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Are you close with your siblings?


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Yes, I’m close with my two sisters

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Yes, understanding & bonding through our similarly rough upbringing has healed the petty messy fights we've had when we were minors

Plus I rather ensure my sister's have unconditional support as they're growing into their own

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Yes I’m extremely close with all 4 of my siblings.


Im so lucky to have the family that I have, my parents made sure that we were born and grew up close together, and that has stayed throughout adulthood. 

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i'm the oldest with one sibling close in age and we were polar opposites so we fought a lot

wasn't until i got back from uni that we started hanging out more and now i consider her my best friend

she does have a man so i am aware the sibling dynamic can change when she moves out


my siblings and i went to different school growing up except high school

we had our own groups but two of my siblings had more friends in common

i don't ever see myself partying with them but i do like to travel with them


one of my siblings does have a personality i do not mesh with

he reminds me of the bullies i would avoid in school even tho he's not homophobic

we didn't talk for a couple years but i am actively trying to make amends

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I'm kind of close with my brother. I hate my sister since she's homophobic, I don't want contact with her.

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my sister and I used to be super close to eachother and would always hangout, but she met her current husband and became a totally different person and changed for the worse (conservative, obsessively religious, etc.), so I don't interact with her much anymore.


It's a shame cause she used to be my friend, but now she doesn't speak to me the same way and purposely acts distant/avoids me because of her husband.

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I'm very close with my brother, we hang out a lot and do stuff together. My sister and I were closer before she moved out with her husband, but we are still close we just don't see each other as much anymore but we do still text, etc.

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My brother is 15 years older than me and he lives far away with his own family and kids now. We are alright but aren't close since our big age gap. 

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Super close with my younger sister. Not as close with my older sister, basically only see her at family gatherings for holidays/events. 

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My older sister, somewhat

My older brother, not at all

My younger sister (we’re 11 months apart), we’re close but not extremely 

My youngest sister, yes we talk almost every day (I’m in college rn), she’s 11 & she’s a massive Doja,, Ariana & Olivia stan


Evidently I’m the middle child :rip: but I like it

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Yes I'm that person who goes on dates with my brother and sister lol. We literally tell each other everything and we have each other's back. Growing up we were always told that we would only have each other once our parents passed away, so that's how we were programmed.

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I'm pretty close with one of them, but not the other.

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Yeah, my younger brother and I are kinda close.

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8 hours ago, Saljju said:

Yes I'm that person who goes on dates with my brother and sister lol. We literally tell each other everything and we have each other's back. Growing up we were always told that we would only have each other once our parents passed away, so that's how we were programmed.

My Asian parents said this to my sister and I and engraved it into our brains. I tell my parents if that happens she can go with them 





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