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Westworld | Season 4 released June 26th


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This was a very satisfying finale. Everything made sense and I love the twist we got. 


Regarding Christina, at the end is she still Christina or did she become Dolores? 

So the real world is done for good? Only a small group of humans that weren’t infected like Frankie will survive? 

Is the final test about hosts achieving consciousness in the sublime? 


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1 hour ago, Contessa said:

I loved the way they finally tied up Christina’s storyline with the rest of the story. I wasn’t expecting that tbh but it was kinda under our nose the whole time..


I also loved the ending - the chills I got. What a setup for the next szn and speaking of, I hope it’s renewed for s5 :duca:

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I’ve read that it’s been unofficially confirmed for a final season. 

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I hope season five wraps things up well. I did enjoy this season but it would not be satisfying as a finale.

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I am just so happy that the old hag is gone for good


And mama is back for one last loop


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I love the idea of the show returning for a loop of the first season and everything, but man if the execution of this season didn't go down the drain these last few episodes. I can't believe this is the same show and writers as Season 1, looking back it would have been perfect if it ended then as a miniseries. 

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6 hours ago, publikcitizen said:

This was a very satisfying finale. Everything made sense and I love the twist we got. 

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Regarding Christina, at the end is she still Christina or did she become Dolores? 

So the real world is done for good? Only a small group of humans that weren’t infected like Frankie will survive? 

Is the final test about hosts achieving consciousness in the sublime? 



I think Dolores has finally awaken at the end. Not sure why or how since I thought at the end of s3 her pearl was completely wiped cleaned, unless that was just a copy of Dolores and somewhere the real original Dolores’ pearl was preserved that Halores used to make it into the storyteller for her world. Or maybe it was Dolores’ (original) pearl from the end of s3, and her original codes led her again to consciousness and maybe Halores just wrote her memories back into the pearl. Idk, hopefully they explain this in s5.

Regarding the final test, I took it that it is about bringing humanity into the sublime via Dolores’ memory of them since she made the choice to offer the final test based on Bernard’s predicted path to saving the world (I assume humans are also included in the world he was referring to).


I’m not sure how they’re going to tie in the outliers tho since humanity isn’t completely gone. Maybe they’ll also participate in the test somehow (or maybe already a part of the test since the beginning?). I feel like it will be a battle between humans that wanna exterminate the hosts aka pull the plug on the sublime and those that want to leave them alone. And maybe this is the final test to see if they’re worth saving/helping rebuild the physical world.


Since Westworld was originally about human’s destructive tendencies and disregard for AI beings, maybe Dolores has created the final test to see if humans are given a final chance, would they behave the same as they did in the physical westworld or begin regarding AIs as equals and fight for their rights and survival.


I do agree it was left vague tho, I wouldn’t be surprised if they throw a curveball and it is about something completely different than my predictions lol.


Edited by Contessa
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Queen Dolores getting all the credit but Miss Hale did that too :clap3:


Justice for Maeve!

And Clementine :monkey:

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This season was a great return to form. A lot of people on twitter have been saying its back to the quality it was known for. I enjoyed the finale as well. I read somewhere that the ratings have been slightly down compared to last season but I think HBO will greenlight it for a final season to wrap things up. Hopefully word of mouth spreads about this season's quality & we finish strong for S5!

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1 hour ago, Musicmajor said:

This season was a great return to form. A lot of people on twitter have been saying its back to the quality it was known for. I enjoyed the finale as well. I read somewhere that the ratings have been slightly down compared to last season.

800k last season vs. about 300k this season. More than slightly...



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3 hours ago, fridayteenage said:

800k last season vs. about 300k this season. More than slightly...



the two year gap should also factor in this too. 

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The last 10 minutes of the finale…

now that’s how you do an ENDING :jonnycat:


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A true return to form for the show, I hope they give us a final season despite the. I was constantly irritated at how little Maeve was used this season, my favourite character on the TV atm.

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I have a feeling this is not going to be renewed… with everything that’s going on at Warner…

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So this completely bombed then, I have serious doubts it will be renewed to be honest. 

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