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The Russian ambassador poured with red paint in Warsaw (PL)


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Warsaw (PL)

People protesting against Russia's invasion of Ukraine gathered in front of the cemetery at noon. - People in the crowd tried to physically attack the ambassador, several people stretched their hands in his direction, but were pushed away by the men around him. At one point, the ambassador was poured with red paint on his face.


The Russian ambassador to Poland was attacked while trying to lay a wreath at the cemetery of Soviet soldiers in Warsaw He was all covered in red paint.




Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVXlPEok-B/



Edited by lovedaddy
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Good. He's trash. Should have been pig's blood.

Edited by The7thStranger
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May these picture hunt him for the rest of his short and miserable life. 

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Personally, I would have chosen acid, but still great :clap3:

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just pretend it's menstrual blood and give it a lick. so good, so delicious! NOM NOM NOM

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Imagine the nerve of a Russian ambassador to visit a WWII memorial right now. 

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Yah, that is on him.  He should not have visited a military grave.  


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I want to do this with a russian monument in my city


there are literally russophiles protecting them :deadbanana2:

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46 minutes ago, Rev8 said:

I want to do this with a russian monument in my city


there are literally russophiles protecting them :deadbanana2:

Wasn't the cow Mitrafanova there today? :pig: 

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Russian Propaganda will plaster this as evidence of Russophobia of the West, I'm calling it.

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3 hours ago, Pendulum said:

Wasn't the cow Mitrafanova there today? :pig: 


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