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Doctor Who | Martha stans lost...| RT: 95% / MC: 72


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That episode was very messy and a lot going on but I enjoyed it. Fitting send off for Jodie even though this was literally the first I was seeing of her :skull:


Cannot WAIT for David, Ncuti and Donna. Preview looks phenomenal even though NPH's character looks garbage

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ALSO can somebody explain to me what Bradley Walsh was doing inside the volcano and how the hell he got there? Was very weird that was never explained unless I missed something

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An absolute MESS of an episode omg :rip:

I can suspend disbelief up to a certain point but when there are so many unexplained events happening multiple times throughout I literally don’t know what to say :dies:

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  • Dan serving Poochie from The Simpsons when he decided to leave. Chibnall really is the worst writing character development :bibliahh:


  • Sasha Dhawan's Master just doesn't work for me. Michelle Gomez >>> John Simms >>> Sasha Dhawan (Derek Jacobi unranked) for the New Who Masters. His portrayal is in between the spectrum of Gomez's restrained malice and Simm's over the top villainy, that he felt like Simm's understudy. :giraffe:
  • I still find it ironic and funny how Yaz and the other companions complained to 13th how she never explains anything to them, and yet she always gives exposition regarding the current situation to explain the current plot all because of Chibnall's writing.
  • For an episode that has The Master, Cybermen and Daleks teaming up, this feels such a tepid team up compared to Army of Ghost and Doomsday.
  • The way I laughed when this came on:
  • AAAAAHHHH... It was nice seeing 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th especially McGann. Would have really loved to see 9th, he was my 1st Doctor and he holds a special place in my heart. :chick3:
  • I still laughed that the 13th Doctor calls his current entourage as "Fam" when they have the worst chemistries compared to 9th and 10th to Rose, Mickey and Jack; 11th to Amy, Rory and River and 12th to Bill and Nardole. They are more of a "group of people left to congregate because others paired up already during group assignment in school" kind of dynamic.
  • I was more excited to see Ace, Tegan, Jo, Ian, Kate and Mel than Graham. Goes to show how terrible 13th's companions were, I didn't even missed Ryan. In fact, I was happier to see the Fugitive Doctor than both Graham and Vinder.
  • Come to think of it, Yaz was just a glorified driver this special. Vinder, Graham, Ace, Tegan and Kate were doing the dirty work on the field. :bibliahh:
  • Her Family gathering in the Tardis pales in comparison to Journey's End plainly because we got actual backstories of how Rose, Jackie, Mickey, Jack, Sarah Jane, Martha, and Donna's relationship with the 10th Doctor. Yaz, Dan, Ryan and Graham barely got any development with 13. Vinder was just there. Ace and Tegan's friction with 13 never really went to a stronger climax. At least I can feel Kate's presence because she was there for multiple incarnations of Modern Who Doctors. Yaz dropping them off offscreen was jarring and pulls down the emotional impact of the supposed "Fam and extended fam" that 13th has.
  • Poor Jodie suffering from Chibnall's writing. I can only truly say that her best episode and her most Doctor-ish was in Village of the Angels episode (of which Chibnall has a co-writer).
  • Cute and simple regeneration... But I actually was genuinely stunned when 10 appeared. I was like "Here come Ncuti.... Wait a minute, why did her clothes also changed during the regeneration? And then bam... The cheeky 10th Doctor appears, with the throwback to his teeth and, ofc course, his iconic "What".

TLDR. All over the place episode that tries to capture some feels of nostalgia but falls flat because honestly, I can't really fell that much connection with the 13th and her companions because almost all of her episodes, writing and semblance of character development were  ???.


RTD and Ncuti, it's your turn!




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This was utter sh*t what the hell. 

Okay, I loved the moments between 5 and Tegan and 7 and Ace. Amazing. Loved. Great. 

The issue with Chibnalls writing is on full display here. He purposely has 5 plot threads to fill up an episode because he can’t actually write a good plot. And it’s all on show here and it’s super sad. 


Why did the Master bring back the lone Cyberman? No idea. 
Where did the modern Master vanish to? Is he dead? No idea.

Why did the Daleks go back to their original design and why did they’re even bother patterning up? 
Why did they bring Dan back only for him to walk away? Why even ask him to join them at the end of Flux? 
We’re never touching the timeless child arc again are we? 

His writing asks questions and then never answers them and I’m so glad to see the back of him. He’s all style no substance and sadly cheap green screens don’t hide terrible writing. 

I feel bad for Jodie that shes not staying for the 60th as she should have. 

-Also Yaz’s departure was SO bad. 3 seasons and they basically nod goodbye. Why would you agree to say leave the person you apparently loved with not even questioning it? 

Ugh I can’t wait for 2023. 

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10 minutes ago, Augmented said:

Oooh very interesting! The return of the 70s diamond logo as well 

I see they're paying homage to the classic era but honestly I hate this logo. :rip: 


I wonder if the BBC will ditch the logo from Jodie's era completely since it replaced all other logos they used for DVD's, merchandising etc unlike the ones that we're created for RTD1 and SM eras 


But I love that the show will get a much bigger audience with Disney+ (and maybe a bigger budget too because the press release kinda makes it sound like that) :falcon:

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44 minutes ago, Crashed said:

I see they're paying homage to the classic era but honestly I hate this logo. :rip: 


I wonder if the BBC will ditch the logo from Jodie's era completely since it replaced all other logos they used for DVD's, merchandising etc unlike the ones that we're created for RTD1 and SM eras 

Yeah I didn’t want to say it but I think I prefer the minimalist logo design that Jodie’s era got. Still it’s nice that it’s a clear reference to classic who and sort of plays on the “diamond” anniversary idea.

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Gross, the logo looks so old fashioned and Classic Who'd :rip:


Hopefully RTD tries to regain lost audiences by just making a quality show RATHER than playing on nostalgia factor

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4 hours ago, Augmented said:

Oooh very interesting! The return of the 70s diamond logo as well 

Might watch once it hits my Disney+ :gaycat4:

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I haven't watched anything since The Timeless Children and decided to skip season 13, Eve of the Daleks and Legend of the Sea Devils, do you guys think I'll understand The Power of the Doctor? :bibliahh:

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I don't like the new logo. Matt Smith's era logo of the TARDIS stylized as DW was my favorite. Makes for wasy branding on merch too.


Since Tennant is attached to Specials, I hope RTD creates amazing ones like Waters of Mars and not duds like Planet of The Dead.


Anyway, I don't know how RTD will carry on with the Timeless Child nonsense and Division plots. Either he retcons it or ignores it on his run and let future showrunners clean up Chibnall's mess.

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39 minutes ago, Venice B said:

I haven't watched anything since The Timeless Children and decided to skip season 13, Eve of the Daleks and Legend of the Sea Devils, do you guys think I'll understand The Power of the Doctor? :bibliahh:

They referenced barely anything from series 13 during the special, it's almost like it never happened :dies:

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11 hours ago, Venice B said:

I haven't watched anything since The Timeless Children and decided to skip season 13, Eve of the Daleks and Legend of the Sea Devils, do you guys think I'll understand The Power of the Doctor? :bibliahh:

I haven't watched the show since Peter Capaldi and I managed to follow it just fine

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  • 4 weeks later...

New companion announcement tonight :duca: (I thought Jasmin Finney was becoming the new companion though)




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18-year-old Millie Gibson will join the show as Ruby Sunday, the Doctor's companion.


This makes her the youngest actress to get the role of the companion during New Who's run I think :lakitu:




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  • 3 weeks later...

Filming began this week and apparently some DWM subscribers got their January issue already which revealed that series 14 consists of 8 episodes + Christmas Special. RTD also plans to produce one series every year.




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1 hour ago, Konril said:

New costume for Ncuti's Doctor just dropped...


Waddya think?

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He looks great in the costume but it isn't anything special and just looks like something I could buy at Zara or elsewhere

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New trailer and it looks promising!:santa:


The bit with Sylvia trying to hide the Doctor from Donna made me cackle :laugh:



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