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Doctor Who | Martha stans assemble! | RT: 95% / MC: 72


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19 hours ago, MrLovett said:

I need her to be the new Master so bad :jonny:


1 hour ago, MrLovett said:

Ooooh interesting! :eek:

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Are they shooting a musical episode maybe? 👀

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On 4/19/2023 at 8:14 PM, HotFriedChicken said:

She looks so overly cartoonish and camp :skull: 

Yes that's basically the whole show

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9 hours ago, HotFriedChicken said:

What show are you watching? :skull:

In what world is Doctor Who not insanely camp and cheesy? Have you ever seen the show? :skull:

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3 hours ago, Stardom said:

In what world is Doctor Who not insanely camp and cheesy? Have you ever seen the show? :skull:

This :rip:


The major reason that made all Jodie seasons bad was exactly the fact they tried to strip all the camp and fun aspect of the show, making it look like another boring lifeless drama series. RTD seasons were the most camp and cartoonish so it's no surprise to see Jinkx character looking like that, RTD knows how to do it well.

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30 minutes ago, Venice B said:

This :rip:


The major reason that made all Jodie seasons bad was exactly the fact they tried to strip all the camp and fun aspect of the show, making it look like another boring lifeless drama series. RTD seasons were the most camp and cartoonish so it's no surprise to see Jinkx character looking like that, RTD knows how to do it well.

Literally like the show was basically built on its over-the-top campiness, especially the older seasons :deadbanana4:


Jinkx looks great either way so I WILL be watching :clap3:

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In terms of all the recent info-

I know a lot of fans are hoping Jinkx is playing a returning villain but I feel like the show is in desperate need of a new recurring enemy (I need The Master GONE for the next 3 seasons at minimum). I’m loving The Doctor having such a variety of costumes instead of a set look, it feels like a nod to the Pertwee era which probably has some of my fave Doctor outfits. Sort of worried a musical episode is gonna serve Love & Monsters level of cringe but I don’t mind being proven wrong. Moffat utilised singing quite well in a couple of episodes so I know it can be done effectively.


In terms of classic Who- I’ve just finished Season 12 (Tom Baker’s first season) and I’m sort of shocked at how much I wasn’t a fan given The Fourth Doctors era is sort of lauded as peak classic Who. Season 13 starting with a Zygon story as well is :skull: I’ve never been a fan of that particular monster.

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19 minutes ago, Augmented said:

In terms of all the recent info-

I know a lot of fans are hoping Jinkx is playing a returning villain but I feel like the show is in desperate need of a new recurring enemy (I need The Master GONE for the next 3 seasons at minimum). I’m loving The Doctor having such a variety of costumes instead of a set look, it feels like a nod to the Pertwee era which probably has some of my fave Doctor outfits. Sort of worried a musical episode is gonna serve Love & Monsters level of cringe but I don’t mind being proven wrong. Moffat utilised singing quite well in a couple of episodes so I know it can be done effectively.


In terms of classic Who- I’ve just finished Season 12 (Tom Baker’s first season) and I’m sort of shocked at how much I wasn’t a fan given The Fourth Doctors era is sort of lauded as peak classic Who. Season 13 starting with a Zygon story as well is :skull: I’ve never been a fan of that particular monster.

I wish the Angels were the main villains of a season, they always make the Daleks and Cybermen be the main villains and the Angels are always forgotten even though they are ICONIC villains. The last time they were given any justice was in The Angels take Manhattan and this was like ten years ago??? :weeps:

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9 minutes ago, Venice B said:

I wish the Angels were the main villains of a season, they always make the Daleks and Cybermen be the main villains and the Angels are always forgotten even though they are ICONIC villains. The last time they were given any justice was in The Angels take Manhattan and this was like ten years ago??? :weeps:

Village of the Angels was a great outing for the Weeping Angels as a central villain for one episode, for me personally.

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28 minutes ago, Venice B said:

I wish the Angels were the main villains of a season, they always make the Daleks and Cybermen be the main villains and the Angels are always forgotten even though they are ICONIC villains.

Oh TRUST they will be coming back in some way within the next two seasons, when Ncuti was first announced he mentioned wanting to go up against the angels multiple times and Russell knows how well received they are in terms of New Who monsters. If the rumours about Moffat returning to write a couple episodes for season 15 end up being true I wonder if Russell will let him pen an episode for them.


17 minutes ago, Konril said:

Village of the Angels was a great outing for the Weeping Angels as a central villain for one episode, for me personally.

I low-key wasn’t a fan of the new second touch mechanic they created for that episode, I feel like the fear of being sent back in time is already scary enough that it doesn’t really need to be messed with. That episode did do a good job of making them feel scary again tho

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  • 2 weeks later...

All these Americans being cast doesn't fill me with hope :skull: I really hope the show doesn't go the way of Torchwood's last season

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am HERE for all these castings.

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  • 1 month later...

New character posters:







And a whole ass visual for 14th's Sonic Screwdriver serving iPhone reveal :dies:



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  • 2 months later...

New trailer tomorrow, we are getting close!

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19 minutes ago, mystery said:

New trailer tomorrow, we are getting close!

I'm so hyped :jonny:

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