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Golden Hit: Season 1 πŸ“€ Congrats to 8thPrince and Jackson!! πŸ†πŸ†


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39 minutes ago, Hug said:

I'm going to the store now does anybody want anything

Okay I am back from the store, nobody wanted anything so I didn't get y'all anything

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46 minutes ago, Hug said:

I'm going to the store now does anybody want anything

Omg noooo I missed this :(


I wanted a clock because apparently I can’t tell the time

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Correction: the finale is at 7PM EDT, not EST


I forgot that it is summerΒ :celestial:

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4 hours ago, Remmy said:

Remmy 'Golden Hits, Vol. 1' EP



1. Nonstop Hardcore

2. Scary Movie

3. Flowerbloom


4. Paper Airplane Crashes

5. Pulse

6. Don't Let a Man Tell You What to Do (with Sigrid)


7. Sex Song Megamix

8. Don't Let a Man Tell You What to Do (Explicit Club Mix)



Lyrics to Paper Airplane Crashes for anyone that's interested :lakitu:


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[verse 1]
Watching myself through an astral projection
Shaking my head at every selection, I make
I let out a laugh, while everyone has a frown
I'm never quite on the same page

Feeling like a burden, everytime I get a word in
Even with my own family
Somebody called to ask about the kids
You completely skip over my name
And when I yell at you for that
I don't know how you stand the sight of me

All I do is disappoint you
A crowd full of people that love me... the seats are empty
And even though the seats are empty
No, there's no room for you in here

[instrumental break]

[verse 2]
I'm not destined for a long life
Always tell myself I'll never hit fourty
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
There's an answer I can never see

I'm a professional at wasting time
Got over a decade full of proof
But once I run out of it
I'll probably be begging for more
Wish I could give some time up
To the people that have little left

Not sure if I can truly love anything
Every positive thought barely sticks around
Sometimes it feels like I'm not even alive
I guess I'm living just to survive

[instrumental break]

My engine's starting to fail
We're spinning out of control
No one responds when I call
Body separates from the soul
1,000 feet above the ocean
There's nothing I can do anymore...

[verse 3]
My paper airplane crashes, stuck in water for too long
And I tried to save the bodies, but the current was too strong
Now the trauma never leaves, I fear that it will be lifelong
So now I live out each day recalling things that I did wrong

Oh so wrong, Oh so wrong. I did every damn thing wrong.
Took too long, took too long. Now the hope in me is gone.
Hope is gone, hope is gone. How do I just carry on?
Carry on.
(the word "on" echoes for a bit & then fades out)



Not post-nut clarityΒ :dies:

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5 hours ago, Remmy said:

Somebody called to ask about the kids
You completely skip over my name

Oh this is so real

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On 6/16/2022 at 4:05 PM, Jackson said:

probably but i'd rather have fun and lose than struggle and win #musicnotthebling


5 hours ago, Better Mistakes said:

They all like to recite it’s music not bling

eviscerate me :celestial5:

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this wasn't even my idea but turns out i'm going camping in the place my R5 song was written about. life truly imitating artΒ 

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The Last Time I Saw You (Ivan's song)




the last time i saw you

it was a rainy day in the cityΒ 

the same where our love grewΒ 

the same where we met, ivan

we were just kids pretending to know what love is

I said β€˜can you believe it’s been dry for all this time here

but today the rain appeared like it was celebrating our reunion?

or crying for our love, maybe it isn’t an illusion’

maybe we haven’t change that much since then

maybe things haven’t changed that much since thenΒ 

is that ok?

do you remember that december night

just a day after christmasΒ 

when we fight for like over three hours for that singular man

he’s now living in your house

he’s the father of your three cats

oh how lovely you are

so sad that now he’s working on the outside far away from where we are now

in your house


i told you nothing has changed that muchΒ 

the streets near your house are still so calm

maybe it looks more dangerous now but so it’s every part

even your old doorbell keeps being useless, ha!

your older cat still adores me, how he couldn’t?

and your mother keeps calling you everyday at 6 PM

and your 8-bit ringtone still the same when your phone rings

the fine wine that I gifted you is still unconsumed

aging like our love, that it refuses to giving up


we are now in your bedroom

the silence comes to us

intrusive and so tense just like the first time we touched

you said I look good and maybe you are rightΒ 

you said I look healthy, well I’m pretending thatΒ 

you said i am the love of your life, and so you are mine

touch my lips, touch your lips, kiss me, bang bang

touch me, I’ll touch you, baby let’s collideΒ 


how bad things can taste so good when you’re above mine?

how pleasure turns into pain when you’re gone?

it’s not the first time this **** happens, ****Β 

please hold me closer

hold me stronger

tell me that you love me more now

because I do

I always knew

and I hate me for thatΒ 


a reciprocating night full of mistakes comes to an endΒ 

waking up next to you, a suicide

late to catch the airplane

the capital must wait

and so must my fiancΓ©

in one month we are getting marriedΒ 

but you are not invited

even though you are still on my mind

isn’t it ironic?

don’t you think?

the day I met you my life was destined to be ****** up

and the last time I saw you, ivanΒ 

i know it won’t be the last


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5 minutes ago, Remmy said:


omg just got done scathing yours and this emoji actually captures it quite wellΒ :grill:

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14 minutes ago, fountain said:

omg just got done scathing yours and this emoji actually captures it quite wellΒ :grill:

YESSSSSSSSSS :duca::duca::duca:



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Round 6: The All or Nothing Final!


@hurricane326 - Trees


This is another great showcasing of your writing ability. This is a really creative and fun song, but it’s also quite alluring and enigmatic. Like many of your entries it feels open to interpretation, and that’s something I’ve come to enjoy from seeing your writing over the past 6 weeks. Sometimes, when people try to write a song that is quite open to interpretation, it can end up feeling vague as opposed to undetermined, and I think this song is a good example of how you write one well and execute it properly. I love the interconnectedness of the verses, and also the fact that the song comes full circle at the end; clearly, a lot of thought was put into this and it shows. I really enjoyed this style and also the message that I personally interpreted from the song. The song ends up feeling, overall, as one piece as opposed to separate sections that can be critiqued (which means I don’t feel I can really pinpoint certain parts that I loved the most, or even and that I didn’t enjoy, because it all works as one in a really nice way), because really that's what it is, and I think it comes together as a very strong final entry from you; one of many that you have delivered throughout the season. Great job.Β 


@DatChickDoe - Romantic Villain


I think this is a very nice and poetic exploration of infidelity, and it’s up there with your strongest entries of the season. I really enjoy the loose structure here, I think it works well and if you had some central repeating section like a chorus then it could have taken away from the song and given us less of an opportunity to see some of these great lyrics that you have come up with, so good job with the execution. There are some really good lyrics here worth shouting out, such as β€œWeaponised words going to war, I love you pools in blood on the floor” which was a really vivid moment, and β€œSymphony strings silently strum in a sombre song” which was a really nice use of alliteration that I enjoyed (and you could even remove β€˜in a’ and just change it to β€˜sombre songs’ to point this out even more). Overall I think this is another strong entry from you, you’ve had some ups and downs throughout the rounds in terms of ranking but I think this is one of your best of the season, and while not as dark as some of your other entries, still has a really great tone throughout. Good job.


@Julia Fox - The Last Time I Saw You (Ivan's Song)


This is, without a doubt, your most personal and overall best song throughout the entire season. I guess if there was ever a moment to do it, now would be the time, and it’s like you’ve been saving up all your energy for this in a way, but you have kind of blown me away! There are some really, really stunning lyrics here that meant I had to pause when I read them to take them in. I’d like to specifically shout some out; β€œI said can you believe it’s been dry for all the time here, but today the rain appeared like it was celebrating our reunion?”, and β€œNow in your bedroom, the silence comes to us, intrusive and so tense just like the first time we touched”, these moments in the song were just so beautiful and stand out to me as some of the best and most impactful lyrics you’ve had all season. This is a really great culmination of your time here with us, wrapping up the entries that you have written which have been influenced by this topic, and finally delivering a song that touches on this component itself. I have to say you’ve swooped in at the last moment and really impressed me, you should definitely be very proud of this song, I found it very touching and an amazing ending note for the season. Very nice job!


@Better MistakesΒ - Blah, Blah, Blah... **** You!


I- :rip: well, I wasn’t really expecting a song like this for the final round, so you have really stood out in this way at the very least. Obviously it’s meant to be a statement piece and not to be taken seriously, but I would say throughout this season as a whole you’ve had some moments where the potential for growth was really there, and of course I would’ve prepared an entry leaning more into that and trying to push yourself, but ultimately this is a game where you can do whatever you want and if you wanted to write a sarcastic song like this then I’m happy that you did. I guess it can be tiring hearing us say we want personal or emotional, or depth, when if you just want to write songs for fun then you may not necessarily want to write like that, but I hope it’s understandable that overall prompting you in this way is meant to give you the best opportunity of showing off your writing on a lyrical level. I have to say, the line about being a ***** for your school bully was an absolute scream as a reference to your iconic thread, but in the line β€œdeserve a coin for this track and my irrelevance” you probably meant to say irreverence? And overall that’s a really great word to describe this entry - irreverent - and I just hope that as a whole you have enjoyed yourself throughout the game!


@Jackson - Peak


I think Nothing was definitely the obvious choice for you given how diverse your entries have been this season, and this is another nice addition to the list. I really like the concept and theme here most, it’s a very relatable one and I think the overall message here, about working hard in life only to realise that the world is still the exact same around you, is powerful. We are, after all, all in the same world and things like status, whether that's education or job, actually don’t alter or change the world that you live in, but rather your circumstance. I’m glad you portrayed this message in the song as it’s very poignant, and I think it actually works very well as a metaphor for looking at your experience this season too; it’s undeniable that on paper you may be the frontrunner due to your 3 #1 placements, but if we are to take the advice of this song, we should remember that it’s more about the experience as a whole, rather than the end. I don’t know if you meant for your song to also tie in this way, or if I am just overthinking it, but it’s a nice connection I drew. I think overall it goes without saying that you are a brilliant writer and this is just another good example of that, as a final song it provides some really lovely closure overall and a nice look at the more personal side that you have offered here. Good job.Β 


@Hug - Edgelord & Savior


Well this was certainly a read. I wouldn’t go as far as to say I dislike it, as you preempted in your submission, but at the same time I’m not really sure what the overall point of this song was, or what I am supposed to take away from reading it, instead it just kind of left me dumbstruck searching for some reason behind it. You’ve submitted some very diverse entries throughout the season and I think tackling the All prompt was a really strong choice, and I enjoy the references that you’ve given in this song, but overall I don’t really think this song was the best at really showing off your lyricism, because obviously you are a very experienced great writer, but I don’t think this song itself really suggests that, whereas other entries of yours throughout the season definitely have. In general I guess I would say, I don’t have anything to particularly drag this song for, but also nothing to really praise it for either… I guess in the end I kind of just feel next to nothing in regard to it, but as an overall message for throughout the season you’ve done a really good job and have been consistent and even enjoying an upwards trajectory in the last 2 rounds, so you’ve definitely shown off your skills as a writer here; just not necessarily in this final round itself.


@TruGemini - June 5th, 2044


You’ve executed the All prompt in a really nice way here with the references to your previous entries. But I think, regardless of those references, the song itself really stands on itself and is a really beautiful and sentimental written piece. It definitely feels like your most personal entry to date, and I really loved seeing this side of your writing (which, paired with last round’s emotional song from you, was really nice). The concept here is really lovely, a message to yourself in the future, and I can actually picture your future self looking back on this on June 5th 2044 and really getting a kick out of it (the carbs line!!), but also a really poignant look at how you will have grown, and that is just really beautiful. I really hope it was therapeutic reading this and that also, if you do look back on the future, you can use this as a time capsule for your time here and your life at this moment as you mentioned, and I think that is so sweet as the concept behind your final entry, and I hope you get all these things too. Overall, this is another really fantastic entry from you; your glow up in the second half of the season has truly been amazing to watch, and I love this take on the All prompt not only as an ode to the songs you wrote, but to yourself at this moment in your life. Wonderful job.


@OreGuy - Gum


If I am totally honest, I am not entirely sure what the gum is meant to represent here, which makes it hard to connect with the song overall as it’s quite a central part of the song and it’s story. Is it just meant to be the idea of being stuck in a relationship? I guess I can see it being that but I’m not certain if I’m honest. I will say, I really liked the start of the song with the setting being the supermarket, and I think using the items throughout the supermarket as metaphors between the mother and the daughter could’ve made for a really great entry if that had been explored more than just in gum, but when the bridge came, and specifically the outro, and it suddenly became a violent domestic abuse song, it was honestly too much too suddenly and I would say an incredibly dramatic ending to a song which was for the most part not dramatic, which personally to me is somewhat of an odd choice. I would say overall for this entry there were some good ideas here, but the execution for me could’ve been a little better; however overall in regards to your entries throughout the season, I’ve really enjoyed seeing how you’ve been able to grow throughout a season with no eliminations, and it was really fun seeing you try more poetic styles too in the past, hopefully this has been a good experience for you overall and I’d love to see you back again for a future season.


@Prisoner - The Candle


I think going for another entry focusing on wind was a good way of meeting the All prompt as many of your entries have already dealt with wind themes, and in a general sense I think this song really fits in with the rest of your entries; they all have a similar stylistic approach and work well cohesively. This is also a good demonstration of how consistent you have been with your entries, a trend that has continued here with this song also. The closing two sections specifically, I really enjoyed; β€œand so when the stars come out tonight, just close your eyes and lie on the ground, and feel safe under the vast nothingness of the sky” was really pretty and sweet, and the last line of the song in particularly was really great as a closing moment for your journey over the season! I really hope you’ve enjoyed it, it’s been great to get to see your writing and you’ve written some really lovely songs throughout the season, with this one being no exception.


@Augmented - Blurred


Writing a song in the setting of a wedding was a really genius way of connecting all of your previous entries! It really worked out perfectly in this way and I think this song is a nice culmination of the themes that you have explored throughout your previous entries. I will say, I don’t think this one lyrically reaches the emotional heights of either When Traditional Falls or Lost, but as an amalgamation of your previous entries it couldn’t be any better of a concept and has also been executed very well in that you have brought together these different themes, and yet the song itself still works. And, as a closing entry to your experience this season, it was really great to step into this world again and get to revisit the different themes you have explored over the season. In general it’s been amazing to watch your growth, particularly in the last two rounds, and I hope this experience has really given you something to take away from it.Β 


@Euterpe - Infinite Flame


This song is a really great union between your previous entries, you’ve referenced them each in unique ways and with lines that contribute well to this new song as opposed to just being surface level. I think this song reminds me most of Candlelight actually, and it almost gives me that Evanescence vibe again where I sort of pictured Amy Lee singing this! It’s another very strong entry from you and I can certainly assure you that you have demonstrated such great writing skill this season that I hope to continually drill into you until you believe it too! From your very first entry you’ve had me very intrigued by your writing, and round after round you’ve really impressed and have created some great pieces of writing that I hope you really are proud of coming away from this season. This song, itself, is another demonstration of this and a great closing on your time here which I have really enjoyed; and I hope you have, too.


@Legend EΒ - I'll Get to You


I think this is one of your strongest entries of the season, up there with White Flag, and feels like a great full circle moment. You’ve brought in elements and references to each of your entries so well, and I think in general have encompassed the writing style that I would associate with your entries this season, which is quite inspired by storytelling and looking at a particular person and their life; it fits in perfectly with the rest of your entries and creates a really cohesive finish on your journey as a whole. While you’ve had an up and down trajectory I’ve always looked forward to seeing your entries - with you blowing us away from the beginning with White Flag - and this song is definitely continuing the upward trend from last round. I hope, in general, that this experience has been fulfilling for you, I’ve really enjoyed your presence here and getting to see your writing! Overall, a great finish for your journey this season.Β 


@D e v o n - I or U


I’d say this is without a doubt your best entry this season, but then again it’s one of the only complete ones lol. But genuinely, I think this is a good song, and the concept is very interesting. Taking inspiration from the way societal pressure can create toxic relationships is a really strong choice, and I think you demonstrated well the ways in which people can become vindictive and spiteful, and overall toxic, as a result of the preconceived notions that β€œlove” and relationships exist under, which more often than not can breed possessive and abusive behaviour like what is depicted in your song.Β 


@Achilles. - Crush

(I’ll review Opportunity Inn tomorrow when I have more time!)

This is such a cute and refreshing song from you! Now, your other entries have been great too, but I was not expecting something like this from you; in that way, you’ve absolutely nailed the Nothing prompt. I think you’ve taken the inspiration of Heartstopper really well and have written a song that embodies all of the things that people love about Heartstopper; it’s just absolutely lovely! It’d be hard to read this song and not feel happy, honestly, it’s just instantly so heartwarming and really brings a smile to the face (at least for optimistic little old me). Specifically I have to give a shoutout to β€œAnd my cheeks blush, every time we touch, it’s so obvious, but you don’t bring it up” like just punch me with how sweet this is. Tbh even writing this review and thinking about the song squeezes my heart, which I guess is a sign of how much I really enjoyed reading it. Overall, you’ve absolutely served something here unexpected, and have perfectly captured that innocent young love that you were aiming for, while in general over the season you’ve demonstrated not just to us, but I believe to yourself, that your writing ability is innate, and all I can say in regards to that is that I’m very happy you participated this season, and I hope you are too.


@Remmy - Paper Airplane Crashes


Omg this is exactly what I’ve been wanting from you and I’m so happy to see it :jonny: sorry if you may not agree cause I know you love the vulgar songs but I have no doubt that this is your best entry of the season. Yes you’ve provided us with some really entertaining and iconic quotable lines, but this entry here is so genuine and touching, and it’s exactly what I’ve been saying I wanted from you these past few weeks, so to see you do it - and not just do it, but do it so well - is really rewarding (and I hope it feels this way for you, too). This song is clearly very emotional and it feels very powerful to read it too, specifically I have to say when I read β€œwish I could give some time up, to the people that have little left” I was honestly floored because that part was so complex but so relatable, I really was so happy to read it (from a judging perspective) but so emotionally touched, also. I think the feeling of wasting your life is something that many of us can probably relate to… but the idea that you would want to give up some of your years to those who have less left, because of the thought that they might use them better…


Overall I’m really proud of you writing and submitting this entry, as the culmination of your run this season I am very impressed and I can’t envision a more perfect ending note for you… a really beautiful and well done job.Β 


@lex - Done


I appreciated this interpretation of the All prompt, writing a spiritual sequel to one of your previous entries and also referring to the others, it was a nice take on it! The song overall I enjoyed and thought the storytelling elements were strong; a lot of the time when I read a song that’s focused on storytelling there can be sections that I don’t think were necessarily needed and just repeat something which has already been established, but here your story was constantly moving which gives the song a good energy and is a great execution of the style you were embodying. I liked that although the song had more of a contemplative and serious tone, you also took a moment to break through that with the line β€œand the last thing that she ever wanted, was to have some fuckboy’s baby” which honestly made me laugh and was a great statement lyric at the end of the song. Overall I think this is another strong entry for you, which in general is not surprising as you’ve been serving them most of the season! It’s been great seeing your writing throughout the season and I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here as much as we’ve enjoyed reading your entries.


@8thPrince - I'm Practicing Happiness


The penultimate song of Golden Hit season 1 :(

I think this is a really interesting discussion of how creativity can be both isolating, and yet also a source of happiness, and you have some really interesting commentary on that dichotomy here. I think creating an entry fitting the All prompt would potentially be a struggle for you, but I believe you’ve definitely pulled it off here; and I can’t help but specifically love the section inspired by Cephalopods, so good! I also think in general the song fits in well stylistically with your other entries because they often seem to come from protagonists who are closed off or distanced from the world to some degree, which I think is an interesting common thread that I have enjoyed throughout your songs. I specifically need to point out and praise β€œPeople are foreign to me, but I’m a stranger to them, was saying I don’t belong self-conceit or defence” because that was killer. Overall, you’ve been incredibly consistent throughout the season and have delivered strong entries from the beginning, and now to the end with this song, demonstrating your great writing ability and creativity week after week in refreshing and never expected ways. This entry achieves exactly the same and is another example of your impressive nature; and, on a personal level, as much as I hope you have enjoyed the season I am mostly glad that unlike the last time you participated when I hosted, you actually submitted for the final this time! A win.


@JoeAg - Cherry Girl


The final song of Golden Hit season 1 :’(

To me this song was a really interesting look at youth culture, I don’t know if I approached it in the way you intended but it really got me thinking about just how free the youth of today is and how well this song demonstrated it, from the fact that it’s about going from dating one sex to the other. Particularly the line β€œBut is that what I really want? A girlfriend for once?” stood out to me in this regard and is one of my favourite lines of the round, I think it perfectly captured the idea of fluidity and helped make for a really interesting and fun read (and was pretty relatable too because I have experienced questioning like this before, and it was great to see it represented here because it’s something that is not really talked about much!). Overall I’m really glad you got to submit again in time for the final, I’ve really enjoyed your songs as a whole this season and I’ve found your writing and your themes really refreshing to read and this song was just the same, great job! Thank you for taking part and I hope you have enjoyed the experience too.

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thank you :kiss::kiss::kiss:Β glad I could finally serve what you wanted!

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4 minutes ago, Remmy said:



thank you :kiss::kiss::kiss:Β glad I could finally serve what you wanted!

The talent jumped out



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Thank you @fountainΒ for the review! Β This entire game was a great time and the All challenge was a fun way to look back on the other rounds. Glad my entry was decentΒ :gaycat:

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Welp I’m looking at about four hours of sleep now, so goodnight! :rip:


But if anybody has any questions or anything I will reply when I have the opportunity tomorrow! :heart:

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11 hours ago, Remmy said:

Remmy 'Golden Hits, Vol. 1' EP



1. Nonstop Hardcore

2. Scary Movie

3. Flowerbloom


4. Paper Airplane Crashes

5. Pulse

6. Don't Let a Man Tell You What to Do (with Sigrid)


7. Sex Song Megamix

8. Don't Let a Man Tell You What to Do (Explicit Club Mix)



Lyrics to Paper Airplane Crashes for anyone that's interested :lakitu:


Β  Reveal hidden contents

[verse 1]
Watching myself through an astral projection
Shaking my head at every selection, I make
I let out a laugh, while everyone has a frown
I'm never quite on the same page

Feeling like a burden, everytime I get a word in
Even with my own family
Somebody called to ask about the kids
You completely skip over my name
And when I yell at you for that
I don't know how you stand the sight of me

All I do is disappoint you
A crowd full of people that love me... the seats are empty
And even though the seats are empty
No, there's no room for you in here

[instrumental break]

[verse 2]
I'm not destined for a long life
Always tell myself I'll never hit fourty
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
There's an answer I can never see

I'm a professional at wasting time
Got over a decade full of proof
But once I run out of it
I'll probably be begging for more
Wish I could give some time up
To the people that have little left

Not sure if I can truly love anything
Every positive thought barely sticks around
Sometimes it feels like I'm not even alive
I guess I'm living just to survive

[instrumental break]

My engine's starting to fail
We're spinning out of control
No one responds when I call
Body separates from the soul
1,000 feet above the ocean
There's nothing I can do anymore...

[verse 3]
My paper airplane crashes, stuck in water for too long
And I tried to save the bodies, but the current was too strong
Now the trauma never leaves, I fear that it will be lifelong
So now I live out each day recalling things that I did wrong

Oh so wrong, Oh so wrong. I did every damn thing wrong.
Took too long, took too long. Now the hope in me is gone.
Hope is gone, hope is gone. How do I just carry on?
Carry on.
(the word "on" echoes for a bit & then fades out)




19 minutes ago, fountain said:

Omg this is exactly what I’ve been wanting from you and I’m so happy to see it :jonny:

Wait this slay…. The acclaim coming through for the finale. And these beautiful lyrics :chick3:Β 

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@fountainΒ I meant irrelevance as in my irrelevance in this competition ??‍♂️ But thank you for your feedback! It was actually quite fun writing that kind of song

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Thank you for the review @fountain! Glad to hear that the song had such strong emotional resonanceβ€”I usually only get that kind of response to my most emotionally heavy work lmao

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