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Family being your biggest hater

Tremor Christ

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Anyone else feeling this?


I recently realised my parents don't love me. They love their son, but they don't love me, the person.


I had this feeling of disconnect since I was 7-8, but always felt guilty.


I tried my hardest to appease them, to no avail.


I used to be ashamed of myself, my personality, my interests, my quirks...


It's both sad and relieving when you confirm everything you felt all along were true.


It's crushing when you realise you dedicated your whole being to them and there's nothing left for you.

Edited by Tremor Christ
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I went through this all throughout my teenage years and into young adulthood. My family just operates on an entirely different wavelength from me (religious views, outlooks on life and the world, you name it) and I never identified with them in any of these major ways. I definitely felt that "you love me because you have to, but you don't actually like me" from them for about a decade, and my relationship with them was very ugly for awhile. I really feel for you. Your family does NOT get to determine your worth, but I know it's still very painful not to have validation from the very people who are supposed to be giving it to you and building you up. Surround yourself with friends who love you for who you are, and they will help you realize how much your family is missing out by not appreciating you and making you feel valued.

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No sorry I can't relate I'm super close with my mom and most of my family members

Edited by Insanity
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I have parents who will vote for BBM. If they love me, they won’t vote for that thief. I have heated conversations with them and at the end of the day, they can’t love me enough yo vote for my queen Leni. And now I have to disown them. I can’t be with someone who will support a person that I hated. And I feel disgusted with other pinklawans who don’t disown their BBM and DDS parents. Yuck.

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can relate to what you said from start to finish. been feeling this way my whole life.

hopefully we'll be able to find that healthy environment that we've always deserved..

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I think with family disagreement, there's  a way to keep some distance without fully disowning each other.

Just say, "i love you, but I'm living my life."

In general.






Edited by harwee
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Ever since my dad and grandparents passed my fam became strangers; except my mom and some cousins. They began showing they true colors when I wanted to do better for myself than the avg male in my fam. 

Sometimes I take partial blame cause I grew tired of the antics/bs as I got older. 

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1 hour ago, dussel_06 said:

I have parents who will vote for BBM. If they love me, they won’t vote for that thief. I have heated conversations with them and at the end of the day, they can’t love me enough yo vote for my queen Leni. And now I have to disown them. I can’t be with someone who will support a person that I hated. And I feel disgusted with other pinklawans who don’t disown their BBM and DDS parents. Yuck.

The situation you are in where you have to battle alone feels so TOUGH, it must be hard for you but I hope you don't get discouraged with fighting for what's right because you are doing an amazing job right now! :cries: Hopefully, you have some close trusted friends who you can confide to about this. :heart2: Cheering for you over here! :party: 


I just realized I am very VERY fortunate that me and my whole family support the same candidates (Leni & Kiko) after hearing your story! :weeps:




There are times I wished my parents supported me for something but luckily I have never reached a point where I felt that they had to reject because they despised me. The reason usually comes down to not having enough finances so that's understandable cuz I can also see they are doing their best to provide what I need! :heart:

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1 hour ago, Insanity said:

No sorry I can't relate I'm super close with my mom and most of my family members

It's giving



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5 minutes ago, Daddy said:

It's giving



i cant say i know how it feels when i havent had that experience

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13 minutes ago, Insanity said:

i cant say i know how it feels when i havent had that experience

That wasn't a dig sis, I was just reminded of the clip. I cackled, no hard feelings!

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can relate to the part where your family are haters, but can't relate to the part where you tried to appease them... i never even tried that, i've been stubborn and independent ever since i can remember 

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Can't relate. My parents were always supportive and we always had a deep bond. 


My father used to be a bit controlling at times but that's it. 

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Im very Hated! none of my on going family want to know me or even have me on fb :skull:  all the rest have passed on and only reason my mum deals with me is because im all shes got! but she sees me as a disappointment and wishes I wasnt born most day!


Only person I ever was close too was my dad and life took him away from me just before my 18th :dancehall:

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My family gives me tough love

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On 5/6/2022 at 10:23 AM, Insanity said:

No sorry I can't relate I'm super close with my mom and most of my family members

Nobody asked

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It’s sad tbh but know that there are plenty of people that had the same situation and got over it in life and now they’re happy. It will get better. I feel so lucky to have such supportive parents

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