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Twitter doesn't believe in free speech, calls Musk handicapped


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Hopefully he buys it just to fire that exec now :gaycat5:

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Right to spew hate is not free speech. 


In every civilized country hate speech is criminalized. America allowing the literal KKK to still have a voice and march around cities is not the serve they think they are. 

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i'm dying at that ending...... i..... .... ... :deadbanana2: :deadbanana2: :deadbanana2:


:ahh: :ahh: :bibliahh:

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4 minutes ago, scheibe said:

the end of the video :skull:

:bibliahh::bibliahh:he's clearly hungry for that D

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Project Veritas 

right wing conspiracy theorists, have been exposed making up fake lies every step of the way.


i dont understand why elon wants to play both sides, the right does NOT buy electric cars

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  • ATRL Moderator

The second part is messy but I don’t see what’s wrong about the free speech part. Labeling misinformation shouldn’t be a controversial issue. 


The Alex guy is clearly not that smart though. How did he not realize he was being played? :skull: 

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Regardless of the video, I think this is another instance of conservative hypocrisy and stupidity. Don't they love to defend free enterprise? Well twitter is a private company meaning they can set whatever rules they want to regulate improper speech in their network.


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5 minutes ago, Marvin said:

The second part is messy but I don’t see what’s wrong about the free speech part. Labeling misinformation shouldn’t be a controversial issue. 


The Alex guy is clearly not that smart though. How did he not realize he was being played? :skull: 

Just by the voice you could tell this guy was too hot for him, he's old enough to have know better :rip:

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I don't think that's what he said or even meant.


Also people post the shittiest and trashiest on twitter. You can't be more free than that.

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A new video is added to the op 

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THE ENDING.... i'd want to die  :gaycat6:


20 minutes ago, Pop said:

Right to spew hate is not free speech. 


Period :swan:

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  • ATRL Moderator

Project Veritas is a known right-wing problem, but the gay exec was absolutely PLAYED here jesus christ :skull: what a disaster of a video

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28 minutes ago, scheibe said:

the end of the video :skull:

Glad you pointed that out because I would have missed it :bibliahh:

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34 minutes ago, Pop said:

Right to spew hate is not free speech. 


In every civilized country hate speech is criminalized. America allowing the literal KKK to still have a voice and march around cities is not the serve they think they are. 


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Uh, isn't that what Elon wanted? :skull: He shouldn't have a problem with that

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The Veritas mess is empty noise from execs likely out the door anyways and it's not even a surprising reveal. Threats are a whole other topic to unpack, but in terms of what some would consider "hate-speech" as covered under the 1st amendment, Elon's bar seems really low. The United States bar for free speech shouldn't be "just slightly better than 8Chan", surely? Child porn and the n-word from the alt-right? It's going to come down to market and advertising backlash, unfortunately, but the only people with any reasonable form of pushback will be verified accounts. All of this posturing from Elon is tired, I just wish the sale was done and overwith. 


Then there's the social media enforcement in different countries that don't have the no-holds-barred laws and stronger enforcement such as the EU. Different enforcement in different areas that's not uniform, as Facebook has learned, is a costly proposition. What will Elon put up with or even withdraw the platform from to not put up with the scrutiny? Because that's essentially what he did with Tesla - if I can't play with my toys the way I want I'm packing up and leaving (in that case, to a different state). 

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Do we even have any confirmation who this Alex Martinez is? I highly doubt an actual company executive would be so dumb.

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:bibliahh:  this serving






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