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Cats are superior to dogs. Why?


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they are banned in my country fact I have to give up my cat made me cry.. I do love cats better but i can only own dogs! :(



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1 hour ago, Sempiternal said:

they are banned in my country fact I have to give up my cat made me cry.. I do love cats better but i can only own dogs! :(



i've never heard of this, where do you live :deadbanana4:

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8 hours ago, Pop Life said:

I will neither agree nor disagree with the OP, but interacting with cats is a lesson in consent, which tells you everything you need to know about the people who hate them. :mandown:

but now we said it!

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a pet is supposed to be a responsibility and its supposed to crave your attention so saying dogs take too much work or are too needy means you have no business owning a pet ?

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My moms cat was cool asf but all the cats I’ve had were little bastards but I loved them. 

certain dog breeds>>>>most cats>>>other dogs>>>other cats>>>>pitbulls/chihuahuas 


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8 hours ago, Pop Life said:

I will neither agree nor disagree with the OP, but interacting with cats is a lesson in consent, which tells you everything you need to know about the people who hate them. :mandown:

Yep, the number of people (usually guys) that I've met who dislike cats for this very reason. Usually makes me side eye them tbh. 

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1 hour ago, John Slayne said:

i've never heard of this, where do you live :deadbanana4:

they have to be locked up in cages 24/7 here and Australia. my cat used to love sitting out front watching the cars...then they put them this new law just this year.

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10 hours ago, Pop Life said:

I will neither agree nor disagree with the OP, but interacting with cats is a lesson in consent, which tells you everything you need to know about the people who hate them. :mandown:

True.:oh: They don't know how to approach them, they expect them to tolerate any behaviour and when they don't they get labeled as evil. Cats give you warnings and most people tend to ignore them because they're conditioned to treat any animal like a dog.

There's a direct link to sexism as well with cats getting associated with women which was pretty interesting to read. https://aninjusticemag.com/the-sexist-reason-so-many-people-hate-cats-835a85ecfacb


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2 hours ago, #Beautiful said:

a pet is supposed to be a responsibility and its supposed to crave your attention so saying dogs take too much work or are too needy means you have no business owning a pet ?

right? "they're independent" get a turtle then

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I think this might be subjective and depend on your personality. 

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I love and have both, but absolutely not. 

The only one-up cats have on dogs is their independence & ease of litter training. They’re both great companions for different reasons, but nothing in this world is a match for a doggos unconditional love. :heart:

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17 hours ago, Pop Life said:

I will neither agree nor disagree with the OP, but interacting with cats is a lesson in consent, which tells you everything you need to know about the people who hate them. :mandown:


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Lies. Generally dogs are much better companions than cats. If you believe otherwise, you are wrong.:coffee2:

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Cats are absolutely disgusting

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