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Will you “whoop” your child?


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29 minutes ago, Insanity said:

My parents whooped me as a child and I was never violent 

congrats on perfectly coping with your violent parents :clap3:

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Absolutely not and everyone here who says yes needs to go to therapy to work out their issues. 

Normal adults don’t hit each other when they do things that aren’t right, why would you put your hands on a child who’s brain is still developing and doesn’t have that concept of right vs wrong. There are so many other ways to teach/discipline a child

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Probably not, but I'll make sure they know they getting whooped if they misbehave. Trust you will be dealt with. Period!

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2 hours ago, Archetype said:

Are you asking us if we would ever hit and physically abuse a child?  Wtf? :rip:

hopefully based on some of the replies the OP are a police officer conducting a research

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Yes and I'll whoop your child if they're out of line too :foxaylove3:

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If your only way of educating and getting your point across to your child is physically harming them then you've already failed as a parent :rip:

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Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever be parent, but if I were all I have to say sometimes it's necessary. I've seen to many spoiled children when I was young who had no limits and let me tell you they always turn out to be the worst and most vile people when they grow up


Kids aren't stupid they know how to manipulate an adult that shows weakness and  when they can get away with anything and get what they want unless they are shown discipline. 


Of course it would be the last resort, but trust me some of them are relentless (I was one of them) and a nice slap in the ass does the work.

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I will discipline my children by never having them, that will show them :thing:

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50 minutes ago, Severus Snape said:

congrats on perfectly coping with your violent parents :clap3:

they were never violent about it and now that i think of it i think it was more of a threat of being wooped than actually being wooped 

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Also punishment for kids varies.  Depending on culture, region, generation, I was a kid in the 80s/90s and parenting was very different then than 2000s/2010s/ etc


Regardless, I never want kids

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Yes. I’m squaring up if that little ***** tries me 

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talk **** get hit.


nah but yes.


but not all the time but kids should feel physical pain for example if a child hits someone they need to be hit to feel that pain to know that hurts and not to do that...but as a standard punishment no... and never as the only punishment. always communicate and explain why such punishment is happening... with a child there should always be a learning/growing lesson involved with whatever consequence 

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Gross, no. There are better and more effective ways to teach a child. 

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I’m not having any but if I did I would hire someone to do it. Can’t stand children aged less than 8 anywhere near me. Especially if they’re not disciplined. 

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6 hours ago, AlanRickman1946 said:

Yes with a pitbull jk


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  • ATRL Moderator

No. If my child misbehaved, I would just tie them to a chair and force them to watch compilations of J.Lo singing live.

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No, they too dumb to understand why I'll be hitting them anyway.

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