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Cats are superior to dogs. Why?


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  • Shelter


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Well, it's subjective. Cats are much easier to take care of than dogs and are fiercely independent, so ultimately it depends on what you're looking for in an animal companion? I personally much prefer dogs, but that's just because I love them so much so all the walking/playing/petting doesn't inconvenience me whatsoever. However, I understand if you've got a really busy life with work/social stuff then cats are probably the better option because their well-being doesn't rely as heavily on interaction and they're able to entertain themselves. 


Both cats and dogs are equally adorable though. :heart:

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2 hours ago, Cutthroat said:

As somebody who had one of the best cats in the world before he had to be put down I'll say this:

- He never smelled, even after being outside in the rain. Dogs can't relate as they ******* stink!
- He was a lot more independent than a dog could ever be and didn't have to rely on me for exercise
- He was fine to be left at home by himself for hours whilst I worked and you didn't have to worry about him being upset / shitting everywhere like a dog would
- My cat didn't use a litter tray and would actually do his 'business' outside - what a saint! 
- Was friendly with strangers and loved being petted, but didn't jump up at them being a loud nuisance - dogs can't relate! 
- Generally a very quiet animal and only meowed when he wanted to go outside - barking dogs can't relate! 
- Didn't use the carpet as his personal ass scratcher - dogs can't relate! 
- Cleaned himself and kept a tidy appearance - dogs can't relate! 
- All around a lot cuter to look at than dogs, they just exude such elegance and class - dogs can't relate! 

So basically, cats >>> dogs in every way.

I had a cat called Muffin who was exactly like this & she was the best animal I've ever owned :jonny5:


RIP Muffin :chick3:

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I love both of them but I do prefer cats :jonny6:

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you wish ho

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2 hours ago, BlackStar_93 said:

Well, it's subjective. Cats are much easier to take care of than dogs and are fiercely independent, so ultimately it depends on what you're looking for in an animal companion? I personally much prefer dogs, but that's just because I love them so much so all the walking/playing/petting doesn't inconvenience me whatsoever. However, I understand if you've got a really busy life with work/social stuff then cats are probably the better option because their well-being doesn't rely as heavily on interaction and they're able to entertain themselves. 


Both cats and dogs are equally adorable though. :heart:

Do you think? Indoor cats are rotten. The smell of their trays. They destroy the furniture, they can jump up everywhere. The fur vomit ? goes on and on 





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My cat takes care of her personal hygiene flawlessly. For me this cleanliness factor sets them apart. She keeps a healthy sparkling fur, no smell whatsoever, she has regular and thorough cleaning sessions, she even puts her hair balls inside her litter. Iconic behavior if u ask me.

Dogs smell like **** the day after a $50 grooming appointment. Can’t relate.

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  • ATRL Moderator
1 hour ago, Shelter said:

Do you think? Indoor cats are rotten. The smell of their trays. They destroy the furniture, they can jump up everywhere. The fur vomit ? goes on and on 

Take better care of the cats and they won't do most of this :rip:


I have two cats in a one bedroom apartment and their litter never really smells.  Just change it frequently and there is no issue (I change mine every 3 days)

If you provide the cats their own furniture/stimulus, they won't mess with yours.  My cats have a cat tree and a few smaller scratching posts throughout the apartment and they leave my furniture alone.

Yes they can jump everywhere but like I said before, if you provide their own areas of stimulus then they'll use those instead of going places you don't want them to be.

If your cats are fed a proper diet, they won't vomit :rip:  It's been quite a few months since the last time mine have thrown up.  Brush their fur so they don't have an access, feed them both dry and wet food, keep a clean water source and they'll be good.



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I love both, but I prefer dogs tbh.

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My cat is calm, quiet, clean, intelligent, and independent. I can leave her alone for 4 nights, when I go away for the long weekend, and she's fine - won't touch anything she's not supposed to. She will be 15 years old in one month :heart2:

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Dogs sweeties IM SO SO SORRY that this atrl user would even compare you to that good-at- nothing animal. 

jesus even rabbits are better than cats

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11 hours ago, BadMonster said:

Dogs help rescue people after earthquakes, avalanches, etc., help the visually impaired, and are emotional support animals, so I wouldn't say in every way

The crickets at this tea :dies: 

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less needy, more quiet, bite less and even when they do they aren't big enough to kill you or permanently disfigure


they are also loving and affectionate, people who say cats are mean and selfish are just mad because they can't control them

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5 hours ago, khalyan said:

Take better care of the cats and they won't do most of this :rip:


I have two cats in a one bedroom apartment and their litter never really smells.  Just change it frequently and there is no issue (I change mine every 3 days)

If you provide the cats their own furniture/stimulus, they won't mess with yours.  My cats have a cat tree and a few smaller scratching posts throughout the apartment and they leave my furniture alone.

Yes they can jump everywhere but like I said before, if you provide their own areas of stimulus then they'll use those instead of going places you don't want them to be.

If your cats are fed a proper diet, they won't vomit :rip:  It's been quite a few months since the last time mine have thrown up.  Brush their fur so they don't have an access, feed them both dry and wet food, keep a clean water source and they'll be good.



They are not my cats and everything you just said is exactly what they have. Changing their litter is enough to put me off. The smell of piss, my god. 

Also about the jumping up thing. I don’t know how cat overs can cope with that. From their tray and then up on the kitchen. :rip: 

I’d take a dog any day. 



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cats are beautiful, independent and cleanly creatures that are not only the ideal house pet but their influence on fashion and pop culture is undeniable. just look at cat eyeliner, catsuits, cat ears, cat fur patterns.. TABS only! :gaycat5:

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both are angels, we should stop pitting these legends against each other

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Like. Imagine having your animals **** IN your house. And then leaving it there for hours. 


I’m going to throw up. 

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  • ATRL Moderator


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I will neither agree nor disagree with the OP, but interacting with cats is a lesson in consent, which tells you everything you need to know about the people who hate them. :mandown:

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cats simply are more global and have more longevity despite the dogs and their payola

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