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is Natalia Pelusa a colonizer?

Karla Cabello

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i mean shes a white argentinian whos lived most of her life in spain :skull:

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isn’t she actually latina, tho? she’s just a culture appropriator i fear. thank god her music is amazing so i don’t really care

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Yea. She’s descended from the white colonizers. 

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She's latina so no, but she appropriates other cultures... idc thooo she's an amazing musician

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22 minutes ago, Karla Cabello said:


i mean shes a white argentinian whos lived most of her life in spain :skull:

A White Argentinian woman who grew up in Spain and has spent most of her life there?



Colour me shocked. 

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1 minute ago, period sis said:

Im confused can Argentines not make Salsa music or


no they cant 


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Y'all are so stupid



Edited by Kevin Parker
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9 minutes ago, Karla Cabello said:

no they cant 


seems like you're more upset she does it better than a certain Cubana 


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Harmonizer, camilizer, colonizer, I can't keep up :michael:

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This is where a lot of accusatory opinions breakdown completely with regard to Rosalía. Nathy is most likely 100% European ancestry - or at least very close to it (like most Argentinians).

Her ancestors are the literal colonisers of South America…. Yet she is never really accused of being a coloniser while Rosalía is daily on this site :rip:

People have such a limited understanding of how South America was colonised and how ancestry/class intersect today in different LatAm countries. They read one tweet that Rosalía is a coloniser because she was born outside Barcelona and makes Reggaeton-infused music and go with it… Yet Nathy (who is white woman) who grew mostly up in Spain apparently has Latina status so therefore allowed to make Reggaeton (which isn’t even from Argentina). 


Latina/o can fully = descendant from colonisers

it’s such a reductive debate by people who have no idea what they’re talking about :rip: Both make great music btw. 

Edited by Both Sides Now
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8 minutes ago, James_Dean said:

She makes good music, so idc


where is the good music

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Why would the daughter or grand daughter of Italian immigrants should be considered a colonizer? Most likely her ancestors arrived after the Republic was established. Would you consider an Italian American a colonizer? I am genuinely asking. For sure her using traditional Afro music genres should be a matter of debate.

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19 minutes ago, Both Sides Now said:

This is where a lot of accusatory opinions breakdown completely with regard to Rosalía. Nathy is most likely 100% European ancestry - or at least very close to it (like most Argentinians).

Her ancestors are the literal colonisers of South America…. Yet she is never really accused of being a coloniser while Rosalía is daily on this site :rip:

People have such a limited understanding of how South America was colonised and how ancestry/class intersect today in different LatAm countries. They read one tweet that Rosalía is a coloniser because she was born outside Barcelona and makes Reggaeton-infused music and go with it… Yet Nathy (who is white woman) who grew mostly up in Spain apparently has Latina status so therefore allowed to make Reggaeton (which isn’t even from Argentina). 


Latina/o can fully = descendant from colonisers

it’s such a reductive debate by people who have no idea what they’re talking about :rip: Both make great music btw. 


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Not Pelusa :dies:


Y'all are saying anything at this point. Her family went to Spain as inmigrators because of Argentina's crisis. They had to escape the country leaving everything they had behind, so using the 'lived most of her life in Spain' as a drag is kind of insensitive :pancake:


Also, trying to use the 'white Argentinian' as an equivalent of colinizer when actually most of Argentina's population is from European descent who arrived the country generations after it became independent.


So, short answer: no


Also, even the Rosalia's colonizer accusations are kind of a reach. Latin Americans and Spaniards have ex-changed cultural aspects for centuries but, whatever :cm:

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24 minutes ago, LaMaterialista said:

Why would the daughter or grand daughter of Italian immigrants should be considered a colonizer? Most likely her ancestors arrived after the Republic was established. Would you consider an Italian American a colonizer? I am genuinely asking. For sure her using traditional Afro music genres should be a matter of debate.

Well, yeah you’re right. But Italian-Americans who immigrated to America after its colonisation still enjoyed a lot more privilege than native Americans (and to this day). Are they strictly colonisers? No. But they still benefit from the colonisation of that land - like the Spanish/Italian immigrants of Argentina. 


Also, for Argentina, it’s not like the Republic was established by indigenous Argentinians… It was established by a bunch of Europeans who were unhappy with the Spanish monarchy. Nathy’s privilege is actually ironically pointed out in above post. Her family was able to move to Spain because they had Spanish ancestry (I think it’s if you have one Spanish grandparent, you can have residency). That kind of privilege isn’t afforded to non-European people of Argentina. That’s just one example. 

Also, I’m saying all this while also thinking that Nathy can experiment with different genres that have their roots in indigenous Americans and/or displaced enslaved Africans of Latin America. Ironically, I actually really think genre gatekeepers are mostly reductive :rip: Neither of them are colonisers in a literal sense but they do have white (or European) privilege which has undoubtedly helped their breakthrough in mainstream using LatAm genres that have non-European origin. From what I know about Rosalía anyway she always seems to credit the originators which is cool. 

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So by your logic Argentinians are not considered latino because they are white, Camila fans never fail to amaze me :deadbanana2:

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No wonder why Maria Becerra and Nicki Nicole outsold :omg:

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2 hours ago, Both Sides Now said:

This is where a lot of accusatory opinions breakdown completely with regard to Rosalía. Nathy is most likely 100% European ancestry - or at least very close to it (like most Argentinians).

Her ancestors are the literal colonisers of South America…. Yet she is never really accused of being a coloniser while Rosalía is daily on this site :rip:

People have such a limited understanding of how South America was colonised and how ancestry/class intersect today in different LatAm countries. They read one tweet that Rosalía is a coloniser because she was born outside Barcelona and makes Reggaeton-infused music and go with it… Yet Nathy (who is white woman) who grew mostly up in Spain apparently has Latina status so therefore allowed to make Reggaeton (which isn’t even from Argentina). 


Latina/o can fully = descendant from colonisers

it’s such a reductive debate by people who have no idea what they’re talking about :rip: Both make great music btw. 

I agree with your points except to this one to some extent, talking about outside this site who we both know aren't the brightest people. But there was one point where she was dragged ruthlessly on Twitter and Facebook for that COLORS performance which got worse when people discovered her La Sandunguera era :rip: A lot of the tweets would say "We need to to close the door that Rosalia opened!!11!!1!" or something along those lines. The hate definitely lessened when she started actually singing and stopped rapping and when her music went more to the Urban-Alternative direction. She hasn't even made a reggaeton song yet, but I agree no one will drag her to the same extent people drag Rosalia for breathing. 

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She loves Gloria Estefan so no 

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4 hours ago, period sis said:

I agree with your points except to this one to some extent, talking about outside this site who we both know aren't the brightest people. But there was one point where she was dragged ruthlessly on Twitter and Facebook for that COLORS performance which got worse when people discovered her La Sandunguera era :rip: A lot of the tweets would say "We need to to close the door that Rosalia opened!!11!!1!" or something along those lines. The hate definitely lessened when she started actually singing and stopped rapping and when her music went more to the Urban-Alternative direction. She hasn't even made a reggaeton song yet, but I agree no one will drag her to the same extent people drag Rosalia for breathing. 

Ok sorry, I don’t follow Nathy as closely as Rosalía so I haven’t seen this.

But yeah, I would bet that most of these tweets come from people who have no understanding of how Latin America as a whole was colonised. You can acknowledge their privileges while also not attacking them for exploring music that they obviously respect and do excellently.

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Yes! Lock her, Rosalia, Sen Senra, Lola Indigo and C. Tangana UP! 

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7 hours ago, Both Sides Now said:

But yeah, I would bet that most of these tweets come from people who have no understanding of how Latin America as a whole was colonised. You can acknowledge their privileges while also not attacking them for exploring music that they obviously respect and do excellently.

True but I bet most of those tweets came from people assuming she was born in Spain like Rosalia is :deadbanana: 

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