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Al-Jazeera journalist shot dead by Israel


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3 hours ago, rihannafan said:

Acting like there aren't plenty of gay palestinians? What chance did Palestine even get to reflect on gay rights when they're being bombed every day?


The west (and Israel) bombs the ME to keep them in the developping world. Then justify bombing them by saying they are thirld world undeveloped countries with no democracy. It's a vicious cycle.



One has to laugh.


Lol what 

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11 minutes ago, Minogue said:

Lol what 

It's really not that difficult to understand that it is harder to enact social reform (such as gay rights) when countries are under severe economic hardships and are always under the threat of war? That's because social issues will never be a priority. 

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11 hours ago, Rodrighost said:

one day Palestine will be free and it will be wonderful :smitten:

Free from whom? Hamas and Fatah? They’re the ones stopping the Palestinians from having their own state.

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2 hours ago, ProudLBS said:

Free from whom? Hamas and Fatah? They’re the ones stopping the Palestinians from having their own state.

Free from the white supremacist colonizers and their racist army

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7 hours ago, rihannafan said:

Acting like there aren't plenty of gay palestinians? What chance did Palestine even get to reflect on gay rights when they're being bombed every day?


The west (and Israel) bombs the ME to keep them in the developing world. Then justify bombing them by saying they are thirld world undeveloped countries with no democracy. It's a vicious cycle.



One has to laugh.


Oh no but how dare you side with homophobic Palestinians who want you dead :shakeno:

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7 hours ago, rihannafan said:

Acting like there aren't plenty of gay palestinians? What chance did Palestine even get to reflect on gay rights when they're being bombed every day?


The west (and Israel) bombs the ME to keep them in the developing world. Then justify bombing them by saying they are thirld world undeveloped countries with no democracy. It's a vicious cycle.



One has to laugh.


Bruh. Many countries in the ME and Africa are not at war and it's not doing anything for their gay rights records.

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1 hour ago, Rodrighost said:

Free from the white supremacist colonizers and their racist army

You guys really know nothing about this conflict. :toofunny2:

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1 hour ago, Rodrighost said:

Free from the white supremacist colonizers and their racist army

the 2 largest sources of israelis are morocco and iraq :rip:


and just one question: where do you think jews are really from?

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1 hour ago, Gui Blackout said:


Yeah this sounds totally normal and fine :cm:

One has to wonder whether the thread title will be updated to reflect this development :cm: 

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33 minutes ago, ProudLBS said:

the 2 largest sources of israelis are morocco and iraq :rip:


and just one question: where do you think jews are really from?

I don't think these people are aware of just how many Israeli Jews didn't have a choice in leaving their country of origin. Or how many came here because they didn't want to be stuck in authoritarian shitholes like Russia.

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16 hours ago, Brunette Ambition said:

Some of you are so far gone sorry :rip: 


OT: sad what happened 

What's the point of this? Stop being a pansy and do a statement. Elaborate on how we all wrong. 


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1 hour ago, Gui Blackout said:


Yeah this sounds totally normal and fine :cm:

Why would Palestine accept a biased investigation from the extremely hyper-Zionist Biden Administration who doesn’t view Palestinians as deserving of human rights? Biden has every incentive to fudge the investigation to make Israel look innocent. He is not trustworthy at ALL :rip: 

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1 hour ago, Gui Blackout said:


Yeah this sounds totally normal and fine :cm:

"Why don't the Palestinians trust the white supremacist empire America that is funding their Zionist occupiers??? They must be hiding something! Of course the US is trustworthy!" 




How about, if Israel is so confident that they're innocent, let's let Iran do the 3rd party independent investigation. 

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1 hour ago, Nano said:

You guys really know nothing about this conflict. :toofunny2:

Y'all need to realize you can't have your cake and eat it too. 


You can't in one breath demand that Israel continue to line its pockets in humanitarian and military aid or else they'd be "wiped off the map" if they didn't have such support from Western superpowers..... while ignoring the historical trend that this funding only really ramped up and materialized over decades of campaigning and framing Israel as the home of those who escaped from and survived the Holocaust. Of framing Israel not as a Arab-filled land of Islamic barbarism but a European-aligned modern civilization. "A land with no people for the people with no land".


Are there non-European Jews? Of course. Is that who exists in the imagination of the vast majority of people when they think of Israel? No. Is that who Israel put forward as the face of the nation when pleading for support from others? Of course not. Israel exists in the imagination of the world as a white European nation even when substantial amounts of its population are not white or European, explicitly because the transition into a white, European-aligned power was how it saw to gain footing and power on the world stage, especially over the Muslims and Arabs that they wished to displace. 


"Many Israelies are not European!!!!"

And yet their government is the product of a European political movement aimed at the displacement of an indigenous group. :smiley:

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1 hour ago, ProudLBS said:

the 2 largest sources of israelis are morocco and iraq :rip:


and just one question: where do you think jews are really from?

Does that somehow erase that Israel is a white suprematist state? poor those who aren't white, they are condemned to be 2nd class citizens in white Israel :dancehall:


No one is talking about jews here, we are trashing the racist state of Israel, don't be naive. I know it must be the zionist urge to make this about antisemitism, but it's not going to happen.


OT: obvs an Israel/USA investigation wouldn't be to trust :rip: I'm glad Palestine is not handing them any evidence.

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14 minutes ago, Rodrighost said:

Does that somehow erase that Israel is a white suprematist state? poor those who aren't white, they are condemned to be 2nd class citizens in white Israel :dancehall:


No one is talking about jews here, we are trashing the racist state of Israel, don't be naive. I know it must be the zionist urge to make this about antisemitism, but it's not going to happen.

you clearly have no idea what levantine people look like and it shows. Which one the white colonizer from Europe?




you're the one calling one of the indigenous people of the land colonizers, all the way from freaking Costa Rica :rip: 


again, where are jews really from? where did they originate?

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On 5/11/2022 at 12:36 PM, KeshaSwift said:

Reported. This is not true - most of the chances this woman was accidentally targeted by Palestinian forces. The Palestinian authorities refused to make an investigation on the matter, and instead immediately declared IDF as responsible. A shame you don’t do your basic research before posting this.





yall better read this;



I'm sorry but SHAME on your for coming to defend such terrorist acts.
very shameful of you!


OT: Israel NEEDS to be held accountable for its crimes against humanity

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9 hours ago, ProudLBS said:

you're the one calling one of the indigenous people of the land

Arguing people who spent most of the last 1000 years in Europe as 'indigenous" to Palestine just because it was once called "Judea" over something like 3,000 years ago is quite literally no different than Putin claiming that Ukraine was actually historically Russia. Congrats, all fascist ethno-nationalists are truly one-in-the-same. :skull:

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16 minutes ago, Communion said:

Arguing people who spent most of the last 1000 years in Europe as 'indigenous" to Palestine just because it was once called "Judea" over something like 3,000 years ago is quite literally no different than Putin claiming that Ukraine was actually historically Russia. Congrats, all fascist ethno-nationalists are truly one-in-the-same. :skull:

for someone who's so "progressive" you seem to have a problem accepting you're part Middle Eastern.


You don't stop being indigenous to a place just because you live somewhere else.




12 hours ago, ProudLBS said:

the 2 largest sources of israelis are morocco and iraq


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35 minutes ago, ProudLBS said:

You don't stop being indigenous to a place just because you live somewhere else.

Again, this is the kind of one-dropism that Putin speaks of when suggesting anyone within 2,000 miles of the Russian borders are secretly ethnic Russians going back thousands of years or some ****. :skull:


These are social constructions and there's no magic blood quantum; only ethno-nationalists hope pseudosciences involving skull shapes can show that they are part of a some group from millennia ago to justify apartheid.


No serious person thinks people who lived literally multiple thousands of years ago and people within the last several hundreds of years are actually directly connected and one-in-the-same. Even if we ignore the creepy blood science of it all, it in a very ironically antisemitic way tries to flatten the differences between the types of antisemitism throughout history.


You're trying to erase the Israeli government's ascension to greater European whiteness and not caring that you're erasing the distinctiveness of the historical racialization experienced by Jews within Europe under the creation of scientific racism in the last several hundred years. Your theories ignore the time period featuring the literal creation of race as a 'thing'.:skull:


You can't just ignores thousands and thousands of years of mass migration and entire re-organizations of how (many nomadic) people are grouped and identified in society to try and make arbitrary connections to groups of people across thousands of years. Imagine if a Hungarian person sat here and said with all seriousness that they were indigenous to Mongolia and deserved to live there over the people who have lived there for hundreds and hundreds of years. :skull:



11 hours ago, Communion said:

Are there non-European Jews? Of course. Is that who exists in the imagination of the vast majority of people when they think of Israel? No. Is that who Israel put forward as the face of the nation when pleading for support from others? Of course not. Israel exists in the imagination of the world as a white European nation even when substantial amounts of its population are not white or European, explicitly because the transition into a white, European-aligned power was how it saw to gain footing and power on the world stage, especially over the Muslims and Arabs that they wished to displace. 

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7 minutes ago, Communion said:


Find a Samaritan, take a DNA test and you’ll see you’re closely related.

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1 minute ago, ProudLBS said:

Find a Samaritan

I hope you realize you're proving my point by pushing blood quantum and phrenology to justify the apartheid government of Israel shooting a journalist in the head for all to see because you think it excuses neo-colonial settler states, fyi! :skull:

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18 minutes ago, Communion said:

I hope you realize you're proving my point by pushing blood quantum and phrenology to justify the apartheid government of Israel shooting a journalist in the head for all to see because you think it excuses neo-colonial settler states, fyi! :skull:

No, I’m just saying you can prove you’re indigenous to the region if you want.

If Israel did shoot the journalist then the Palestinian authorities should have no problems in showing everyone the bullet that killed her. That should clear any doubts.


But I think they rushed to bury her for a reason.

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