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Twitter doesn't believe in free speech, calls Musk handicapped


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34 minutes ago, XAMJ said:

right wing conspiracy theorists, have been exposed making up fake lies every step of the way.


i dont understand why elon wants to play both sides, the right does NOT buy electric cars

He knows Tesla's stock is falsely inflated and probably has political aspirations.


Also, Republicans are more likely to bail him out in case he has to legally answer for the failing to deliver what was promised to his investors. Also, they will help him with the thing he cares about the most: NOT paying taxes. 


He gives 0 shits about free speech lol

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The verbal diarrhea about what is communism. The cringe interviewer questions fishing gotcha moments. Both clowns. :skull:

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  • ATRL Administrator

The right to free speech protects you from the GOVERNMENT. Meaning you can criticize your government without fear of oppression. Freedom of speech does not protect you from the consequences of said speech.


Twitter doesn’t have to allow other kinds of thought. You agree to their terms of service when you sign up. You don’t have to use their platform. 

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the ending :deadbanana4: lmao


ableism is of course wrong and elon shouldn't be dragged for being autistic.


it is also true that elongated muskrat is a terrible person and his ideas for twitter will turn it into a cesspool of hate speech where literally nobody but natsees will be able to thrive. i can see people moving somewhere else within the next two years, literally no normal person will want to be a part of a platform where anyone can throw around slurs. look at 4chan or 8chan or whatever they are now. only weirdos go there

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i wish it truly didn't believe in 'free speech' for those sharing actual harmful content such as p*rn :gaycat6:

Edited by oilheiress
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Lol most of the employees are like this and corrupr.


theyre mostly all corrupt and like to only give friends opportunites. Also none of them are even decent at their jobs.


i know a few who are ridculously corrupt who give some accounts suspension immunity.


time to take the trash out

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1 minute ago, InventedGays said:

Their stance on "free speech" on twitter isn't corrupt tho. They are a private business with a platform, it's their right to moderate it and they should. 

Getting immunity suspension and high priority support is corruption especially when youre not a verified account.


the fact that you can stay unsuspended forever as long as you have twitter contacts is corrupt asf.


edit: even for things like dmca takedowns, buying fale followes etc

Edited by Delirious
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4 minutes ago, InventedGays said:

Their stance on "free speech" on twitter isn't corrupt tho. They are a private business with a platform, it's their right to moderate it and they should. 

Oh and also personally messaging twitter employees to specifically monitor some twitter accounts as candidates for suspension.


so if they dont like your account they can suspend you as easy as that 

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1 hour ago, Pop said:

Right to spew hate is not free speech. 


In every civilized country hate speech is criminalized. America allowing the literal KKK to still have a voice and march around cities is not the serve they think they are. 

The thing is the person who’s given the owner to ban speech has no right to decide what is a hate speech what is not

If it’s hate speech or anything criminal 

Just let the law system do its thing

The general idea of banning speech is disgusting 

It’s pure evil

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The mess at the end :skull:


Anyway, I don’t give a **** about Elon. We love a backfire :swan:

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project veritas is literal fake news 

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He does seem to be mentally I’ll honestly 

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Poor gay guy thought he'd have sex by the end of the night and ended up demoralized, rejected, exposed and probably unemployed i'm dying :dies:

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7 hours ago, arceus said:

:bibliahh::bibliahh:he's clearly hungry for that D

SALIVATING for that d

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6 hours ago, GentleDance said:

Glad you pointed that out because I would have missed it :bibliahh:


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Elon serving Azealia sharing texts :rip: The more I think about it the more they seem made for each other. That would be truly iconic if they were a couple.

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Wait so this was a fake Grindr date that got him to talk about all this??


How dumb do you have to be to talk about internal company stuff if you work for a high profile company like this. Did he think it would impress his date?? Men only care about your muscles, how cute you are or dick size. Revealing secret info isn't going to make anyone want to sleep with you. Dumbass.

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