned. They introduce characters slowly and build them up to make sure people care. This is why Captain Marvel was barely in endgame cos they weren't sure at the time how her solo movie would do. 


There are some good movies in the DCEU and a lot of bad ones but a bad movie doesn't have to break a franchise. Marvel has survived thor 2 and the eternals fine cos people are still invested in the world and characters. 


So idk, it feels too late but then they have had some hits. If they just made better movies it might work. Shame cos I loved the suicide squad and birds of prey, those movies deserved better. 

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24 minutes ago, Broken said:

Discovery needs to HARD reboot the entire DCEU.

i dont understand what they have to do with it ?

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The Batman was better than any MCU movie so I would say they're in the right track.

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4 minutes ago, Gui Blackout said:

The Batman was better than any MCU movie so I would say they're in the right track.

they just need to rebuild it around this

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Well if you are familiar with the comics, DC had the same problem in the 70’s where comic stories were too much and inconsistent. 

So they created an event called Crisis on Infinite Earths, gathered all their past characters with their different variations and erased their past mistakes while maintaining the good. 

I think DCEU, Arrowverse, and all other labels of DC films should end like that. But in a trilogy.

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46 minutes ago, Gui Blackout said:

The Batman was better than any MCU movie so I would say they're in the right track.

I kinda agree....they need to focus on making more movies like this instead of messes that were all the other DC movies.

Edited by Billionaire
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47 minutes ago, Gui Blackout said:

The Batman was better than any MCU movie so I would say they're in the right track.



DC has few bad movies like :






but Marvel has :

Antman 1&2

Thor 1&2

Iron man 2&3


Captain Marvel


The only issue DC has is being bad at shared universe building but individually they are better.



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5 hours ago, Oxy said:


DC has few bad movies like :








"Few" lol. You really thought no one would notice that two of the worst superhero movies of all time, Man of Steal and the 4x Razzie winning movie Batman vs. Superman, weren't included on this list :deadbanana:.


Edit: Aquaman too.

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it took marvel almost two decades to build the MCU


maybe in 2040 :sistrens:

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Their only salvation is rebooting the DCEU and having The Batman as the blueprint for the new iteration.

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They just stop and kill the dceu. 

batman is dc most valuable brand. They should focus more on expanding the Batman universe instead and it focus on creating individual stories for there dc super heroes and characters. basically the opposite of marvel. 

warner bros mistake is simply trying to make dceu like mcu. They became followers and not leaders by doing that. 


the new ceo seems to want to reboot/restart everything. So I am hopeful Warner bros finally gets things and order and fixes a lot issues that Warner bros has been having with there franchises. 


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7 hours ago, Oxy said:

Well if you are familiar with the comics, DC had the same problem in the 70’s where comic stories were too much and inconsistent. 

So they created an event called Crisis on Infinite Earths, gathered all their past characters with their different variations and erased their past mistakes while maintaining the good. 

I think DCEU, Arrowverse, and all other labels of DC films should end like that. But in a trilogy.

There is actually a sequel to COIE coming out this summer in the comics called DARK CRISIS.

It sounds really good.


Nightwing and Superman's gay son Jon Kent will be the leads. A character from the first crisis named Pariah has nostalgia-versed all of the Justice League (sending them each to their own world where everything is perfect) so everyone on Earth thinks the JL is dead. Meanwhile he's enslaved all the top big bads of the DCU, like Darkseid, Doomsday, Nekron, etc.













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9 hours ago, Gui Blackout said:

The Batman was better than any MCU movie so I would say they're in the right track.

Idk bout better but it was different


dceu needs to follow it’s own path and not try to do Marvel like productions


that and focus on tv

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2 hours ago, D_Man3379 said:


This gets asked every year Lmao. 

Lol :sistrens:

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The general public still don’t care about the DCEU. Even thier hit movies are starting to be forgotten. The Batman is hard carrying DC, and it’s not even apart of the DCEU Canon:rip: 

honest DC should go the Self contain story route of The Joker and The Batman. It’s the only movies that have been smash hits aside aquaman. Shazam and Wonder Woman were praised, but overrated online. We just need a proper Superman movie and Green Lantern to get the DC heavy hitters back on track. The Justice league was hyped online then 2 weeks later nobody cared. Even the Snyder cut got a lot of online coverage but it’s barely mention today. Not everything is gonna be like marvel, but it’s actually insane how far ahead they are in live action. It’s not even a debate. We need stronger solo movies that build up to a Justice level threat. Rushing storylines is what ruin the DCEU in the first place. 

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I say just do a hard reboot and build around The Batman. However, then that means possibly losing big names like Margot, Jason, and even Peacemaker became a hit for HBO Max. Idk but it might become a better option for long term thinking.


I liked the idea of just doing Crisis on Infinite Earths and use the DCEU and CW characters as a way to give them closure. Then just build everything DC related around The Batman moving forward.

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