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What's the maximum age difference you allow in a relationship?


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I'm 24. Probably wouldn't date younger than 22, but older is more flexible... probably like 33-34

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24 is the minimum and 52 the Maximum. If he’s rich there is no limit he could be 122; we’re getting married and his kids will be taken out of the will. I will be his beneficiary and his power of attorney. I will have my Anna Nicole Smith vibes the moment we catch eyes. 

Edited by princedonte
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I like dating older so I would go maybe 10 years older and maybe 2 years younger, but I’m flexible as long as the person has their life together.

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Well I’m 19 so I’d only date between 17-21. Anything else would gross me out. 

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I want to date a 60 year old. 70 as well if they are still fit and excercise regularly

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+/- 5 years is my personal limit, and I’d prefer +/- 3 years. I don’t care what other consenting adults do as it isn’t my place to make rules for them.

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2 hours ago, Tropez said:


How is it your business? How dose it affect you? 

Ot: as long as it’s above legal age, also if the chemistry and attraction is there then I’m good.



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I'm 30, so the youngest would be 25 and the oldest would be in their late 30s-40 yrs old. 

Edited by SayCart1991
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I’m 25, I mostly prefer 21 and up. I guess a 20 year old could slip in for now but that window is closing rapidly. 21 is preferred. & above, well, I don’t date very older guys, like honestly I’d probably go only as high as like 33? 


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All my exes are younger than me but none were more than 10 years younger and I only dated one who was older. 


Preference honestly don't care as long as their is chemistry and they are good people. 




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+/- 5 years.  I can play around with the exact numbers though.  I like people my age.

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5 years older/younger

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3 hours ago, Oxy said:

How is it your business? How dose it affect you? 

Ot: as long as it’s above legal age, also if the chemistry and attraction is there then I’m good.



What? That’s major predatory territory. Which is why I said if it were that users child. So you can move along. 

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3yrs. People are mad annoying, gotta limit the ratio. Had no problems so far.

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just turned 21, so i'd only date other people in their 20's

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This will probably change once I graduate college but 18-23 is my range. After college I probably won't be interested in anyone under 20 since I'll be in a different stage in my life but right now we're all in the same boat. I'd never be in a relationship with anyone under 20 though, but for hookups I don't care.

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I don't have a hard limit, but I'm much more inclined to date older than younger. 


My last relationship was with a guy 13 years older than I am, and honestly I don't think I'll do that again unless it's someone I really click with

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I'm 20 now and would say lowest 18 (but not still in high school) and oldest, 23? 

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and some of yall wonder why you can't get men :deadbanana4:

as long as they're not like ~15 years apart, it's fine imo

but if they're truly in love and +15 years apart, idgaf

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I have no maximum. Some of you are ridiculously judgmental.

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6 years  I always date younger then me. 

My last relationship was the biggest age gap. He was 23 when I was 27 I think. Or he was 22. I can't remember now 


But now current bf is 26 (27 In august) while I'm 30. Idc. Because my brain is mentally 5-6 years behind.



Like youngest I date now is 23. And oldest 34. Guys my age just looks so boring and average.  But then again denis is 30, Tom is 31 and mgk is 32. So there are hot 30 year olds out there. Just they be all taken now 

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