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9 hours ago, fountain said:



Round 2: The Studio Session Challenge


Thank you for another great round everybody! We really hope you are enjoying the game so far. Here’s my reviews for this round, sorry if some are a little shorter or concise, today is my only opportunity to write them, if you want anything expanded on or explained you can tag me or reply to your review and I will answer as soon as I can, but honestly I am quite busy this weekend so I can't say when that will be. Anyway, here's the reviews:


@EpicSongFan - Feeling You


I really, really enjoyed reading this song. It is so sweet and has this pure euphoric vibe to it, that really emanates and I felt it when I was reading this. It’s a really pretty and beautiful song. The concept is simple, but many great songs do have simple concepts. I think you met the challenge very well because I do hear Mariah singing this, and it’s very in her style to have such a devoted and pure love song. Overall I think you’ve done a really great job, it’s such a lovely song that really transports you and I think that's a testament to your writing ability, because you took me there!


Thank you so much!Β :jonny5:

It means a whole lot because as I said in my description, this song was unfinished for almost/about 2 years. So to be able to complete it for this round meant a whole lotΒ :celestial3:

I also find it nice that my entry this week contrasted from my previous round too. I went the simplistic route, rather than trying an intricate storyline. I'm glad I did that cause I do feel like Mariah tends to nail simplistic but universal themes really well for her singlesΒ :gaycat3:

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Just submitted my scores! Good luck everybody :heart2:


A reminder that results for round 2 will be happening on Sunday as I am busy tomorrow! However Aurora will still be posting round 3 tomorrow so that there are no delays, and results will commence on Sunday when I am back


Last thing I am going to do before I sleep is come up with some hints for my score ranges again, I would have went for pictures again but I don’t really have the time right now because I’m already leaving myself with less than desired sleeping time, so they’ll be based on something else.

I’m going to be gone the majority of the day but I will post them tomorrow when I wake up to hopefully tide things over until the new challenge being posted and results on Sunday!

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Also in my absence pls don’t drag the next challenge I promise it’s a pretty cool one once you accept it for what it is!Β :monkey:

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aw hell naw round 3 is gonna be something like write a song like it's a shakespeare play !!

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Β unknown.png


Hey, Hitmakers! Thanks for another great round of submissionsβ€”only four less than Round 1, which is a wonderful turnout all in all.

While I already posted Batch 1 of my reviews yesterday, I decided to compile everything together with Batch 2, so sorry for re-tags!

If there is anything in your review that you do not wish to have public (lyric excerpts, references to your material etc.) I will remove it upon request.

Batch 1


1. @DatChickDoeΒ - β€œBlue Is How I Live Without You”
My first impression is that I think it’s a clever idea to use some of your artist’s song titles in the lyricsβ€”it reinforces the connection, and would make a fun β€œgreatest hits” song. The imagery in the first verse was really nice, and I like the way the verses lead into the chorus. I commented on your rhyming last time, and there was less unnatural wording in this submission, so great work. Next submission, I would suggest labelling all of your sectionsβ€”the chorus and bridge were great, but clarifying everything would help as the first section has six lines, the next has two quatrains, and the third has five lines. Uniformity with the verses would also be another piece of advice. Overall, I do think this was an improvement, and I anticipate your continual rise!

2. @HugΒ - β€œHug”
It’s cute having a self-titled song! There were many lovely moments, though a few puzzled me. The pre-choruses were both stunning, particularly the second, which I hoped was coming following the prior verse. I enjoyed your bridge, the references to your other song were nice and didn’t feel out of place or like required reading. Other gems were the titular couplet in the chorus and most of the second verse. β€œI feel the old me died,” reads strangely since you have a present tense (feel) and a past tense (died). β€œYou gave me wings so gorgeous that allowed me to fly,” was redundant, and the bugs-making-noise lyric felt like a forced rhyme. The overall concept is solid, but I feel there was more polishing, tightening, and trimming that could have been done.

3. @Better MistakesΒ - β€œDancing With My Tears”
This had a cute commercial vibe, and I could see Tove Lo being involved. The pronouns being β€œhim” took me out of the Tove immersion a bit, although I guess her ex might not be straight. The first verse was a great start. β€œAs we made out with drinks β€˜til your mind blinked?” felt a little clunky as if it were written just to rhyme. The chorus serves its purpose, but I would have loved to see more punch; instead of repeating the quatrain, perhaps the fifth and sixth lines could have been something new to give it more body. Did you purposely omit a second verse? The second pre is much better! On a strictly lyrical level, the bridge did feel like a missed opportunity to showcase a range of emotions. Keep submitting and I look forward to your continual growth!

4. @hurricane326Β - β€œInto the Blue”
I think you channelled Joni well with the three periods of growth, which felt like a nod to β€œBoth Sides Now”. I enjoyed the imagery in the first verse, I got strong lush green vibes and a sense of optimism, and I really liked the callback to this verse in the fifth section. Your use of repetitions aided to their respective sections rather than reading like filler, so good balance there. This song took me on a journey, and I can relate to the themes of waning optimism, settling for less fantastical goals, growing apart from childhood friends and so forth. Life is wonderful but it can also be cruel and wear us down. As a whole it works well, and the only thing I would have liked is one or two killer couplets that stood out from the rest. Great work!

5. @Julia FoxΒ - β€œNo Woman Is No Art”
Ooh a duet, that’s an interesting take on the challenge. There’s definitely a sense of melancholy which is giving Lana vibes, so that’s a good start. I liked the β€œAtlantis” lyric, and the section that followed from β€œink,” to β€œit seems,” was very conceptually intriguing. I think the duetted chorus could have been strengthened with a few more of these artistic metaphors rather than focusing more on the literal dissolution of the relationship. The muse/book metaphors in the second verse were again a good direction to steer this song, and would have loved to see more of that in the chorus, and a bridge would have helped flesh out the concept even further.

6. @EuterpeΒ - β€œCandlelight”
What a unique artist inspiration! I really enjoyed this submission. The comments I made last round about providing more content for context definitely didn’t apply here, there was plenty of great lyricism here. The alliteration in the chorus was a nice touch, and it created some dark and mystical imagery which I could definitely see Evanescence incorporating into their music. β€œMelting a part of myself, to be a part of you,” was a standout lyricβ€”loved this! The bridge was fantastic also, a beautifully constructed section. It definitely seems like you’ve taken the feedback you received last week on board, because this showed tremendous growth to me.

7. @OreGuyΒ - β€œWays to Bring You Down”
There were many surprising moments in this songβ€”just when I thought I’d found the standout lyric, you surprised me with another one, which is definitely a good thing! Your continual growth as a writer is evident. β€œWhen we said forever, I guess this is what we meant,” β€œFire of desire, now burned down all the bridges,” and β€œYour eyes to win me over / But I guess you're determined to win,” were all great. These comparisons of something positive with something negative worked well in this song’s context. Conceptually, I think reinforcing the pain you have caused each other by using some more specific examples of the back-and-forth would have aided this piece.

8. @boubourΒ - β€œLonely”
Interesting artist choice and submission overall. I want to keep my review concise in case I was unclear in my review of your last submission. While writing to an instrumental is fine, unnecessarily confining yourself to certain section lengths and flows determined by a beat might not be the best approach moving forward in this tournament. If you wish to continue writing to instrumentals, perhaps finding something a little longer would serve you well. For this submission, there was a lot of repetition and only thirteen unique lyrics, and of those thirteen, some unique angle or twist on a common theme would have gone a long way.

9. @GentleDanceΒ - β€œThey Just Had to Tell Me”
Let me start off by admitting I had to search up definitions for a lot of the words in this song, and coming from the formerly-dubbed β€œThesaurus King,” that’s saying something! This is where I can offer some unique first-hand advice: fancy and formal isn’t always best for writing. I am not going to be too critical given, a) Your artistic inspiration was Fiona Apple, and b) English isn’t your mother tongue, but I would love to see you experiment with more emotive, accessible language that doesn’t require an immense vocabulary knowledge or take one out of the immersion by researching some of the more advanced lyricismβ€”lyrics like β€œYou’ll accessorize your accessory,” are wonderfully powerful with simpler language. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store.

10. @EpicSongFanΒ - β€œFeeling You”
Another gorgeous cover! I love that this tournament has helped you complete a song you’ve had in your pocket for years. I actually like the new parts you’ve written for this tournament best. The hook is nice, inconsequential and simple, but the verses in particular do a much better job of showing the level of adoration. The β€œa precious treasures” lyric appears to have a grammatical errorβ€”small qualm. The bridge is lovely, especially the β€œparadigm” lyric. I often find when writing that the sections I form early in the process need to be reworked later on, and I would have loved to see this with a reworked hook to provide a little more texture. Otherwise, nice work!

11. @ArrowsΒ - β€œOut Of The Blue”

Hmm, definitely not the Carly era I would have imagined you channelling. :cupid: I couldn’t play your performance either. That said, that’s where most of my criticisms end. This was very cute, I could definitely see Carly being involved with this one. It appears you’ve put more focus on each of the sections having stronger lyricism rather than being carried by interesting melodies, so that’s definitely noted and appreciated. The additions in parentheses I could see being fun backing vocal moments, too. The second verse was definitely my favourite, the entire verse was perfect honestly. The bridge was a touch basic and it would have been lovely to see something a little more honest and vulnerable here to really convey their passion.


12. @RemmyΒ - β€œDon't Let a Man Tell You What to Do”

Not the ooo’sβ€”we-are-going-to-pretend-we-didn’t-see-that.mp4 (seriously, cute in moderation, but never a great idea in a lyric-focused tournament). Not Sigrid being British now, weβ€” this is certainly a welcome change of pace all things considered. You display a great understanding of rhyming, particularly internal rhyming in the verses which is enjoyable to read and helps shape the metre and flow of the piece nicely. The chorus could have been stronger admittedlyβ€”as you have mentioned it’s β€œdecently basic” and perhaps selecting Sigrid to match this level of lyricism isn’t a suitable crutch given this is still a lyric-focused tournament. Taking your impressive internal rhyming skill and applying that to a more eloquent piece would be appreciated!

13. @RobDeWittBukaterΒ - β€œPassword”

I think Britney Spears is an interesting choice because she’s not necessarily known as an acclaimed, renowned lyricist. That’s not to say every selection had to be, and I love plenty of Britney’s bops. The β€œpiece of me” reference was cute, and the β€œmystery/gist of me” rhyme was chaotically good. While short, I really liked the bridge (although it’s not a middle eight by definition, which is literally eight bars in the middle of a song). Conceptually, I think the password idea was solid for a pop song format, yet the lyrics themselves could have done with some more refinementβ€”references to cracking codes, β€œkeystrokes”, or what might happen if they try to β€œhack”/guess incorrectly. There’s a lot more you could have done with this fun concept!


14. @Legend EΒ - β€œTalk of the Town”

This is probably one of the most distinct approaches to the challenge thus far. While most have attempted to model their songs after specific musical stylings, song titles, or eras of their respective artists, you’ve fully focused on the personal life aspect and brought your own songwriting style to the forefront. I think you have an interesting concept here, but it is admittedly a little hard to grasp. I won’t make direct references to lyrics out of respect, but I wasn’t sure if Kelly was supposed to be the shrub or growing it? I’m also not entirely sure if hearing about a breakup is a suitable comparative to being poisoned? In short, I feel like you got caught up in the metaphors a bit with this one. That said, the outro was a lovely end to this piece.

Batch 2


15. @JacksonΒ - β€œDEEPFAKE”
The formatting. :jonny: This is such a refreshing submission from you in many ways, and a round highlight for me thus far. I’m enjoying seeing you steer away from your typical metre-perfect style since you have the skill to make a few deviations and have the result still flow well. My favourite parts were the latter half of the first verse, and most of the second verse. The bridge was serving that TikTok song (β€œI don’t care about your crypto boy,”) and I don’t mean that in a bad way, it’s a bop. While I hadn’t heard of Elio until earlier this month, I can definitely see this fitting the vibe of some of her material you referenced. If I had to be picky I’d say the last couplet of the second verse could be stronger, but it’s not bad by any means. Love this risk from you!

16. @AugmentedΒ - β€œKeeps You Talkin”
Thanks for your candour, however I wouldn’t say you underperformed honestly. I definitely got the Lizzo vibes from this one, even if it was seemingly heavily inspired by β€œRumors” with a splash of feminism. β€œTell the truth, watch it turn to fiction / Kiss my *shh* β€˜cause you’ve clearly missed it,” was a great standout lyric, perfectly positioned within your chorus, and very Lizzo. The instrumental breakdown part wasn’t necessary to mention, even if it would be cute in an actual song! While I don’t think the rap bridge is the best addition lyrically, I’m glad you incorporated a rap element in the song and would like to see you experiment with that side more. All in all I don’t think this was the underperformance you believe it to be.

17. @JessieΒ - β€œEcstasy All Night”
Prince is an interesting choice since his discography is so vast and he’s written in so many different styles, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what makes a β€œPrince” song. β€œBut darling I know why you can’t stop crying / Despair is easy to find so why keep trying?” was a standout lyric. I think the concept of the song is interesting, because it reads as the narrator trying to convince someone to break up with their partner to be with them, yet, β€œI’m sure there are ways to be included / If he’s so inclined,” almost hints at openness to a polyamerous relationship? Which is confusing seeing as it appears the person they are currently in the relationship with doesn’t make them happy? I found this intriguing, but more clarity in the narrative would have been ideal.

18. @TylerbvΒ - β€œReason to Stay”
I feel like you’ve channelled the essence of your chosen artist wellβ€”the narrative storytelling and delivery are very country and I could see Carrie recording something in this vein. The overarching message is wonderful and it’s important to highlight and acknowledge the very real struggles of children with absentee and/or abusive parents who raise their siblings out of love and obligation, but long for their own childhood/life. I would say it does border on melodramatic at points, especially toward the end, and I think you could have conveyed a similar message by taming some of the more extreme plot developments. You have something special here, and some refinement and the addition of more relatable nuances would have gone a long way.

19. @InsanityΒ - β€œJust Try”
From what I can gather you’ve had a bit of a rocky start to this tournament with writer’s block, which is unfortunately something we all deal with from time to time. This song almost reads like a β€œtrying to break out of writer’s block” anthem to me in a senseβ€”you’re just going to try, and try you did. I definitely appreciate your submissions in this tournament rather than failing to submit altogether, it’s admirable! As for the actual lyrics, they did admittedly fall on the more basic side of cliche. I think cliches can be a fun addition to pop songs, so long as you circumvent them or give them a double meaningβ€”something unexpected. Try taking a common theme or trope and spin it in a new, unique light. This might be a good next step for you in the coming rounds!

20. @mxtthewdelreyΒ - β€œyou cheat, you lose”
Not you introducing me to a new potential favourite artist. :cupid: I really enjoyed this submission from you. What I find especially interesting about you as a writer is that while this song might seem out-of-the-box for many, it almost reads as tame compared to some of your more erratic pieces. I think it was clever and a well-formed dark pop song, and while I haven’t heard of your inspiration before now, the two songs I listened to definitely sounded as if this type of song would be a perfect fit for her. β€œYour arms wrapped around me / So tight they could choke me to death” was a great tone-setting image, and the verses in general were great overall. I also liked the subtly shifting choruses, which I think got better with each succession. All in all, great work!

21. @Achilles.Β - β€œA Long Time Coming”
I see why you changed direction since it’s hard to imagine Taylor narrating this song given it seems to be the experience of an older woman. This was a really well written storytelling song. The theme of staying in a loveless marriage for the children is very relatable and unfortunately common I’m sure, the narrative direction itself didn’t feel too melodramatic or unrealistic, and the technical aspects (rhyme scheme exploration, structure, reworked final chorus) were masterful. The only section I think that faltered a tad was what I’d call the bridge (β€œhigh in the garden”). This felt like a natural conclusion, but I would have loved to see some more detailed memories emphasising the struggle (or lack thereof) of finally leaving. Overall, lovely writing again.

22. @TruGeminiΒ - β€œZone”
Not an actual song about a studio session, extremely meta I fear. :jonny2: β€œI get so caught up when I'm in the zone, no Macaulay but I'm home alone” was definitely the standout lyric of this whole song for me, whew. (Although, if the City Girls were in the studio with you, would they be home alone?) I love rap writing since it allows for metaphors and comparisons like this which just work in ways they never could in the context of normal singer-songwriter pieces. That said, I really would have loved to see more of that. At one point (around the five senses lyric) I wasn’t sure if the β€œstudio session” was a euphemism or not, and I think that would have been fun if it was, or could have served as a double entendre. Keep working on your bars, we love to see it!

23. @β˜†lexΒ - β€œNights on the Run”
From β€˜Born in the U.S.A.’ to β€˜Born This Way’, I- I definitely understood where you were going with the specific era of Lady Gaga that you wanted to channel for this song, it felt a little bit β€œYoΓΌ and I”, a little bit β€œHeavy Metal Lover”, and a little bit β€œHighway Unicorn (Road to Love)”, with a few other references thrown in. That said, most of these songs were influenced by other eras that came before them, and I think going to the source material may have served you better with this particular challenge. The bridge in particular left a lot to be desired with the heavy repetitions. I can imagine this sonically fitting the vibe of the β€˜Born This Way’ era well, but conceptually and lyrically I question how it stands on its own. Looking forward to your next submission!

24. @Lorenzo22Β - β€œTeenage Love Story”
Hmm, this title is a bit familiar. :eli: I definitely got β€˜Fearless’ era vibes from this, at least I assume that was the intended Taylor Swift era you were channelling with this one. Taylor has such a widely known albeit difficult writing style to truly emulate with the masterful craftsmanship that she naturally has, so this was a BOLD choice. I will say the core ideas of a Taylor song you wanted to emulateβ€”a relatable, easy to follow story you can picture in your headβ€”is something you’ve done well. To elevate it to the next level, try including many little detailsβ€”however seemingly insignificantβ€”and give them a strong sense of purpose or attachment within the song. Making references or callbacks to these tidbits later in the song can help create a sense of cohesion.

25. @D e v o nΒ - β€œSession 32”

I had no idea who Remi Wolf was but I listened to her song β€œMichael” and, well, I’m intrigued! After that, I honestly have to say I guess I could see her performing this track? She seems like a rather unconventional artist and this is a rather unconventional song. I’m not sure if the one-line sections are lyrics or just dividers, but either way I was a little confused. This was definitely an improvement over your last entry, and I really enjoyed the prechorus, and the bridge was cute too although I’m not sure if I understood the significance of it. One interpretation of this song could be that it’s from the perspective of a closeted person wanting to β€œcome out”, and I’d be interested to know if that was your intention. Thought-provoking!


26. @JoeAgΒ - β€œWoman in the Charmed Garden”

Well, this was a complete 180 from the last round! You’ve given us no shortage of unique lyricism to delve into with this piece, so that’s lovely to see. If you haven’t already, I’d like you to read my review for GentleDance’s song this round, as a lot of the points I made in that review I feel also apply here. Similarly, I am not going to be too critical given that your artistic inspiration was Kate Bush, and the majority of the advanced vocabulary was isolated to the beginning of the piece. Once I got into it however, I did quite enjoy this. β€œbut all we ever look for is a hug, and all we ever craved was a drug,” was a lovely moment, and the entire β€œstreets of red” section was gorgeous.

27. @PrisonerΒ - β€œDrift Away”

Another well-written and interesting entry from you. In some ways it feels like it belongs in the same universe as β€œWind Chimes,” perhaps in the very distant future. I’m not sure if that was your intention but the inclusion of the wind rising up in the chorus felt like an ever-so-subtle callback to that. It also reminded me of one of your older songs, β€œOne day you’re driving your dad’s old car,” particularly in the second verse. I’m not all that familiar with Pink Floyd, but this part of the song felt like it would be channelling them. This song definitely was more grounded than your last, and while I do prefer the beauty and imagery in the prechorus and chorus overall, the snap back to reality in the verses and bridge was a nice accompaniment and juxtaposition.


28. @8thPrinceΒ - β€œFraternite”

Let me admit I have not read the source material (yet!) since I’m pushing it for time getting these reviews out as isβ€”I did skim the prompt and comments. Onto your songβ€”I think the reason behind your artist selection is clever since there’s no denying you’ve also taken inspiration from a story as they do. It’s been a good while since I’ve read a truly great piece utilising astral imagery, and this is thankfully the one to end the drought. What’s more, it’s not there simply for pretty imagery, but always serves a purpose for a beautiful lyrical idea. My absolute favourite couplet was, β€œI can’t accept that there’s a purpose found in / The outline of the space that I’m leaving by your side”, but the, β€œMy apprehensive smile / Looks so strong when I’m the image reflected in your eyes” refrain is a close second. Gorgeous work, look forward to reading the source!

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I had no idea who Remi Wolf was but I listened to her song β€œMichael” and, well, I’m intrigued!Β 

listen to Disco Man, Liquor Store and/or Sexy Villain. Michael isn't the best representation of her sound! :gaycat2:

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Also I didn't mention it in your reviewΒ @8thPrinceΒ because it's not a factor in my scoring, but the couplet "The answer I arrived at /Β Is because I put faith you" appears to be missing a word (in?)β€”I understood the meaning so it's fine. I do plan on reading the story your song was inspired by and will let you know what I think of it when I do! (Possibly tomorrow.)

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6 minutes ago, Remmy said:

listen to Disco Man, Liquor Store and/or Sexy Villain. Michael isn't the best representation of her sound! :gaycat2:

"Sexy Villain" already has me intriguedβ€”will do, thanks!

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1 hour ago, Remmy said:

listen to Disco Man, Liquor Store and/or Sexy Villain. Michael isn't the best representation of her sound! :gaycat2:

Remi was such a bad choice :skull:Β the structure of her songs are insane, but I love them.

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1 hour ago, D e v o n said:

Remi was such a bad choice :skull:Β the structure of her songs are insane, but I love them.

I actually think Remi was a great pick, now as for whether she was a good choice for you - that's not for me to judge! :cm:Β But Remi is definitely one of those artists who has music that shows off so much personality and it's not always easy to get on that same level.

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1 hour ago, Remmy said:

I actually think Remi was a great pick, now as for whether she was a good choice for you - that's not for me to judge! :cm:Β But Remi is definitely one of those artists who has music that shows off so much personality and it's not always easy to get on that same level.

Drag me. I also just didn’t have a lot of time to write, but I love my first verse a lot.

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17 minutes ago, D e v o n said:

Drag me. I also just didn’t have a lot of time to write, but I love my first verse a lot.

No no no I wasn't dragging or even shading :oh:Β This is a general statement! (Unless you mean the "good choice for you" part, but that's because I haven't read your lyrics + I'm not a judge!)

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3 hours ago, Aurora said:

27. @PrisonerΒ - β€œDrift Away”

Another well-written and interesting entry from you. In some ways it feels like it belongs in the same universe as β€œWind Chimes,” perhaps in the very distant future. I’m not sure if that was your intention but the inclusion of the wind rising up in the chorus felt like an ever-so-subtle callback to that. It also reminded me of one of your older songs, β€œOne day you’re driving your dad’s old car,” particularly in the second verse. I’m not all that familiar with Pink Floyd, but this part of the song felt like it would be channelling them. This song definitely was more grounded than your last, and while I do prefer the beauty and imagery in the prechorus and chorus overall, the snap back to reality in the verses and bridge was a nice accompaniment and juxtaposition.

Thank you for this feedback auroraΒ :gaycat4:Β and I'm pleasantly shook you remembered that entry cause i feel like that was one of my defining works :jonnycat:

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Here’s some hinty hints for my score ranges:


1. @DatChickDoe - Amy Winehouse, Tears Dry On Their Own

2. @HugΒ - Amy Winehouse, (There Is) No Greater Love

3. @Better Mistakes - Baby Queen, NarcissistΒ 

4. @hurricane326 - The Cocteau Twins, Fotzepolitic

5. @Julia FoxΒ - dumblonde, Yellow Canary

6. @Euterpe - Fleetwood Mac, I Don’t Want To Know

7. @OreGuy - Florence + the Machine, Lover to Lover

8. @boubourΒ - iamamiwhoami, tap your glass

9. @GentleDance - iamamiwhoami, ; johnΒ 

10. @EpicSongFan - iamamiwhoami, kill

11. @Arrows - ionnalee, Dunes of Sand

12. @RemmyΒ - ionnalee, CRYSTAL

13. @RobDeWittBukater - IZ*ONE, SPACESHIP

14. @Legend E - The Japanese House, somethingfartoogoodtofeel

15. @Jackson - Jackson Reid, Dissonant Rhythm, multiplied by two

16. @Augmented - Kate Bush, Under Ice

17. @Jessie - Kesha, Finding You

18. @TylerbvΒ - Kylie Minogue, Last Chance

19. @Insanity - Lights, Jaws

20. @mxtthewdelreyΒ - M.I.A, Exodus

21. @Achilles. - Maggie Rogers, Say It

22. @TruGemini - Novo Amor, Keep Me

23.Β @β˜†lexΒ Β - Perfume Genius, Wreath

24. @Lorenzo22Β - Phoebe Bridgers, Killer

25. @D e v o nΒ - Porter Robinson, Wind Tempos

26. @JoeAg - Ryn Weaver, Travelling Song

27. @Prisoner - Sky Ferreira, You’re Not The One

28. @8thPrince - Soccer Mommy, LucyΒ 

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6 hours ago, Aurora said:

"Sexy Villain" already has me intriguedβ€”will do, thanks!

Sexy Villain is my fave of hers personallyΒ 


Thank you judges (so far) - i’m glad you enjoyed my song!

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34 minutes ago, fountain said:

Here’s some hinty hints for my score ranges:


1. @DatChickDoe - Amy Winehouse, Tears Dry On Their Own

2. @HugΒ - Amy Winehouse, (There Is) No Greater Love

3. @Better Mistakes - Baby Queen, NarcissistΒ 

4. @hurricane326 - The Cocteau Twins, Fotzepolitic

5. @Julia FoxΒ - dumblonde, Yellow Canary

6. @Euterpe - Fleetwood Mac, I Don’t Want To Know

7. @OreGuy - Florence + the Machine, Lover to Lover

8. @boubourΒ - iamamiwhoami, tap your glass

9. @GentleDance - iamamiwhoami, ; johnΒ 

10. @EpicSongFan - iamamiwhoami, kill

11. @Arrows - ionnalee, Dunes of Sand

12. @RemmyΒ - ionnalee, CRYSTAL

13. @RobDeWittBukater - IZ*ONE, SPACESHIP

14. @Legend E - The Japanese House, somethingfartoogoodtofeel

15. @Jackson - Jackson Reid, Dissonant Rhythm, multiplied by two

16. @Augmented - Kate Bush, Under Ice

17. @Jessie - Kesha, Finding You

18. @TylerbvΒ - Kylie Minogue, Last Chance

19. @Insanity - Lights, Jaws

20. @mxtthewdelreyΒ - M.I.A, Exodus

21. @Achilles. - Maggie Rogers, Say It

22. @TruGemini - Novo Amor, Keep Me

23.Β @β˜†lexΒ Β - Perfume Genius, Wreath

24. @Lorenzo22Β - Phoebe Bridgers, Killer

25. @D e v o nΒ - Porter Robinson, Wind Tempos

26. @JoeAg - Ryn Weaver, Travelling Song

27. @Prisoner - Sky Ferreira, You’re Not The One

28. @8thPrince - Soccer Mommy, LucyΒ 


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11 minutes ago, fountain said:


I'll need to read through all the reviews for thisΒ :sherlock:Β but Jackson's 'multiplied by two' might be a key to crack the codeΒ :gaycat5:

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2 minutes ago, Prisoner said:

I'll need to read through all the reviews for thisΒ :sherlock:Β but Jackson's 'multiplied by two' might be a key to crack the codeΒ :gaycat5:

It’s actually pretty simple, it’s just finding the context that is keyΒ :gaycat4:Β don’t over think it, it’s not an abstract one

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29 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

It's literally just the track number y'all. I scored a 7 because Fotzepolitic is the 7th track on its album - Heaven or Las Vegas by Cocteau Twins

Now why would you ruin it like that?Β :noparty:Β i was having so much fun checking wikipedia, adding the numbers of syllabus on the song titles, adding the song durations on youtube, etc :ahh:Β Good job figuring it outΒ :gaycat4:


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  • ATRL Moderator

a seven :bibliahh:Β 

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I’m afraid the code may have been crackedΒ :biblionny:


Bare in mind though a track 7 doesn’t mean you literally got a 7. It’s anywhere between 7-7.9

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  • ATRL Moderator

and it will be closer to 7 than a 7.9 i fear




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Hints for my hints: I haven’t done any hints yet, in fact I haven’t even confirmed scores. :cm:

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3 minutes ago, Legend E said:

and it will be closer to 7 than a 7.9 i fear




Tbh though anything 7 is still good, in previous songwriting games I was throwing around 5’s like garden metaphors in your song



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